Generations/Lore/Races/Elves: Difference between revisions

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Elerneron (talk | contribs)
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*In their homeland they do have towns, and even great cities, whose buildings are formed from millennia old trees grown with alcoves to house the elves.  These special trees (called mother trees) can grow over a mile high, and house thousands of elves.
*In their homeland they do have towns, and even great cities, whose buildings are formed from millennia old trees grown with alcoves to house the elves.  These special trees (called mother trees) can grow over a mile high, and house thousands of elves.
**Each mother tree has a dryad spirit, which has the appearance of an elven female that appears made like a tree with green, leafy hair.  Mother trees reproduce only through these dryads.  When a dryad is of age (about 500 years old) she can mate with an elf (or any humanoid theoretically) to produce a mother seed.  These seeds take ten years to mature, and then they are ready to be planted to form a new mother tree.
**Each mother tree has a dryad spirit, which has the appearance of an elven female that appears made like a tree with green, leafy hair.  Mother trees reproduce only through these dryads.  When a dryad is of age (about 500 years old) she can mate with an elf (or any humanoid theoretically) to produce a mother seed.  These seeds take ten years to mature, and then they are ready to be planted to form a new mother tree.
**Mother tree dryads are spiritually linked to their mother tree.  If a mother tree dies, the dryad will wither away and die slowly over the course of a year.  If a mother tree’s dryad is killed, the tree continues to grow, but feels empty and foreboding to the elves.  A dying mother tree dryad can be attached to a mother tree with no dryad through powerful fey magic to restore both.
***Mother tree dryads are spiritually linked to their mother tree.  If a mother tree dies, the dryad will wither away and die slowly over the course of a year.  If a mother tree’s dryad is killed, the tree continues to grow, but feels empty and foreboding to the elves.  A dying mother tree dryad can be attached to a mother tree with no dryad through powerful fey magic to restore both.
***Mother tree dryads cannot wander far from their mother tree without suffering.  If the dryad goes beyond the reach of the limbs and roots of the mother tree,  she begins to weaken and die as though their mother tree were dead.  Reuniting the dryad with her mother tree will allow the dryad to reconnect and heal, but the separation is dangerous for both the dryad and tree.  Dryads die after about a year of separation from their mother tree.
**Mother trees planted in close proximity of one another at the same time with seeds from the same mother tree can form a twined pair.  These trees grow around each other in a spiral, essentially becoming one tree.
***If the seeds are from different mother trees, they do not twine, instead simply growing next to one another.
***The twining of their trunks makes these trees more resilient and sturdy than other mother trees.
***Such trees produce special twin dryads.  These dryads are identical in appearance, and share a special bond.  While each dryad possesses their own mind, they also have a shared mind.  The twin dryads are connected to one another and to one another's mother tree.
***If one of the pair is slain, the remaining twin can support both mother trees, but the shock of their twin's death is often too much for them.  Surviving twins often go insane; making their  twined pair mother tree unpredictable, and sometimes dangerous.  There is evidence that the surviving twin keeps some version of the shared mind that they possessed when their twin was alive, which might account for their madness.
***Attempts to replace the lost dryad with a treeless dryad is doomed to failure as the twin will attack the new dryad and destroy her in her weakened state.
***Only once in recorded history has a twined triad been formed.  Three seeds were planted in close proximity to one another.  The triplet dryads each had their own mind, a shared mind with each of her sisters and a shared mind between them all, resulting in seven minds shared between the three dryads.  The trinity became immensely powerful, eventually transcending the mortal plane to technically become goddesses.  They were not involved in the god war, and thus were not slain; however they seem to have absolutely no interest in the mortal plane or it denizens.  It was decided that the power of twined triads, and potentially even greater twined groups, was too great; and the creation of twined mother trees of more than two seeds was forbidden.
**Mother trees can also be specially grown to form ships for the elven fleet in which case they are called mother ships.  These mother ships naturally desalinate water, meaning that the elven sailors never have a problem with thirst. They carry their own soil, which is also used to grow food for the sailors.  They are one of the strongest ships one will ever find.  Some of the strongest mother ships are grown with an outer coating of living crystal, and are nearly indestructible.
**Mother trees can also be specially grown to form ships for the elven fleet in which case they are called mother ships.  These mother ships naturally desalinate water, meaning that the elven sailors never have a problem with thirst. They carry their own soil, which is also used to grow food for the sailors.  They are one of the strongest ships one will ever find.  Some of the strongest mother ships are grown with an outer coating of living crystal, and are nearly indestructible.

