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[[Category: Generations|Advanced Terms]] [[Category: Generations/Cinder|Advanced Terms]]
[[Category: Generations|Find a Non-Monogamist Mate]] [[Category: Generations/Cinder|Find a Non-Monogamist Mate]]

Latest revision as of 07:21, 30 March 2016

With your safety and feeding problems addressed, it is about time to ensure your continued existence should this form fail. You need to find a mate. There are a number of issues to consider, not the least of which is that your penis is over two feet long and eight inches in diameter. You could certainly get a female pregnant by putting the tapered tip in and ejaculating, but your clawed hands weren't exactly designed for masturbation. That means that you need to find a mate that you can actually penetrate until such time as you have servants to jack you off into your mate.

There is always the option to find another dragon; but finding them would be quite a task and it really wouldn't be moving your avatar forward to just breed with dragons continually. That leaves out self-impregnation as well; and that would take at least six months to even start trying anyway. Anything infernal or divine would work, but without magic getting angels and/or devils is problematic at best. Elves have stretchy twats, and of the human-sized races they would likely be your best bet. A giantess is a logical choice, but they are hard to find as well. Then there are always centaurs and unicorns. Centaurs are the easier of those choices, but a unicorn hybrid would be a powerful combination. Then there are always the stretchy fey. Dryads are tied to their trees and nymphs to their pools, and you wouldn't want your child to be so bound. The sidhe are rare and hard to locate, but it might be a viable option. Then there are fairies. While not an immediately obvious choice due to the immense size difference; fairies are by far the stretchiest of all the fey. It may well not be possible to stretch them to the point of injury.

So what's it going to be??

Or would you rather forget mating for now and pass the time?

Chosen - Generation: One
Time Passed: 0y 0m 8d
Abilities Equipment Mate(s) Children
Name Cinder Divine Spark, Armored Skin, Claws, Dragon Gold, Dragon Sleep, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Sight, Enhanced Smell, Flame Breath, Horns, Immune to Flame, Infrasonic Hearing, Infravision, Sharp Teeth, Ultrasonic Hearing, Weaponized Tail, Winged Flight Nothing None None
Age 506y 7m 20d
Gender Male
Race Heraldic Dragon
Social Class Monster
Body Extreme (10)
Mind Superior (9)
Spirit Superior (9)