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Do you...
Do you...

*[[Incest Seduction/Send the sexy picture to your brother's private inbox|Slide the photo into his DMs?]]
*[[Incest Seduction/Send the sexy picture to your brother's private inbox|Slide the photo into his DMs?]] '''Request''' --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 20:48, 16 December 2020 (UTC)
*[[Incest Seduction/Post the sexy picture on Tumblr|Post the picture publicly on Tumblr?]]
*[[Incest Seduction/Post the sexy picture on Tumblr|Post the picture publicly on Tumblr?]]
*[[Incest Seduction/Save the sexy picture on your phone|Save the picture on your phone and show it to him when he comes over?]]
*[[Incest Seduction/Save the sexy picture on your phone|Save the picture on your phone and show it to him when he comes over?]]

Latest revision as of 20:48, 16 December 2020

This look suits you a lot better than you thought it would. In fact, as you look at yourself in the mirror, you think to yourself: Damn, I am sexy! If I were a college boy, I'd want to fuck that!

That's when a devilish grin comes across your face. You really want your older brother to come by and see you today, but since you're doubtful that will happen, you'll just have to make sure that he can see you looking this sexy another way. So you take out your cellphone and start posing for some selfies for your Tumblr page. You're pretty sure Zack is still following you on Tumblr, but you're not sure how often he logs in. But you figure this is the best chance for him to get to see you wearing his old shirt today, short of just sending these pics directly to his phone. That would probably be a little too weird. Especially since you're already snapping your fifth photo by now, using your free hand to grab your budding breast and pushing it up a little to try and make it look bigger.

After a few more photos, you decide to take a different pose. Climbing onto your bed, you hold your phone directly above you and make your best sexy face, but you're not really sure if it's working. You're worried that your face just makes you look constipated or something. So, to get the message across, your free hand starts to drift down towards your crotch as you spread your legs open. Through the thin material of the gray sweatpants, you can faintly see the outline of your pussy. You think you should probably fix that so that your cameltoe isn't as obvious, so you put your hand on the elastic waistband, placing your thumb inside your pants and tugging them down slightly to show off a little bit of your panties. You bite your lip as you snap the photo that you just know Zack is going to love. You decide to add the caption: "Just chillin' in bed on a Saturday morning wearing my brother's old shirt", then tag him to make sure that he sees it.

After you post the pictures to your Tumblr, you take a closer look at them. Only then do you realize that your nipple was peaking out a little bit in that last photo. Your face blushes with embarrassment. You certainly had no intention of flashing your brother on Tumblr. You know that you should probably delete it and try the pose again, but for some reason you just can't bring yourself to delete it. Sure, you secretly want to show yourself off to Zack, but not to all the other strangers online!

Just as you're about to hit the delete button, a notification pops up: Somebody just liked your photo! Assuming it must be some pedo creep, you ignore it. But you really should delete that picture before somebody downloads it. You hit the delete button, but before your phone has the chance to confirm if you meant to delete it or not, you receive another notification: Somebody just commented on your photo. Oh, this should be good, you think to yourself, deciding that you might as well read what this creep wrote on your photo before you delete it.

That's when you notice that this "somebody" wasn't some rando pedophile creep, it was Zack! Your eyes open widely as you realize that your brother liked your nip slip photo! Honestly, you're just shocked that he'd even be awake this early on a Saturday, and browsing Tumblr? That doesn't sound right. Was he just looking through photos of other girls and happened to see yours, or had he been looking through your profile specifically? You hope it's the latter, but you kind of doubt that was the case. Then you remember that you had tagged him, so he probably just got the notification and decided to glance at your silly little picture. In any case, he probably didn't even notice that your tiny puffy nipple was peaking out.

Then you read his comment: "Holy shit Kimmy! When the hell did u blossom into a beautiful woman?"

