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Aiden wanted to earn that golden star so without thinking he replied:
Aiden wanted to earn that golden star so without thinking he replied:

"I imagined it", responds aiden

[[Category:The orphanage]]
[[Category:The orphanage]]

Revision as of 07:03, 23 December 2021

The next day, Lucy arrives at the boys bedroom, opens the door and wakes up each child one by one.

Each child gets up and lines up in the bathroom to brush their teeth.

Lucy hands aiden a toothbrush and tells him to go brush them too.

Then the children change out of their pajamas and change into normal clothes.

Everyone goes straight to the dining room to wait for breakfast.

Aiden follows them and manages to notice how the girls are also leaving their room to go to the dining room.

When everyone is in the dining room they decide to sit together at a large table, they all stare at Aiden.

He gets a little nervous and lowers his head.

Mason suddenly tells him, we are bedfellows.

Aiden is left thinking about the words Mason said to him.

Then mason says: "I sleep on top of the bunk"

Aiden understands what he is saying and responds: "Oh, I understand now."

Mason smiles at him and Aiden notices that he looks more like a girl than a boy.

Aiden tells him fearfully: "Hey Mason, you have a very pretty face, you look like a girl."

The other children laugh at Mason.

Olivia responds to aiden: it seems true?

Noah also says: "we all tell him the same thing but he gets angry when we tell him"

Mason gets furious and hits Aiden lightly on the arm and says: "I'm not a girl, I'm stronger and faster than them, I also have short hair."

At that, melanie arrives with the lunch plates and says:

"Hey kids don't fight, it's time for you to have breakfast."

All the children eagerly await their lunch.

Aiden apologizes to Mason and says, "It wasn't my intention to bother you."

Mason looked annoyed, but replied: "I'll forget it just because you said I was handsome"

All the children finish eating and get ready to have their classes.

William tells Aiden that the first class is in the last room and that he should sit close to the boys, since they almost always compete against the girls to find out who is the smartest.

Aiden laughs a bit and says, "ok, I'd like to learn new things."

Before Aiden leaves, Morgan hands him a backpack with notebooks and books so he can study.

Aiden thanks him and runs off to class.

When aiden runs out he realizes that his backpack is very heavy because he carries all the books and notebooks of the school subjects.

So he comes to the classroom tired, in addition to being the last to arrive.

The boys reserved a place for him in the mere in front of the class next to Sofia, who also likes to sit in the front.

Aiden thanks them and takes the seat.

Sophia stares at her as a competition, because despite being new, she likes to be competitive and be the smartest.

Aiden shyly mutters to her, "Hi, I want to learn new things."

Sophia blushes and turns her head.

Lucy is the first to teach that day.

The class continues, after a while william shows a secret drawing to aiden.

It is a drawing of the teacher lucy with a funny face giving the class.

Aiden is shocked and tells William that Lucy might scold him if she finds out.

William laughs and says that's not going to happen.

Aiden returns the drawing and pays attention to the class.

At that moment, Lucy realizes that William is hiding something and says:

"William, could you show me what you're hiding? Please."

William worries and shows lucy the drawing.

Lucy tells William that he draws very beautifully but he doesn't have to be drawing in class.

William apologizes, and lowers his head.

Lucy forgives him, but tells him that he will receive a punishment.

Everyone is paralyzed since they know what they are going to do to him, aiden is scared a little since he does not know what is going to happen.

So lucy puts a chair in front of everyone and sits down.

Then william lies on his belly on her legs.

Lucy pulls his pants down and starts spanking him as punishment, William starts to complain and tear tears from his eyes.

Everyone watches as William is spanked, in that Mason sees Aiden's scared face.

He explains to him that every time someone misbehaves they are punished with spankings, but he clarifies that the teacher Lucy is the one who hits the least hard.

Aiden asks: which of the 3 maids hits the hardest?

Mason responds: "teacher lucy is third, melanie second and morgan first."

"I imagined it", responds aiden

Mason says: "just as Morgan's character is strong, so are her spankings"

At that moment, lucy pulls down William's panties, and reveals his black ass, then continues spanking him.

A minute later she finishes spanking him and William goes to sit down with tears in his eyes.

The class continues, in that comes a question:

What is the result of 3x8 plus 44?

Lucy asks the question and says: "the first to answer it will win a gold star"

Everyone gets excited and begins to solve it in their notebooks.

Aiden wanted to earn that golden star so without thinking he replied: