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You have no idea why these plates couldn't go through the dishwasher, but you don't want to argue. She clearly directed that comment at you but didn't explicitly ask you to wash them. It might be worth it to offer to wash them. Maybe daddy could wash them with you. He's already helping carry some other dishes back to the kitchen. Or maybe trapping yourself in front of the sink would turn you into an even easier target for your brother. It's hard to know for sure. But as the dirty dishes pile up in the kitchen you have to make a decision.
You have no idea why these plates couldn't go through the dishwasher, but you don't want to argue. She clearly directed that comment at you but didn't explicitly ask you to wash them. It might be worth it to offer to wash them. Maybe daddy could wash them with you. He's already helping carry some other dishes back to the kitchen. Or maybe trapping yourself in front of the sink would turn you into an even easier target for your brother. It's hard to know for sure. But as the dirty dishes pile up in the kitchen you have to make a decision.

*[[Incest Seduction/Be a good girl and wash the dishes|Be a good girl and wash the dishes]] '''Request''' --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 07:30, 8 April 2019 (CEST)
*[[Incest Seduction/Be a good girl and wash the dishes|Be a good girl and wash the dishes]] '''Request''' --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 07:30, 8 April 2019 (CEST) (bumping the request)--[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 19:11, 30 June 2020 (CEST)
*[[Incest Seduction/Screw dishes; You'd rather screw other things|Screw dishes; You'd rather screw other things]]
*[[Incest Seduction/Screw dishes; You'd rather screw other things|Screw dishes; You'd rather screw other things]]

[[Category:Incest Seduction]]
[[Category:Incest Seduction]]

Revision as of 17:11, 30 June 2020

You're so worked up you can hardly contain yourself. Your brother just admitted to liking your body! That's not exactly what he said, but it was close enough! You feel anxious but cocky, vulnerable but unstoppable. You need to tell him now!

"Okay. Wanna know a secret?" you ask, leaning to one side to help stretch your body even more. "Why I'm really naked?"

Your brother glances at you again. "Yeah, kinda."

Bending forward, you get real close to your brother's face to whisper, "It's a bet," before pulling back nearly giggling with excitement.

"What... kinda bet is that?"

"One I'm going to win, obviously," you roll your eyes and sigh. "Mom and dad bet me I couldn't go the whole morning naked."

"That's the whole bet?"

You lean against the table again, crossing your arms and flipping your hair with a flick of your hand. "Yeah, they made a big deal about me coming down in my kimono robe, and I know it's short but it's not that skimpy, but mom always thinks I tie it wrong an-"

"What do you win?" interrupts Zack.

That question brings you to pause. That it makes your heart skip a beat. You're actually not sure. You can't remember that part of the bet. You mask your uncertainty with a look of disgust. "Umm... Wo- wouldn't you like to know?"

"Alright. Well what do they win?"

You flick your hair again, your insecurity rising. "It's, a um... I have to do a thing... like a favor or something. It's not even a big deal."

"Okay. So how do you lose?"

"I just can't, like, get dressed... or leave, or whatever."

"Huh. I see." Zack looks you up and down in contemplation. He looks a lot less distracted all of a sudden. In fact he looks downright pleased with himself. "So... if I were to drag you up to your room and ke-"

You push aware from the table and take a step to one side. "Don't you dare!"

Zack chuckles and stares you down with a smile. A couple seconds later you scream and run when he lunges forward from his chair.

"Z! Quit! Put me down!"

It took him very little effort to snag your wrist and then pull you into a bear hug from behind, lifting you up a few inches off the ground. His arms wrap around you just below your chest but your butt is pressed against his crotch. Whatever Zack has in his pocket, it's pressing against your butt.

As you start writhing and bucking to try to get out of his grasp you slip a little and your brother shifts his hold, his hand suddenly gripping one of your meager tits. You take in a sharp breath and stop fighting for a second. It's crazy to think that Zack is actually touching your bare chest, but since you're still in freakout mode you can't really appreciate it.

"Tha- That's my boob! Perv!"

"Not my fault you're naked "

You brother manages to carry your flailing naked body a few steps into the kitchen before your spastic bucking lets you slip down out of his arms. You crumple to the floor and instantly curl up into a protective ball trying to not give him anything to wrap his arms around. As if your brother couldn't just scoop you up. But he chooses not to. Instead, he grabs an ankle and drags you, opening you up in the process.

"Zack! Quit! It!" you shout, kicking out with your opposite foot. It doesn't feel great to be dragged across the kitchen floor naked, but you manage to scoot along with your hands and the the top edge of your butt in a pathetic sort of crab walk. "Daaaad!"

"Zack, be nice to your sister."

That's all your dad is willing to do for you? Even after fucking you? Zack chuckles and keeps going. You're getting closer and closer to the stairs with every passing moment. As you pass the island you grab the leg of a stool hoping to anchor yourself. But Zack is now just dragging you and the stool across the floor, although it has slowed him down. You kick a few more times, trying to think of some other thing you ca-

"Zachary! Let go of your sister!"

You let go of the stool but Zack drags you another couple of feet before he stops. Mom and Dawn just descended the stairs together. It's a bit surprising that mom would be the one to save you from your brother. If anything you would have expected her to kiss Zack's cheek on the way by and telling him not to beat you up too badly. Although your ass is no longer skipping across the tiles, your brother doesn't let go of your foot right away.

"I was just helping Kimmy up to her room."

"What are you, a caveman?" questions Dawn.

"Well it's time for breakfast. You two can fool around later," states mom as she walks by.

