The Entertainer/A Guard and a sleepy little girl: Difference between revisions

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Not too soon and the guard came over, shooting off on the bed, and on my legs. "That was amazing!" He let out, then reached out for the doll, and cleaned out my leg and the cum with it. He then placed it in front of me. "See? That's the seeds of your doing! You've fed the thing!" He got off from the bed and began to dress himself. "We're gonna move room, this isn't a proper sleeping place for a little girl." He said in the most normal voice. Finally geared and ready to go, he picked up my dress and panties. "C'mere! I'll dress you up!" He said with his childish voice again, I've dropped down and let him dress myself. "You did a good job, little girl! But do you know what i would like to see now...?" "Hmm...I'm not sure...?" "You with lots and LOTS Of dolls! You should have plenty in your rooms, right...?"
Not too soon and the guard came over, shooting off on the bed, and on my legs. "That was amazing!" He let out, then reached out for the doll, and cleaned out my leg and the cum with it. He then placed it in front of me. "See? That's the seeds of your doing! You've fed the thing!" He got off from the bed and began to dress himself. "We're gonna move room, this isn't a proper sleeping place for a little girl." He said in the most normal voice. Finally geared and ready to go, he picked up my dress and panties. "C'mere! I'll dress you up!" He said with his childish voice again, I've dropped down and let him dress myself. "You did a good job, little girl! But do you know what i would like to see now...?" "Hmm...I'm not sure...?" "You with lots and LOTS Of dolls! You should have plenty in your room, right...?"

Latest revision as of 07:35, 14 October 2019

"Where are you going, little girl?" A guard ask, putting on his best baby talk, coming in front of me and bowing down to me, hands on knees. "Um...I'm gonna go see Charle..." I've hid my mouth behind the doll, putting on my best puppy eyes. "Which one...? The grown up or the little kiddie...?" He tilted his head, still talking me like he would to an infant. "Um...My age..." "Okay! Let's find little kiddie Charle! I know exactly where he is..."

He picked me up, began to walk in the hallway but...Came to one room of the boy's instead. Opened the door, locked it. "Hm...This isn't Charle's room...?" "Awww...Little sleepy girl can tell the difference!" He said, his smile took a crooked turn as he began to walk us over the bed, and laid me on top of it, then stood back, watching me. I've let myself get on my side, still hugging my doll as he removed his gauntlets and set them aside on a nearby table. He placed himself in a bowing position just like before "What's your little friend's name?" "Um...Which one?" "The one in your hand, silly!" He let one of his hand reach the face of the doll, letting a finger rub the cheek of it. "Um...Gaston." "Oh? That's a man's name! I thought cute little Doll should have cute little names!" He said as he began to remove his armor.

"Um...Guard...What are you doing...?" "Awww widdle girl wants to know what I'm doing? Silly girl, I'm gonna sleep with you!" "I don't wanna..." "Your friend seems to be fine with it!" He removed almost everything except his pants, and sat in front of me in the bed. "Here! Pass me the dolly..." He reached out a hand to my Doll, and I gave it to him." He then hugged the doll and kiss it. "See? Your friend doesn't want to go away from me! ...Neither do you!" "I'm sleepy...And i have to go..." I got up. "Awww please, that won't take too long...!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, wrapping his hands around me. "Be a good girl and stay on the bed..." Still one arm wrapped around me, he pulled up my right ear closest to his mouth and whispered "...Unless you wanna get beaten up." "No..." He set himself on his side, placing me back in the position i was and sat back up in front of me.

"Let's try this again!" He said with the same baby talk as before while hugging Gaston. "Let's call your Dolly...What's your name, little girl?" "Alice..." "Alice! What a pretty name! Let's call your Dolly Alice!" he let the doll sit between his legs. "See? Alice likes to sit on me!" He began to pet the doll's head. "And look! She likes to be given headpats too! ...Don't you like little headpats too?" He said looking at me. "I...I don't know." I said, still trying my best to keep my sleepy voice on but boy this is getting weird. I know exactly how that will end up. "Awww don't worry, once I'm done with this dolly I'll do all the nice things I've done to her to you!" He let a finger slide to the doll's mouth, intently rubbing it. "And look! It's looks like your dolly is hungry! But fear not, I got a special something!"

He placed the doll between his legs, but still keeping his pants on, pressing the head on his crotch. "I'll feed her my special sauce! All men has it! Hmmm...Look at her enjoying herself! Wanting more!" "Ewww..." I've started to laugh, sitting up. "Are you sure the dolly wants that? You're forcing her to do that!" He released his hands off the doll. "Hm? But then why isn't she running away?" "Because she's a dolly, dummy!" I've exchanged placed with the doll, sitting between his leg, i could feel his package begging for attention. "I don't know what you want to do, but i have a feeling you want me instead of the dolly." He began to headpat me. "Little girl can tell, huh...?" "Well it's not nice if you tell me you're gonna beat me up for it..." I've turned back to him with big puppy eyes.

"Promise me not to hurt me...?" "Um...No worries just..." For once he used his normal voice. "Just...Just be a nice girl and i promise everything will be okay!" His voice quickly went back to the childish talk. "Okay! ...So what should we do?" I tilted my head to him, he kept petting my hair. "Um..." He looks back at the Dolly. "...You know, your dolly is naked, right?" "Yes, and?" "Don't you wanna know what it feels like to be naked?" "Silly, I have to get naked when cleaning myself!" "Yes but...On the bed it must be a fun experience, don't you think?" "Um, you want to see me naked?" "Yes, I bet you have a very pretty body!"

