A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/Bath/Mother/Bluff/DoIt/Dad/Stubborn/Pink/PressOn/Clothed/Normal/Nude/Hot/Spy/Dad: Difference between revisions

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< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | Bath‎ | Mother‎ | Bluff‎ | DoIt‎ | Dad‎ | Stubborn‎ | Pink‎ | PressOn‎ | Clothed‎ | Normal‎ | Nude‎ | Hot‎ | Spy
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Sally nodded. She'd remember alright. She sure knew lots more than she did this morning, even though most of it was fuzzy. She shuffled her way out of their bedroom and closed the door with a careful click, but didn't take one step further. With her fingers pressed against her mound, Sally smirked when she heard mom quietly giggle after daddy said that mommy didn't need that robe anymore...
Sally nodded. She'd remember alright. She sure knew lots more than she did this morning, even though most of it was fuzzy. She shuffled her way out of their bedroom and closed the door with a careful click, but didn't take one step further. With her fingers pressed against her mound, Sally smirked when she heard mom quietly giggle after daddy said that mommy didn't need that robe anymore...

*[[A_Loli's_ENF_Adventure/Sally/Bath/Mother/Bluff/DoIt/Dad/Stubborn/Pink/PressOn/Clothed/Normal/Nude/Hot/Spy/Dad/More|Sally was soon regularly spying on, and encouraging, her parents' activities]] '''Request''' --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 00:20, 31 July 2021 (UTC)
*[[A_Loli's_ENF_Adventure/Sally/Week3/Matchmaker|Sally was soon regularly spying on, and encouraging, her parents' activities]]
*[[A_Loli's_ENF_Adventure/Sally/Bath/Mother/Bluff/DoIt/Dad/Stubborn/Pink/PressOn/Clothed/Normal/Nude/Hot/Spy/Dad/Bro|Sally asked her brother about their parents' activities]]
*[[A_Loli's_ENF_Adventure/Sally/Bath/Mother/Bluff/DoIt/Dad/Stubborn/Pink/PressOn/Clothed/Normal/Nude/Hot/Spy/Dad/Bro|Sally asked her brother about their parents' activities]]

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[[Category: A Loli's ENF Adventure|Sally]]
[[Category: A Loli's ENF Adventure|Sally]]

Latest revision as of 04:12, 2 August 2021

She didn't want to ask either of her parents about what she'd just heard, but at the same time she felt some compulsion to at least be near them. Maybe things would make more sense if she hung around for a while. All she knew was that daddy was usually more willing to put up with her when she got bothersome or nosey, so he seemed like the obvious choice.

Sally opened her parents' door and stepped into their bedroom. Sally couldn't see her father but could hear the faucet running in their half-bath ensuite. She closed the door just loud enough to get her dad's attention.

"Back already? ...ah, you're looking for a little more, aren't you, you slut?" Sally froze. What could she say? Nothing. So she didn't. The water stopped and Ryan continued. "Well you may as well get on your knees now. Daddy's looking for some tongue."

Ryan walked out of the bathroom a moment later, his head down, boxer briefs lowered to mid thigh, openly rubbing his penis. "Are you going to scream like a slut for- Sally!"

Ryan stopped with a jerk then fumbled to pull his underwear back over his semi-inflated, post-coital cock. Sally felt terrible, but noted that her dad's thing did look pretty big, at least bigger than the nudist photos she'd been scrolling through earlier.

"You aren't... I'm sorry sweetheart! I thought you were your mother! I mean clearly, I wou-"

"Mom went downstairs."

"Yeah, I gathered that."

"Did you want me to go get her? It sounded like you..." she added, trailing off.

"No! No, it's fine." Daddy insisted but sighed, almost sounding disappointed. "I'll, uh, manage."

"Did you need her to... to lick something?"

"No, I jus- forget anything I said."

Sally took an uncertain step forward. "If you need it, maybe I could lick your... wet cock." She nearly croaked out the words, hard to say in front of her dad, but she felt brave for doing it.

"Wha- Sally!" Ryan exclaimed, taken aback for a second time. "Where did you learn that?"

Sally giggled remembering mommy's next line. "Wouldn't you like to know!"

Ryan waved his hands in front of him. "Woah! Woah! Woah!" He sighed again then sat down at Ava's makeup desk, turning the chair toward the room. "Come over here, missy."

Sally was confused, but she crept forward until stood with her feet together in front of her father. He then pulled her closer, lifting her onto his lap. Sally immediately had a flashback to the kitchen, when daddy was sucking on mommy's nipples. She chewed her lip from anxiety but tried to sit up straight and puff out her chest, trying to remain brave and be ready for anything.

Ryan took a long hard look at his daughter before asking, "Were you spying on your mother and I, Sally?"

Sally opened her mouth to speak, thought better of it, then slowly shook her head.

"Don't lie, Sally. Were you listening to us?"