Revision as of 13:14, 5 March 2016


Attribute Ranges

  • Body: Weak to Superb (3-7)
  • Mind: Average to Exceptional (5-8)
  • Spirit: Average to Exceptional (5-8)




Elves are slender, fey-descended humanoids.

  • Height: Elves tend to be shorter than humans, averaging between 4' to 5' tall. Particularly tall elves can reach as tall as 5'6".
  • Weight: Elves tend to be much lighter than their height and build indicate. They are about 10% lighter than they appear that they should be. (Multiply the weight they would be were they human by .9 to get the elf's weight.)
  • Build: Elves have a slender build due to a very fast metabolism. It is almost unheard off to see a fat elf. Elves have long, efficient musculature, which means that they are much stronger than they look. Even the strongest elves are not bulky.
  • Bust: Female and futanari elves are not very busty. Futanari tend to have larger breasts than females on average. Without the aid of magic an elf never achieves more than C-cup breasts (D-cup for futanari).
  • Penis: Male and futanari elves have a wide variety of penis lengths and girths, and are fairly similar to humans in such respects. Futanari tend to have larger penises than males on average.
  • Skin: Elven skin ranges from a light, nearly white peach to a dark umber brown; and may be tinted slightly green.
  • Hair: Unlike humans elves can have absolutely any color of hair. Elves cannot grow facial hair.
  • Eyes: Unlike humans elves can have absolutely any color of eyes.
  • Other details: Elves have large pointed ears which extend perpendicular to their skull.


Elves can be Male, Female, or Futanari

  • Elves are three gendered. Most elves are either male or female. A rare few are born hermaphroditic. These elves are considered blessed and get a great deal of respect from and have a great deal of responsibility to other elves.
  • Male elves are quite effeminate in appearance from the perspective of other races, and can be mistaken for female by non-elves.


Elves reproduce sexually.

  • Elves can cross with any lesser, humanoid, or greater race.
  • Elves aren’t very fertile. They have difficulty conceiving with any race, but particularly with one another.
  • Purely elven pregnancies last about two years.


Elves age slower than humans.

  • Elven ages can be calculated by multiplying the age of their physical appearance were they human by 10.
  • An elf that was entering adolescence would be around 100-120 years old.
  • Upon reaching maturity (about 180 years old) elves do not physically age further. There are no old looking elves.


Elves are omnivores.

  • Elves are vegetarian. They physically can eat meat, but they culturally choose not to.
  • They do not eat anything that derives from death. This means that they do not eat any meat, eggs, or plant items whose harvesting would cause the death of the plant.
  • They do consume milk, as it is harmless to the animal, and can eat certain plant stalks and leaves.
  • Any form of fruit is also acceptable, but seeds, nuts, and grains are not as they hold the life of a new organism in waiting.
  • Elves are willing to consume small quantities of blood from animals, as this causes no long term harm to the animal. They use these small quantities of blood to make delicious blood sausage as a matter of fact.

Other Considerations

  • Elves have much stretchier skin and muscles than humans due to their fey heritage. Elves can accommodate much larger sexual insertions than a human without damage.



Elves worship nature as opposed to any deities or following philosophies.

  • There were no elven gods to be overthrown. The spirits of nature still gain power from the elves, but it is spread thin.


The elven afterlife is The Faerie.

  • Elves have an immortal body in lieu of an immortal soul. When an elf dies, their spirit returns to nature along with their body.
  • Very old elves may hear a call to a mystical land before this where they can live forever in bliss. They must make a dangerous journey to the mystical realm of the faerie to achieve their equivalent of the afterlife.

Other Considerations

  • Elves have a deep connection to nature and the environment.

Magic and Technology


Elves are a very magical race.

  • Elves are exceptional at learned magicks.
  • Elves have a natural access to fey magicks.


While not very technological, elves have unique technology.

