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I went and looked at the rules and no where did I see anything that forbid telling the girls they might or were going to get pregnant, I saw the opposite, in the sevire infraction punishment list was impregnation without loss of virginity, where the disipliner was required to offer a girl who was looking at a loss of virginity punishment an impregnation punishment. The impregnation would be done in a manner that kept her hymen intact. This was to be the girls choice. It would be impossible to offer this if you are forbidden to tell the girl she is risking pregnancy. So I'm a bit confused as to where it says that Mr. Gardner was not to bring up pregnancy? [[User:Telgar|Telgar]] ([[User talk: Telgar|talk]]) 14:04, 29 February 2020 (PST)
I went and looked at the rules and no where did I see anything that forbid telling the girls they might or were going to get pregnant, I saw the opposite, in the sevire infraction punishment list was impregnation without loss of virginity, where the disipliner was required to offer a girl who was looking at a loss of virginity punishment an impregnation punishment. The impregnation would be done in a manner that kept her hymen intact. This was to be the girls choice. It would be impossible to offer this if you are forbidden to tell the girl she is risking pregnancy. So I'm a bit confused as to where it says that Mr. Gardner was not to bring up pregnancy? [[User:Telgar|Telgar]] ([[User talk: Telgar|talk]]) 14:04, 29 February 2020 (PST)
Oh, yes, sorry for the confusion (although it seems to have been more me that was confused and just causing trouble.) The problem where I got tripped up was on the part at the end where the punishments need to be written up in a way that does not reveal too much to other children who may get ahold of the note and read it. So, you are correct on your read and I was incorrect. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 23:45, 29 February 2020 (CET)

Revision as of 22:45, 29 February 2020

I leave the boys punishment to someone else, hoever in my mind currently, the harshest punishment would be to require both boys to report to Me. Goodman every time any of the girls receive a punishment. While they are in his care, he is allowed to do anything he wishes to them even if it breaks them mentally or physically, he just can't do anything that would result in permanent physical injury or death. Telgar (talk) 01:05, 27 February 2020 (PST)

I was actually thinking something incredibly similar, the difference being that it's something that's worked together with the girls. Basically, Mr. Gardner works out the paramiters of the girl's punishment, and then sets an addition to it where every single time one of the girls comes in to receive a vaginal ejaculation, both of the boys go to Mr. Goodman. And, the girls get to decide for themselves how many times they receive that punishment, and the decision does not need to be up front. In other words, they can decide on their own to come to you and have sex in order to make the boys have to endure another round of punishment for themselves. (There ought to be a minimum number of times that the girls are required to take a punishment, but no maximum. If they find that the punishment is enjoyable for themselves, they might just all start liking it over the course of their minimum number and all start seeking more.) Jemini (talk) 13:31, 28 February 2020 (CET)

Another thought I had for the girls goes along the lines of damaging property. Since the two boys damaged Mr. Gardner's property, Mary, and because of that damage they will be unavailable to carry out her wifely duties, sex, the boys will have to. However Mr. Gardner doesn't want the boys, and the girls are only in trouble in reaction do to the boys original actions, so the responsibility of replacing Mr. Gardner's property will be displaced to the girls. The girls will be legally considered his wives and property for the duration of their punishment, but only in regards to wifely duties. The duration of their punishment will be minimum until pregnancy with the maximum to be determined by Mr. Gardner and each girl. Any child produced by such union will be legally Mr. Gardner's and one of his wives. Once the punishment is completed the girls will return to an unmarried status and no wifely duties carried out by them will be counted against their purity.

this has precident from biblical story of Abraham, where his wife was baren so another woman was used to carry out her wifely duties and no sin was attributed to the surrogate. I was talking thinking of having Mr. Gardner call the Deacon, as the wounded party, explain what happened and get his Blessing. In this way the girls get their "punishment" but keep their purity as a reward for coming to the aid of Mary. Telgar (talk) 06:00, 28 February 2020 (PST)

This was a tad extreme for my tastes... But for the punishments, allowing my rage to do the thinking,...