Beautiful woman?! Your heart races. Does he really think you're beautiful or is he just being nice? You waste no time in messaging him back: "Maybe if u came 2 visit more often u would've noticed that by now!" Then you add a little winky emoji, just so he knows you're playing around.

Assuming that the conversation's over, you set your phone down on the bed, then get up and walk over to the window. Before you even have the chance to open it up and let some fresh air in, your phone buzzes several times. Zack was never much of a texter, at least not with you, so you're actually quite surprised that he would respond again so quickly. Once you walk back over to your bed, you take a look at the incoming messages. There are now 3 unread messages. The first says: "Shit, if u dress like that everyday I'd be cumming over u all night!"

You freeze. This is like a fantasy coming true! Is your older brother really as attracted to you as you are to him? And did he really just offer to jizz all over your slender teenage body? Or was that last "u" a typo and he's just bad at spelling? You're pretty sure he knows the difference between "coming" and "cumming" though. He is in college, afterall.

But then your heart sinks when you see his follow-up message, which just says: "LOL" Is he seriously laughing at me? Now you feel super embarrassed and a little pissed. He's never been the most tactful person, but this is just cold, even for him. But just as the tears are about to flood your eyes, you notice his third message: "Sorry, not laughing at u. I do think u r sexy, I'm just being a dumbass."

You can't tell if he's just trying to dig himself out of a hole or if he's trying to dig his way into one of your holes. So you decide to be brave and ask the scariest question you've ever asked anyone before: "Do u really think I'm sexy?"

It feels like an eternity before he messages you back: "Yeah, I do. And not just because u showed ur nip. U look sexy in all ur recent pix."

You're slightly embarrassed that he noticed your nipple. It's barely even that noticeable--he must've been looking really closely! And although you don't remember sending him any other photos, you deduce that he must be scrolling through your other pics on Tumblr. You are overjoyed that he has finally noticed your developing teen body, and you are very eager to show him more of it. A lot more of it. Like all of it. So, you start to type the words "THEN CUM OVER AND FUCK ME ALREADY!", but you wisely delete that message before you can send it. Instead, you decide to send a more subtle "So when r u cumming over next?", but only once you hit send do you notice that your phone's auto-correct changed the word "next" to "me".

That's when you freak the fuck out. Panicking, you quickly add on "*NEXT!", hoping that he'll understand that auto-correct can do the damnedest things sometimes. But instead, he sends a confusing response: "Sure! I mean, was going 2 do some laundry first, but if ur really that eager 4 it, I suppose I can head down there right now"

Wait. What just happened? The blood is rushing through your body so hard that you're feeling a little light-headed. You sit down on your bed and re-read the last couple of messages to figure it out. Your mind is racing. In just a matter of minutes you went from being 99% certain that Zack wasn't interested in you that way and pretty sure he wasn't coming over today, to now being 100% certain that he wants you so bad that he's rushing down to cover you in his cum! Unless he's putting you on. You wouldn't put it past him to pull a prank on you like that, but if this is a joke you'll be so mad that you'll never speak to him again. You'd better let him know you mean business.

"Don't bother unless ur being serious" you send. And just to make sure that he knows you're being serious, you decide to send him one more picture just for him. Laying back on your bed, you again hold the phone above you and spread your legs apart like you did before. But this time, you decide you're going to intentionally show him your nipple. So you pull the fabric that hangs on your left shoulder down your arm as far as it will go until your booby pops out. Then you move your hand back down towards your crotch, using the side of your arm to push your breast upwards to make it look bigger than it really is. Deciding to take it one step further, you slide your hand under your panties so that your cold fingers are rubbing up against your warm snatch. You snap the photo and take a look at it, making sure this time that your entire nipple can be clearly seen.

This is crazy! you think to yourself as you ponder what you're about to do. Are you really sexting with your own brother? Will sending this picture get him in trouble? You are still a minor after all, and he's not going to be able fool around with you if he gets busted for child pornography.

Do you...