  • Elves do not like, nor do they use forged weapons or armors, or constructed furnishings or apparel. Instead of beating, heating, or cutting natural material into the shapes that they need they grow them into the shapes that they need. They can do this because they have extremely long lives. Elven equipment tends to be formed from magically hardened wood, grass, and/or crystal. Even when forming their equipment, the whole tree, stand of grass, or crystal formation is never sacrificed for the item, just a tree limb, some grass blades, or small segment of crystal.


Elves are a carefree race of fey-descended humanoids.


Elves are rather carefree having few taboos.

  • Elves have no nudity taboo, and wear clothing only for warmth or fashion.
  • Elves also have no issues with homosexuality, incest, bestiality, or underage sex. They are very much a free love society.
  • Elves have a very strong taboo against harming nature.


Most elves are nomadic, and do not settle down in a single place. They have a homeland far away, hidden by powerful magic where there are elven settlements.

  • In their homeland they do have towns, and even great cities, whose buildings are formed from millennia old trees grown with alcoves to house the elves. These special trees (called mother trees) can grow over a mile high, and house thousands of elves.
    • Each mother tree has a dryad spirit, which has the appearance of an elven female that appears made like a tree with green, leafy hair. Mother trees reproduce only through these dryads. When a dryad is of age (about 500 years old) she can mate with an elf (or any humanoid theoretically) to produce a mother seed. These seeds take ten years to mature, and then they are ready to be planted to form a new mother tree.
      • Mother tree dryads are spiritually linked to their mother tree. If a mother tree dies, the dryad will wither away and die slowly over the course of a year. If a mother tree’s dryad is killed, the tree continues to grow, but feels empty and foreboding to the elves. A dying mother tree dryad can be attached to a mother tree with no dryad through powerful fey magic to restore both.
      • Mother tree dryads cannot wander far from their mother tree without suffering. If the dryad goes beyond the reach of the limbs and roots of the mother tree, she begins to weaken and die as though their mother tree were dead. Reuniting the dryad with her mother tree will allow the dryad to reconnect and heal, but the separation is dangerous for both the dryad and tree. Dryads die after about a year of separation from their mother tree.
    • Mother trees planted in close proximity of one another at the same time with seeds from the same mother tree can form a twined pair. These trees grow around each other in a spiral, essentially becoming one tree.
      • If the seeds are from different mother trees, they do not twine, instead simply growing next to one another.
      • The twining of their trunks makes these trees more resilient and sturdy than other mother trees.
      • Such trees produce special twin dryads. These dryads are identical in appearance, and share a special bond. While each dryad possesses their own mind, they also have a shared mind. The twin dryads are connected to one another and to one another's mother tree.
      • If one of the pair is slain, the remaining twin can support both mother trees, but the shock of their twin's death is often too much for them. Surviving twins often go insane; making their twined pair mother tree unpredictable, and sometimes dangerous. There is evidence that the surviving twin keeps some version of the shared mind that they possessed when their twin was alive, which might account for their madness.
      • Attempts to replace the lost dryad with a treeless dryad is doomed to failure as the twin will attack the new dryad and destroy her in her weakened state.
      • Only once in recorded history has a twined triad been formed. Three seeds were planted in close proximity to one another. The triplet dryads each had their own mind, a shared mind with each of her sisters and a shared mind between them all, resulting in seven minds shared between the three dryads. The trinity became immensely powerful, eventually transcending the mortal plane to technically become goddesses. They were not involved in the god war, and thus were not slain; however they seem to have absolutely no interest in the mortal plane or it denizens. It was decided that the power of twined triads, and potentially even greater twined groups, was too great; and the creation of twined mother trees of more than two seeds was forbidden.
    • Mother trees can also be specially grown to form ships for the elven fleet in which case they are called mother ships. These mother ships naturally desalinate water, meaning that the elven sailors never have a problem with thirst. They carry their own soil, which is also used to grow food for the sailors. They are one of the strongest ships one will ever find. Some of the strongest mother ships are grown with an outer coating of living crystal, and are nearly indestructible.

Other Considerations

  • As peaceful as they are elves will fight and even kill to defend themselves and the natural world to which they are connected. To most elves this is a defensive ideal, but some elves believe it is their duty to hunt down and destroy those that defile nature. These elves are called dark elves. Dark elves look no different from any other elf; it is only their philosophy that sets them apart.