"Are you sure it's okay...?" I've ask, he began to lift my dress. "There's only one way to know, little girl!" After easily removing it, he tossed the dress away. "Huh? Why toss it that way?" "Oh um...Bad man behavior!" He said, now pressing his hands against my chest. "Does that feel good when someone does that...?" His hands were exploring my body, but not going for the sweet spots that are the tits. "Hmm, it feels weird." "You still have your little panties on! That's no good!" He then picked me up and placed me on my back, head on the pillow. He slid his hands downward, and pulled my panties easily. He then backed up on the bed in a sitting position just looking at my body. Just gazing.

"Okay...I'll instruct you to do some things now...Are you ready?" He finally said after a moment. "Um...Depends on what you want me to do..." "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll like it! First, I'd like you to...Nibble on your little fingers!" "Um...This way?" With my left hand, I've began faking nibbling on them." With one hand reaching inside his pants, he nodded in approval. "Yeah, just like that..." There he goes again, just looking at my body and enjoying himself. I've had my legs mildly spread while doing so, letting my right hand rest. All i could really do is look back at him doing the movement he just told me to do." "Do you like sucking on your fingers...?" "Um...You mean nibbling?" "Yeah but...Would you like to suck on your finger?" "I'm not sure how..." He facepalmed himself, then look back to me with a look that just says...Really? "Here, pass me your fingers!" He reached out a hand, I've let my right hand rest on his.

He took it by the wrist, then leaned over to start licking the fingers. He shoved my index into his mouth, letting his tongue slide on it. He then motion his head on my little finger, looking straight at me. I've let him do as he please while watching him. “...See? That felt good, right?” He gave one last lick on the head of my finger. “It feels okay? I'm not sure why you like that...” He rubbed my head. “But that's because it's the wrong place to do that! You're mean to do it elsewhere on your body!” “Huh?” I look at myself, I know what he was talking about but I had to play along. “Um...Where?” I look back at him with a confused look.

“...Silly, girls don't have the part! Boys do! Wanna see my boy part?” “I...Guess so?” He removed his pants as soon as I said that, revealing his stiff dick. It was average size. He then point up at his dick. “See? That's where you should suck!” “I...Wanna sit on it!” “Hm?” “I don't know why but I wanna sit on it, not suck it!” “C'mere...” I've crawled to him, and allowed myself to sit on the dick, my slit pressing a bit on the hardened member. He wrapped his arms around my chest, and licked the side of my face. “Eww...” “You're well placed...But you know you can't just sit on it that way, right?” He whispered softly, trying to stick to the baby talk, but his voice is cracking.

“Um? What should I do?” “Try to move your bottom, rubbing your...little pee hole over it. Don't pee on it, okay? It makes a mess!” I've started to rub his dick as said, letting my slit going backward and forward, purposely letting my clit get some fun of the action. “Like this?” “Yeah...Just like this...” With one hand he reached down, rubbed my slit, and parted it as best he could. We stayed in that position for a good moment.

“...Okay...I'll ask you something else now...” He points at the doll. “Go on, go pick your dolly...” I've got away from him, and taken the doll, putting myself in a sitting position and hugged it. “That's good...” He kept rubbing his dick. “Do the things you want to be done to the dolly now...” I've taken a good look at the doll. Should I do the things I really want to be done or just the things I want to be done but as Innocent as they are...? Hmm...

Rubbing the head of the dolly, I gave it a kiss on the cheek, letting my hand slide down between it's legs, rubbing the the gender-less body part. I slid my tongue behind the nearest ear, licking and kissing it while pressing my head against it. I've let my free hand just explore the side of the doll. “Yeah, that's good...” I've then set myself on the side of the neck of the doll, kissing it. With my free hand I allowed it to go on what should be tit part of the doll and began to rub the area with my whole hand not to give too much of my experience.

I've let the doll get on it's back, and I got on top of it. “Yeah...Yeah that's good” I've got my face over the chest area, just kissing it and licking some parts at random, while going down on the chest. I've then let myself slide my tongue toward where would be my slit on that thing. “Wait...” “Hmm?” "No...No...Continue..." He kept rubbing his dick as i went back to giving the doll a senseless blowjob. "Move your ass doing so..." "My ass?" "I mean your butt..." I've began to move my ass around, moving a bit my head as if doing something to the doll, rubbing it's legs. "Hmm...Yeah...Keep doing it...Make noises..." I started doing noises while giving off the weirdest fellatio of all time to this thing.

Not too soon and the guard came over, shooting off on the bed, and on my legs. "That was amazing!" He let out, then reached out for the doll, and cleaned out my leg and the cum with it. He then placed it in front of me. "See? That's the seeds of your doing! You've fed the thing!" He got off from the bed and began to dress himself. "We're gonna move room, this isn't a proper sleeping place for a little girl." He said in the most normal voice. Finally geared and ready to go, he picked up my dress and panties. "C'mere! I'll dress you up!" He said with his childish voice again, I've dropped down and let him dress myself. "You did a good job, little girl! But do you know what i would like to see now...?" "Hmm...I'm not sure...?" "You with lots and LOTS Of dolls! You should have plenty in your room, right...?"

"Ummm...Yes?" He smiled at me and picked me up. "Then let's go meet ALL your friends!" He said as he went toward the door.