"I... I just..." Sally felt very uncomfortable all of a sudden. She was about to get in trouble, she could feel it. Her brain scrambled to get herself out of it. "I wasn't trying to listen! You were just so loud! Cuz.. cuz... Mommy's a slut and so I am too cuz I'm not 5 anymore and I know I haven't done things but we have to keep you boys in line because of how bad you are but I don't know how big it's supposed to be for me if-"

"Woah! Slow down, Sally! That's not- Okay..." Ryan paused, nodding his head. "You heard a lot, didn't you?"

"N- no..."

"You heard enough. Look sweetie, all those things you heard, that's just... it's pillow talk."

"Pillow talk?"

"Yeah. People say things in the bedroom to get each other... excited, when they're... together."

Sally thought it over. "Like 'Dirty anal slut'?"

Ryan's eyes popped. "You heard that?"

"And 'lick my wet cunt'?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess so."

"And then you said, 'cum with your face on the glass, whor-'"

Ryan put his finger to his daughter's lips to cut short her words. "Okay, okay. I get it. You heard plenty, that's for sure. But you can't go around saying those things."

"But... But mommy said I was a slut like her, and that I wanted really big... things..."

"Sweetheart... what can I even say? I'm not sure what it was you heard now." Ryan gazed down at his young daughter's nude form poised nervously with her back arched. Sally was simultaneously clueless and yet far from innocent. She was just barely developing a figure and clearly interested in what was happening behind bedroom doors even though she had no idea what to do with herself. Ryan just stroked his naive daughter's hair and sighed. "Yes, we were talking about you Sally, that's true. But it was only because you're naked. If not for this morning, there's no way we would bring you up in-"

"Only cuz I'm naked?" Sally muttered, trying to make sense of that as well. Why would that make them talk about her being a slut? She drifted off for a moment before tuning back into Daddy's explanation.

"...and your mother doesn't think you can take it yet, even though you're turning into a young woman. There are big decisions and expectations you have to deal with as you get older. I tried to point out that she was just as adventurous as you at your age, but she..." Ryan stopped himself and looked at Sally, his girl staring up bewildered and struggling to sort out the context behind his words. He smiled again. "Listen, Sally, you don't need to be worried about this stuff yet. Your mother and I will make sure we give you as much co-"

"Sally?" Ava exclaimed with surprise, stepping into the bedroom. "What are you doing in here?"

"Mommy," started Ryan, "it turns out Sally was listening in while we were... stretching."

"You were what?" Ava asked, a mortified expression crossing her face.

"I think she was hiding in the hallway," added Ryan.

"It was an accident! I didn't mean to!"

"You 'accidentally' spied on us?" questioned Ava. Sally's shoulders slumped.

"I dunno..."

"You did! Sally! You cannot do that young lady! What your father and I do in the bedroom is our business, not yours! I can't believe you would do such a thing!"

"Yeah, we were just talking it over dear," assured Ryan.

"What is there to talk about!?" cried Ava, throwing her hands up. "She shouldn't be eavesdropping at all! And that was a very private, y'know, conversation that we were having!"

Sally's shoulders slumped further. Daddy had already been giving her a talking to and now her mom was going to give it to her all over again. "Mooom, I'm sorry!" Sally droned as she whined her apology. "I am! And I promise I won't tell anyone that you're a slut, okaaay?"

Ava gasped, then fumed. "This is why we need to do more disciplining and less talking! Stand up! Right now! Turn around!"

Sally was grabbed by her mother and pulled off her father's lap. She staggered forward then was spun around to face her father head on before being bent at the waist, sending her down over the front of Ryan's knees. Sally's hands slipped off either side of her daddy's legs when she tried to catch herself and her chest hit the lower half of his thighs, her head bumping into his stomach. Daddy grabbed her shoulders to help steady her, at least making sure she didn't fall over onto the floor, and tried to lean back to give Sally room which only allowed her head descend all the way to the innermost part of his lap.

Her body stretching off the ends of Ryan's closed knees, her torso and pelvis floating like a shelf in the air, Sally's feet stumbled to find their footing as her upper body tilted downward slightly and put much of her weight onto Ryan's legs. Sally did find the edges of the chair and attempted to push herself off of her father but then mom stepped up beside her and pressed a hand down on her spine, right between her shoulder blades. Being off balance as she was, little effort was required of Sally's mom to keep the girl exactly in place, her weight immediately shifting back onto daddy's lap in front of her and convincing Sally to lay still.

"You know what's coming young lady!"

"I said I'm sorry!" whined Sally, her voice muffle by daddy's thighs, her own legs wide and stiff to help hold up her backside.

"And I'm glad you're sorry, but you're still getting punished!"

Ava slapped her daughter's ass at a feverish pace, taking out her own humiliation on her youngest, making the girl jerk and wobble while perched so precariously on Ryan's lap. Sally's emotions welled up in her but they were kept at bay by one thing; the bulge in her father's underwear. With her face in his lap, flanked by each of his strong thighs, every spank caused Sally's small form to lurch forward and press herself onto her father's cock, his bulge sliding along her cheek and past the edge of her mouth repeatedly with her punishment.

