The Entertainer/Calling up trouble.: Difference between revisions

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We got back to the wagon, and sat up. "Well, I better drive since the King won't be able to." Torrick said while getting in the front. "Feeling better, Jumpy?" "Jumpy?" The prince ask. "Yeah, I call my body guard that way!" "I'm feeling okay, if not a bit woozy. I'll be fine, just need to see the doctor as soon as i come back." He then look back. "You kids did great, I've seen men freeze up and die instead of retaliating. You two? You've put them to shame. Keep it up." "There really wasn't any other way to handle it, Torrick." I've said. "Yeah! It was either him or us! Who'd let themselves die that way anyway? Not us!" With that, the King entered the wagon with a backpack. "Oh, perfect! Take us home, Torrick!" "Yes sir!" With that he started up the Wagon, letting the horses pull us toward home.
We got back to the wagon, and sat up. "Well, I better drive since the King won't be able to." Torrick said while getting in the front. "Feeling better, Jumpy?" "Jumpy?" The prince ask. "Yeah, I call my body guard that way!" "I'm feeling okay, if not a bit woozy. I'll be fine, just need to see the doctor as soon as i come back." He then look back. "You kids did great, I've seen men freeze up and die instead of retaliating. You two? You've put them to shame. Keep it up." "There really wasn't any other way to handle it, Torrick." I've said. "Yeah! It was either him or us! Who'd let themselves die that way anyway? Not us!" With that, the King entered the wagon with a backpack. "Oh, perfect! Take us home, Torrick!" "Yes sir!" With that he started up the Wagon, letting the horses pull us toward home.
The King sat between me and the little prince, letting the backpack in-between his legs. He took a flask and gave it to me. "Here you go!" He took another flask that had some scrapes and gave it to his son. He then took a bottle of wine and opened it up. "Cheers!" I've knocked it up with my flask. "Cheers!" I've said. junior took a moment before doing so as well. "You two really did do a good job!" He said as he drink up. I've taken a sip, and it was alcohol. I've drank it down as a sign of respect but..God damn it felt like going back up! I had to restrain myself for a moment, and let it pass. Looking back at junior, he didn't react to the drink, and instead gulped it down. I guess that must have been water or something a kid can drink. "Today is a good day!" The King then said.

Latest revision as of 10:37, 19 October 2019

"Hm? You know how to call animals, princess?" Torrick ask. "Of course! It's one of the best method if you want to lull them to you." "Show me!" "Give me a moment." I cleared my throat. Torrick picked me up while i was doing so and set me on his shoulder. "I doubt they'll hear you if you're on the ground like that! Here, do the noises on me."

I've made up some calls, mostly noises from stationary birds and easy preys. Charle began to laugh. "Is that really noises animal make? That's weird!" "You've never ventured much outside the Castle, didn't you?" Torrick ask as he pat his head. "Not really, apart from going to parties in others Castles and mansions, I don't!" "They're weird, but I can say we should have something come by soon! Just grab your weapons and we'll wait by the fire pit." Jumpy got me off the ground and got his shotgun in his hand, the Prince took his as well.

"Alice, did your Dad and you hunt often?" "Not really, I've learned those from a guard that told me about his adventures in the forest!" "Who was your Dad again?" "Um..." Shit, i can't remember. "She's from Alezon!" Jumpy had a frown. "Hm, I'd count a joke but...I've heard some stories of that place." "What sorts of stories?" "Ah, it's nothing! Nothing to worries about." He pat my head. "If anything, Alice has it good here, maybe you should talk your Dad in letting her stay with you." "That's what I'm trying to do!" "I'm sure he'll accept! ...But I don't know what Dad will say." I've said. "Ah, don't worry princess. I have a MAJOR feeling that you'll stay!" He laughed.