  • Where was Mrs. Carmichael when the events unfolded? Call her down and have her bring Catrina. (It's dumb, but I'd originally thought of "roughly" fucking Catrina in front of Jason)
  • Just give the boys to Mr. Goodman
  • If Mary was pregnant, she could've miscarried. That's involuntary manslaughter, call María to get rid of Freddie.
  • You're aware of the situation of the LeFort household, either give Freddie to the brothel (to learn respect), or make him Willena's slave.

--MrPib (talk) 16:01, 28 February 2020 (CET)

I thought of the possibility of Mary being pregnant, however it's only been a week since the wedding and this town doesn't have the medical knowledge to determine pregnancy that early, thus girls have to start to show before they can be considered pregnant. Telgar (talk) 07:29, 28 February 2020 (PST)

Of course the girls and the boys will all get extreme punishments, meaning the girls will be impregnated. I like the idea of finding a way to preserve their "purity" but John's gonna have enough kids, so making them his might be problematic. Too bad there's not a way to make them the boys' responsibility without forcing the girls to marry them. Not sure about the "precedent" of Abraham and Sarah, since they were punished for their lack of faith in using the servant. Her son is considered the founding father of most of the Islamic countries, and the ones the Hebrews slaughtered to claim the Promised Land after escaping Egypt (giving rise to the continual warfare that carries on to this day, and their general hatred of Jews). Meh! Works for me, their being counted as his "wives" for the duration of the punishment, might be best. I also like the tie in where the girls have some say. Perhaps they're required to report to John until they are pregnant, and are his "wives" until Mary recovers physically, but whenever they "show remorse" for their actions toward the boys, they can request extra punishments. Even after they are confirmed pregnant and the official punishment ends, they can choose to report to him for another session for the remainder of the school year. When they do, the boys have to report to Coach Goodman for "drill instruction". We're not asking questions about what he's doing with them to "whip them into shape", as long as there's no permanent injury.

As for the boys and their disrespect toward women, I think an object lesson is in order. For the remainder of the year, they have to wear the sexy version of the female uniform (complete with makeup), no underwear allowed, and referred to/treated as female. If they are seen performing oral sex, or being engaged in other sexual situations with a male (whether for punishment or not) they will be considered female (so Coach can go to town and it will be seen as punishing girls, regardless of who knows about it). Of course, if they do something outside of punishment, that means another offense, and the only thing left is sexual servitude. They become the Coach's "wives". There's the object lesson for the rest of the school boys. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 19:56, 28 February 2020 (CET)

OHHH! If the boys are "turned into girls" for the duration of the punishment, then the children fathered on the cheerleaders can be theirs after all! The girls are John's "wives" so their purity stays intact, and the children are treated as having been birthed by the two "girls" being punished by the Coach! Mary doesn't count because 1) She's actually married to John, and 2) hers is a lesser punishment because she didn't actively fight (I still say show off her little body with the sexy no undies uniform until the girls' punishments are over). --Notsooldpervert (talk) 20:01, 28 February 2020 (CET)

For the girls, I'd suggest bringing in Mr. Williamson, Ms. LeFort, Ms. Curtis, and Mr. Eckles, the coach, Mrs. Varano and Dr. Hartnell.

Have them all watch the video and tell them that in your rage, you don't think that the girls deserve a forced pregnancy, and in some cases you'd end up getting them pregnant again (Alycia, Dawn and Suzanne). And then there's Perl who fled the crime scene, she's just as guilty for fleeing and not getting a member of faculty. Mrs. Carmichael might also face a punishment because she ignored the reports from Mary that the boys were hurting Diya.

Remember, all punishment decisions are up to Mr. Gardener

Have Mr. Gardener put it to a vote,

Show of hands, should I?
You are not entitled to vote.
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There were 5 votes since the poll was created on 02:36, 29 February 2020.
poll-id E11BA72C2ACC3C40D0601EC5980FCB2C

I thought Perl left to get help and that's where Mrs. Carmichael came from. I need to read it again. I do like the idea of getting the other teachers involved due to your lack of objectivity, but possibly to just confirm that the punishment you come up with is within the guidelines and fair. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 04:09, 29 February 2020 (CET)

Neither Perl, or Mrs. Carmichael are present in the office and none of the girls have mentioned Perl yet either.