Suddenly, this was the naughtiest thing Sally had ever done; bent naked face-first onto daddy's lap, spanked by mommy, all while nuzzling her cheek along her dad's sturdy package. But the longer she had to think, the less she was sure about who was the naughtiest person here; mom for being so impulsive, daddy for helping to hold his daughter where he must have known she was, or herself for not even trying to turn her head. But Sally took her spanking without further complaint, even as mom's fingers landed in weird places between her parted legs with so many uncontrolled swings.

"How many, Sally?" Ava asked, pausing for a breath. They normally asked their kids to help decide their own punishments to make sure they understood how bad their infractions were, although this wasn't especially normal.

"I... I dunno... I haven't counted, or..."

"How many more?" clarified Ava.

"Um... 10?" offered Sally, not wanting to pick a number too low.

"Fine." Ava resumed the spanking, taking slightly more measured swings after a short moment to compose herself. Everyone was silently counting each steady smack against Sally's fair nubile ass. Ava went up to eight then paused again.

"Are you sorry?" Sally had already said it several times, so she simply nodded her head in Ryan's lap. Ava delivered number nine. "Are you going to spy on us again?" Sally promptly shook her head, rubbing her lips across her father's firm, flexing bulge.

Ava hesitated, catching Ryan's gaze as she lifted her hand. Both of them looked uneasy, flustered to say the least, but Ava followed through and landed the final hit on their daughter's rosy bum.

"Alright. Stand up, Sally."

Both parents helped guide Sally to her feet, their daughter's bottom lip drifting out into a minor pout as she rose. Ava immediately pulled her into a guilty hug, pressing her baby girl's head against one side of her chest. The opposite side of Ava's robe bowed open as they embraced, which resulted in Sally staring straight into the side of her mom's full breast, one stiff nipple perched up just beneath the robe's lapel. Again Sally tried to not look down her mom's robe, but mommy held her head, petting her hair, with no option to turn away.

"I'm sorry Sally. I don't like to punish you. I don't think..." Ryan stepped forward and joined their hug, leaning forward to wrap his arms around both of them before Ava finished. "Think that any of us... enjoyed that." Her thoughts grew muddled now that her anger had subsided. "You just need to understand that your father and I... the things we do in here... oh, Ryan, you tell her."

"What happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom. Clear?" ordered Ryan, hoping Ava would be satisfied.

Sally pondered that for a moment, applying it to what had happened. It seemed to make sense. It was okay to be a slut as long as it was in a bedroom. That hopefully meant that rubbing her face over daddy's penis was also okay, which made her feel a bit better about that. She nodded her understanding.

"Atta girl," smiled Daddy, as warm as ever. "How's your bum?" He reached down and softly rubbed Sally's behind, gently lifting each cheek and gliding his hand between them. Sally instantly felt her heart jump, butterflies rushing in as Daddy all but caressed her backside. She figured he was trying to make her embarrassed, but she was well beyond that already,

The real problem was that Sally knew she wasn't supposed to feel this way, not from her daddy. She was far more excited than she'd ever been, let alone admit to, after getting punished. Sally soothed her nerves about her tingles and goosebumps by telling herself that they were all still in the bedroom which meant that she shouldn't be worried about anyone touching her bum. In here it was completely fine if she thought daddy's hand felt nice against her tender skin.

"It's... I'm okay."

"I wasn't hitting that hard," insisted Ava, releasing Sally's head.

"I dunno. You got a little carried away, mistress," jabbed Ryan, which earned him a poke from Ava.

""Mist... I did not! That was perfectly appropriate! Besides, I can't spank like you can. I have small hands."

Ryan grinned. "I do have a mean spanking hand."

That hand squeezed one side of Sally's bum, making the girl squeak. Ryan had meant to do his wife, but with Sally's ass already palmed in his hand he just reacted without thinking. He quickly slid up onto his daughter's back as Ava glanced down at Sally, then snuck his hand up the back of his wife's robe to instead grope his intended target.

"AH! Ryan!"

Sally looked up at her mom and knew instantly what her daddy just did. The fact that he would grab mommy's butt and her own made her blush, as if her spanking hadn't made her blush enough. Better yet, it made her feel included.

Ava suddenly yelped again before she promptly pulled away from their group hug. She slapped Ryan's chest as he took a step toward her. He was about to grab her when the two of them caught their daughter watching them, coyly smiling and giggling with her hands now holding her crotch, her thighs crossing and closing around them as if she had to pee. The frisky couple checked themselves. Ava adjusted her robe and Ryan cleared his throat, the two of them nearly getting carried away again.

"Yes, uh... alright then. Anyway..." opined Ryan, placing his hands on his hips and stretching, the bulge in his briefs only more prominent. "You go on, Sally. Just remember what we said. And, uh, close the door behind you..."

Sally nodded. She'd remember alright. She sure knew lots more than she did this morning, even though most of it was fuzzy. She shuffled her way out of their bedroom and closed the door with a careful click, but didn't take one step further. With her fingers pressed against her mound, Sally smirked when she heard mom quietly giggle after daddy said that mommy didn't need that robe anymore...