"Hello? Let go!" you shout, kicking again. Zack grabs your other foot this time and promptly lifts your entire body skyward by your ankles. You can feel your whole body lengthen, stomach sucking in, ribs stretching, your already perky little tits suddenly becoming even perkier. Your ponytail drags along the tile between Zack's feet as he shuffles a few steps back toward the dining room. Trying to support yourself, and keep your head from smacking into the floor, you plant your hands down and help your brother lift you a bit higher. As soon as Zack notices he lets go of you and you gracefully - more or less - bend over and step out of your handstand.

"Jerk," you mutter, brushing yourself off. "You'd never get me up the stairs anyway."

"Really? Wanna bet?"

Dawn sniggers at that comment before walking away, apparently only pretending to be engrossed by her phone. You promptly punch Zack in the arm and turn to follow your sister but he retaliates by spanking your ass. You freeze, whipping your head around and opening your mouth in shock, but you can't help but smile. You've dreamed of something like this - not exactly like this - with your brother's hands touching and grabbing your naked body. But having it happen in front of the rest of your family is not something you ever would have imagined.

Turning back towards him, and biting one corner of your lip to suppress your smile, you give him a short shove. He's hardly even affected by it and looks you up and down, as if he still can't quite believe you're actually strutting around the house naked. His eyes narrow before giving your forehead a shove in return. So you kick his shin, not ready to be outdone.

"Oh, is that how it is?" he replies with a smirk.

You both have fire in your eyes. Honestly this is one of the things you've missed about your brother being gone; horsing around and teasing each other was always lots of fun. But right now it's even more intense, like the stakes are higher. And they truly are. Would your brother really wrestle you or pin you down while you're totally naked? Something in his expression tells you he would.

"Kimmy, you didn't even finish setting the table," scolds mom from the other room.

You ignore her, too busy staring down your brother. You're the first to strike, a punch to the stomach that Zack can't quite stop. He gives your head another shove. Taking a half step toward him, you thrust both of your arms forward to push him back. For a second it seems like he's about to stop you, but he actually reaches right past your arms. Before you can even complete your shove he latches onto one of your tits, pinching your nipple with a firm twist.

"OW! ZACK!" you scream, clutching your chest. He laughs, your anger somehow hilarious.

"What did I say?" threatens mom.

"He pinched me on th- OW!! HE DID IT AGAIN!"

"She started it," Zack chuckles, blocking your repeated attempts to punch him in the crotch.

"That's enough Kimmy. Or I'll send you to your room. And I don't think you want that."

"You should send him to his room," you pout.

"She can't. You took my room," he notes, lightly punching your arm. Mom's threat is definitely enough to get you to stop. But it doesn't dissuade your brother.

"I'll send you both there if you don't quit bickering! Now settle down and come to the table."

You glare at your brother, but all it takes is one look at him and that stupid smirk comes right back to your face. You walk side by side to the dining room, Zack playfully bumping against your side trying to get a rise out of you. Of course you have to just take it, not willing to risk being sent away. He clearly knows this, and just before you take your seat he smacks your bum again, this time giving one of your cheeks a good squeeze. You wiggle your butt from his grip and shoot him another angry smile as he walks away.

Breakfast is super awkward. Dawn keeps trying to ask why you're naked, but she seems to know more than she's letting on. She sure wasn't surprised when she came downstairs with mom. You brush her off as best you can. Zack doesn't help things, more than willing to make plenty of comments prefaced with things like "I'd wager" or "It's a good bet."

Thankfully mom takes your side. At least you think you're thankful. She defends you by talking about how natural it is to be naked and how it would do everyone some good to open up a little. Then in the next breath she talks about how you're finally old enough to start exploring your sexuality and how pent up you've been until now. You try to get her to leave it there, but she goes on and on about how you've obviously been preparing for this for some time given how meticulously waxed your body is and how much yoga you've been doing. After a while you just cower in your chair, waiting for breakfast to end.

It sure is weird sitting at the table butt naked in front of your family. You're so self conscious, especially with everyone talking about you, that you're constantly shifting in your seat and fidgeting, pulling at your ponytail, pressing down your nipples, pawing at your clit. Whenever you manage to block out the conversation around you, your mind offers up flashes of what happened to you just a short time ago on the island, daddy sliding his thick cock in and out of your tight little pussy. You still haven't been able to process it, so much stuff going on since then and now. It's crazy to think that daddy actually fucked you. It's crazier that you're still dreaming about it, clenching your insides and rolling your pelvis back and forth to press your slit to your chair. You can almost still feel him inside you, stretching you, filling you.

"Since you're clearly done eating, can you at least help clear the table Kimmy?"

You look down. You've hardly touched your food. You poked at your eggs but you really don't want to eat the pancakes. Daddy's sausage was pretty enjoyable though.

"Are you finished daddy?" you ask, quick to hop to his side. He thanks you with a hug, wrapping around your bare hip with one arm, his hand carefully gliding over your ass before pulling you close.

"Thank you honey-bug." He hands you his plate and tilts his head back. You don't have to think twice, leaning down and planting a soft kiss on his lips. Kissing daddy always gave you a warm feeling inside, but that warmth never traveled to your pussy before.

Zack is holding his plate up in the air, beckoning you to help him. You nearly tell him to clear his own plate, and he absolutely should, but mom did ask you to clear the table and you still don't want to push any of her buttons. You take his plate, making a face and sticking out your tongue to show your displeasure. He responds by squeezing a butt cheek before you can move away to collect your sister's plate.

"We should really hand wash these dishes. I'd rather not run these plates through the dishwasher."

You have no idea why these plates couldn't go through the dishwasher, but you don't want to argue. She clearly directed that comment at you but didn't explicitly ask you to wash them. It might be worth it to offer to wash them. Maybe daddy could wash them with you. He's already helping carry some other dishes back to the kitchen. Or maybe trapping yourself in front of the sink would turn you into an even easier target for your brother. It's hard to know for sure. But as the dirty dishes pile up in the kitchen you have to make a decision.