That's the reason he left the boy's fate up to Mrs. Varano, he doesn't want it to seem like a personal vendetta. The same could be seen with him just giving the girls a light punishment. Allowing a vote (by the authority figure, ie the parent of most parties involved) would avoid the issue.

Adding Perl and Mrs. Carmichael into the mix is so that the parties involved are more likely to choose the lesser.

An example he could give, is "I'm going to get them all pregnant, and they're all going to be completely naked" --MrPib (talk) 04:27, 29 February 2020 (CET)

Pearl left to get help, but help had arrived in the form of Mr. Goodman before she could find a teacher, I plan on revealing this in the girls section.

We can't include Pearl in any punishment as Tod already has plans for her, and has requested she be left out if this scenario. While Mr. Gradner is talking to the girls, Pearl and Mrs. Carmichael show up so that Pearl can give her side. Mrs. Carmichael also backs Pearls story of leaving to get help when she realized the boys and cheerleaders were still fighting. Telgar (talk) 20:21 28 February 2020 (PST)

Alright, simple fix to my idea,

  • If they vote to punish Perl too, she shows up with Mrs Carmichael. They get out of it.
  • If they vote to lighten the punishment, Perl and Mrs Carmichael still show up.

In the vote section, Perl would never actually be punished, both she and Mrs Carmichael are added to it in order to entice the other faculty to choose the lesser punishment.

If the reader still chooses the extreme punishment, we throw a "fuck you, I do what I want" by having Perl show up and Mr. Gardener "decides" not to punish her. --MrPib (talk) 05:37, 29 February 2020 (CET)

I don't like the whole teachers voting and lesser punishment. The point of the original page was to get Mr. Gardner to impregnate a group of cheerleaders all at once. I will be changing which cheerleaders were involved to remove the ones who have already received sexual punishment and replacing them with ones who have not. When I originally wrote this, none of the cheerleaders had received any sexual punishment and all of them were main squad.

the reason I don't like the vote idea is it sets up a precident that can take punishment power from Mr. Gardner. He needs to maintain his sole discretionary power over punishments. He can still talk with others and hear suggestions, but in the end it is his decision. Asking for a vote leaves to big of an opportunity for other faculty to try and override him with a future vote.

He can still use the video to stop anyone who tries to argue against the punishment, but the decision in the end is still his. Telgar (talk) 20:50, 28 February 2020 (PST)

I kinda agree with that. It does raise the question of whether we should change this page so that Gardner is punishing the boys and not Varano. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 05:59, 29 February 2020 (CET)

Mr. Gardner recused himself for good reason, Ms Varano was the person in charge of Disciplinary Actions prior to Mr. Gardner, so no negative precident is set, especially since he still has veto over her suggestions, as he still has to sign and send the report. They are also partners in crime now, working towards the same goal of Mr. Gardner fucking as much little girl pussy as he can, and knocking up all of the girls who can have children. The only thing she is still unaware of us the shots to make the younger girls fertile.

Also if I can get around to writing up the Kelli/Julie/Samantha sex sceene, I plan on having Ms. Varano be convinced to become more than an observer, and get to taste some of that 6 and 2 year old pussy buffet. Telgar (talk) 21:13, 28 February 2020 (PST)

Written prior to Telgar's last post

Yeah you're right. He needs sole discussion of what punishment is dealt.

For the cheerleaders, you may only have to swap 2 of them. (Dawn and Suzie)

  • This is the only way to fuck Chantel, so she stays.
  • Swap Dawn with Lori Kraham
  • Swap Suzie with Shantae
  • Possibly leave Alycia.

