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'''What do you do?'''
'''What do you do?'''

[[Creating Pedo Romp/Stop your police car and follow the girl|Leg her go free...for a price.]]
*[[Pedo Romp/Leg her go free...for a price|Leg her go free...for a price.]]  

[[Creating Pedo Romp/Stop your police car and follow the girl|Escort her to your police cruiser.]]
*[[Pedo Romp/Escort her to your police cruiser|Escort her to your police cruiser.]]
[[Category:Pedo romp]]

Revision as of 03:05, 12 June 2020

You park your cruiser near the dead end street, opting to proceed on foot, and cautiously peer around the corner. The girl is sat against the outer wall of the adjacent building, clearly trying to catch her breath, and still carrying the merchandise she stole from that store.

You decide to approach her calmly, it’s not like she could out run you anyways, and attempt a peaceful resolution to this conflict. Her eyebrows jump up as her brown eyes widen, and she clumsily stammers to her feet, clutching the clothes she stole close to her body.

“Now what do you think you’re doing girly?”

“P-p-please s-s-sir,” she stutters, “I didn’t mean any harm, just take the clothes back. I’m really sorry and it won’t happen again. I promise.”

You eye her up quickly, noting her small frame, rugged outfit, and frizzy brown hair. You guess her age to be about 10, although her mismatched clothing and messy appearance make it difficult. She looks innocent enough, perhaps you should help her, or maybe give her a break and let her go.

What do you do?