"Hm? What do you mean, Torrick?" The prince ask. "Just a gut feeling, I'm never wrong on them." At the very same moment we heard a branch crack. The three of us look back at the noise, as Torrick set himself in a knee stance position, ready to shoot. We stood silently for a moment, i could hear a very faint growl. Something threw a rock toward us. "What the hell? DAD! STOP JOKING ABOUT!" The Prince screamed. I've readied myself going in front of the Prince. "Take your gun and aim next to Torrick." I've told him, he got up from his seat and did so. "WHOEVER IS HIDING, SHOW YOURSELF!" The little Prince screamed. Another rock hit Torrick, who then quickly positioned his shotgun toward where it came, but the person already hid itself. Wait, throwing rocks? Where did i..?

A large brown werewolf rushed at us, Torrick and the Prince both shot at it, hitting different points on his body. It held its stomach with one hand, but managed to continue rushing. "KIDS! RUN!" Torrick Yelled as he let his shotgun hit the ground and slashed away at the Beast with his sword, only to get clawed on the side. I've rushed between the legs of the beast and knifed the back of his legs. He yelped in pain and fell down. The Prince shot face front at the beast, some blood hitting up his clothes. He then quickly reloaded it to point his gun at the now defunct beast. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" He said while shaking. "A werewolf." "A WHAT?" He looks back to me, then back at it. "God damn, my arm!" Torrick screamed, his left arm mauled and bleeding. I got behind the werewolf and back stabbed it it just in case.

"Is it dead?" "Yeah." "I can't hear you well!" The Prince said as he's shaking his head. I've motion to him to keep watch, he nodded. "Kids, i need one of you here." I've come to his side. "Okay, Alice. I need you to look in my backpack. You should find a medical kit in there. Take it out, and take out the silver bottle too. I've quickly checked inside, there is a tarp, ropes...And the two things he was talking about. I've taken them out. "Can you move your arm?" "I can't hear you well. Remove my armor." I've done so, not too soon and he was in his shirt, exposing his wounds fully to the air as it was bleeding. It was kind of deep. "Okay, pour the bottle on the wounds." I've executed his command, smelling the bottle, it was alcohol. He pressed his hand against his mouth trying to muffle his screams. "Okay, you'll have to sew the wounds together. I know you can do it." "Really? Sew?" "You don't have much choice, do it." I've let out a groan, and look inside the kit. Little scissor, sewing kit? And bandages. I took the kit and began to work with it on his arm.

I've heard a shudder behind me, the Prince just took a peek at us. It was pretty disgusting but I've seen worse. Some blood leaked up on my hand. At this point Jumpy was just biting his other hand to try and pass the pain. Not too long and the wound was sealed as best i could. "Try not to move much." I said, but he got up, placed back his armor and took out the tarp and rope. "Don't worry, kid. I'm more durable than this." He went next to the werewolf and began to wrap it with the tarp. "Okay, I'm starting to hear better. What the hell is that thing?" "A werewolf." I said once again. This time I've let a blood curling howl, letting whoever was nearby to stand back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The Prince screamed while Torrick froze up. "It's a call to tell them to fuck off, don't worry." "I hope you won't do that again." Jumpy said as continued to pack up the beast in the tarp, using the rope to seal him up.

For a moment the Prince looks down...Then jumped in the air, shotgun still at hand. "I WON! I WON! I WON! WE GOT THE BEST THING WE COULD GET HERE!" He laughed it out as he stretched his arms in the air. "Woah there, big guy! We still have to worry about getting home. Are you sure everything will be fine, Alice...?" "We should be, hopefully. If that was a lone werewolf, that should be fine." "Well I don't want to find out." He got up as he finished wrapping the catch up. The werewolf was wrapped up completely, sealed tight with the rope, but still bleeding through the tarp. Jumpy made it in a way to be able to pull him around at ease. "Kids, stay close to me. We'll make it back alive." He said as he was pulling the beast.

The Prince followed up with his shotgun prepared, eying the area as we walked back. Something was definitely following us, but it wasn't making move to us. "Charle, do you hear that noise?" "Where?" I've pointed out to him. "Shoot toward there, something's following us." He groaned, flopping his ears tightly on his head, and shot up. He shook up his head and reloaded his shotgun. "Alright, we should be good." "What? I think I'm starting to understand why Dad wanted us to wear earmuffs. These things are LOUD! TOO LOUD!" I could see Jumpy shaking his head in the front, but he was trying to go as fast as he could.