I chose Shantae and Lori because they could both create problems for Mr. Gardener. (The mayor's daughter and the fact that Shantae's real mom could get pissed)

Actually, allowing Mrs. Varano to dole out the punishment is the best recourse. 1) he's unable to think at the moment. 2) Mrs. Varano actually wrote up the guidelines, she knows them best. And 3) he's giving her the opportunity to let off stress after learning that it turns her on to punish the children. --MrPib (talk) 06:23, 29 February 2020 (CET)

The mayor's daughter would probably help the argument for leniency. With the video, there's no doubt whatsoever that the boys started it, and are technically guilty of the crime of Assault, if not Aggravated Assault (since there were two of them). They deserve Extreme punishment. There's also no doubt that the girls that came to the rescue went overboard defending Mary, then were also guilty of disrespecting teachers when they came to stop it, and continuing to try to be violent after the adults had control of the situation. One might have been understandable, but added together they deserve an extreme punishment. The fact that they were defending an innocent (who will have to share that punishment) is grounds for the leniency. Also given the lack of rules for extreme punishments for boys in general, I'm really liking the whole "turning them into girls" for the rest of the year (possibly longer/permanently should they rebel against the punishment). Forced exposure, girl's clothes and makeup, sexual servitude to the Coach for the duration of the punishment, and they are considered the mothers of the children borne from the punishment (and I'm not even a fan of m/m, personally). Preserving the purity of the girls while still knocking them up would salve the wound for the Mayor and make him happy. The girls having the option to extend their punishment for the duration of their pregnancy (since punishment is technically over when they are visibly pregnant) forcing the boys to get fucked at the same time, is also a possibility (and if they're wearing short skirts showing off their junk and ass, everyone at school will see the cum leaking and running down their leg afterward, furthering their humiliation and serving even greater warning for other boys). Yeah, this gets my vote. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 19:41, 29 February 2020 (CET)

To be honest I really don't care what happens to the boys, I'll happily let some other writer decide that, but one thing I'm sure of is no one will be handing any of the girls kids to those boys. I don't see anyone wanting those boy raising their babies. Either the MC gets them or the girls parents. One the boys are not related to the babies in any way and two they are pieces of shit, abusive bullies. Telgar (talk) 12:04, 29 February 2020 (PST)

Just like with any girls who give birth due to punishment, the babies would be considered the responsibility of the parents to raise. No one wants the boys to have access to the kids, true. If they're turned into the permanent "wives" of the Coach, they won't even be around them as their parents raise them. Granted, the evil little shit that was so arrogant lives with his older sister and disabled dad, so it would have to be his sister's kid. The other boy is just weak and caves to peer pressure. Just trying to come up with a way for the "purity" of the girls to be saved, and still have the onus of raising the children be on the boys (or there parents, rather) than on John or any of the girls. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 21:18, 29 February 2020 (CET)

Something to keep in mind for the girl's punishment, I have a couple things in mind for the PTA meeting item I added to week 6. One of them is bringing up the concept of having the punishments extended to all children in the town regardless of school participation for the sake of the Franklin girls. The other though is that I realized a contradiction between my writing and the guidelines that had gone on for too long and would be too difficult to fix. That is that the guidelines mention not informing the girls that the sexual punishments will make them pregnant, keeping the language only to that it will take their purity. However, Mr. Gardner has straight up said he was getting the girls pregnant straight to the girl's face. I was planning on one of the parents bringing this up in the PTA meeting, and then some other parents of punished girls who weren't bothered by it before all of a sudden becoming bothered and joining in. Thus, this discrepancy "fixed" by acknowledging it and it altered moving forward from this point. Thought I should bring this up since this is after week 6.Jemini (talk) 21:24, 29 February 2020 (CET)

I went and looked at the rules and no where did I see anything that forbid telling the girls they might or were going to get pregnant, I saw the opposite, in the sevire infraction punishment list was impregnation without loss of virginity, where the disipliner was required to offer a girl who was looking at a loss of virginity punishment an impregnation punishment. The impregnation would be done in a manner that kept her hymen intact. This was to be the girls choice. It would be impossible to offer this if you are forbidden to tell the girl she is risking pregnancy. So I'm a bit confused as to where it says that Mr. Gardner was not to bring up pregnancy? Telgar (talk) 14:04, 29 February 2020 (PST)

Oh, yes, sorry for the confusion (although it seems to have been more me that was confused and just causing trouble.) The problem where I got tripped up was on the part at the end where the punishments need to be written up in a way that does not reveal too much to other children who may get ahold of the note and read it. So, you are correct on your read and I was incorrect. Jemini (talk) 23:45, 29 February 2020 (CET)