We crossed up the stream of water, then made way toward the carts. Not too soon and...Singing. The King and the other men were drinking and singing it up. "Son! You'll never believe the catch we got! Go look at the back of the third wagon!" "You'll never believe mine either! Come take a look!" Jumpy had a sight of relief, letting the wrapped up corpse on the ground and stepping aside. Raffau laughed it out. "That thing? Dear boy, that's a deer!" He came to unwrap it up, the King came along and pat the head of his boy. "Good catch son, can't wait to see what it is...You made me proud!" "Watch it closely, Dad!" Raffau backed up. "What the hell...?" "Wow! That's a wolf man!" Senior hugged up his son. "You won!" "WHAT? No way! Ours is a better catch!" Raffau whined.

"Son, Alice, go take a look at the corpse wagon...You'll understand. You too, Torrick!" We made way toward the wagon and...It was a live unicorn, all tied up. "BUT DAD! YOUR CATCH IS ALIVE! I WON!" Junior ran up back to him. The King just pat his son on the head. "We all won today! Everyone is getting a reward!" "Good! I wouldn't want my reward wasted by that twerp! How the hell did you made it out alive from this thing anyway?" Raffau ask. "Believe it or not, but these two kids managed to pull through and shoot the beast." "I SHOT IT RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES! POW POW!" The Prince yelled, motioning as if he had his shotgun at hands. "And i sliced up the back of his legs with my knife! Thanks for the weapon, my King!" I've said proudly. "This calls for a celebration! Tonight, we have a feast!" The King said happily.

"YAY!" Screamed junior. "Let's pack it up and head back home before it's get too late! Torrick, Alice, son, you three can go to the wagon we got by. Men, take your position in the other wagons as said! I'll be back in a moment...Juuuust gotta get more of that stuff!" He pointed toward his bottle of wine while making way to the second wagon. "Raffau! Bring my son's corpse to me!" "What?" Said junior. "Don't worry, he's drunk." Torrick gave a head pat to little Charle. Without any trouble, Raffau got the corpse on his shoulders and made way to the King, but nodded at us before leaving. "Little Prince, I thought you would have died today. I guess you got some fight in yourself. Keep it that way and maybe I'll get you a reward!" He said while leaving. "What sort of reward?" He ask, but no response. "Don't worry, I doubt it's anything good, just a tease." I said.

We got back to the wagon, and sat up. "Well, I better drive since the King won't be able to." Torrick said while getting in the front. "Feeling better, Jumpy?" "Jumpy?" The prince ask. "Yeah, I call my body guard that way!" "I'm feeling okay, if not a bit woozy. I'll be fine, just need to see the doctor as soon as i come back." He then look back. "You kids did great, I've seen men freeze up and die instead of retaliating. You two? You've put them to shame. Keep it up." "There really wasn't any other way to handle it, Torrick." I've said. "Yeah! It was either him or us! Who'd let themselves die that way anyway? Not us!" With that, the King entered the wagon with a backpack. "Oh, perfect! Take us home, Torrick!" "Yes sir!" With that he started up the Wagon, letting the horses pull us toward home.

The King sat between me and the little prince, letting the backpack in-between his legs. He took a flask and gave it to me. "Here you go!" He took another flask that had some scrapes and gave it to his son. He then took a bottle of wine and opened it up. "Cheers!" I've knocked it up with my flask. "Cheers!" I've said. junior took a moment before doing so as well. "You two really did do a good job!" He said as he drink up. I've taken a sip, and it was alcohol. I've drank it down as a sign of respect but..God damn it felt like going back up! I had to restrain myself for a moment, and let it pass. Looking back at junior, he didn't react to the drink, and instead gulped it down. I guess that must have been water or something a kid can drink. "Today is a good day!" The King then said.