Fun with Naomi/Part 1: Difference between revisions

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== Chapter 1 ==
<div class="chapter">Chapter 1</div>

My brothers were always mean to me. I had gotten used to it of course and after all, it was just how some families were. My best friend Katie had four brothers. I wish I had her brothers because they were all really nice to her.
My brothers were always mean to me. I had gotten used to it of course and after all, it was just how some families were. My best friend Katie had four brothers. I wish I had her brothers because they were all really nice to her.

Latest revision as of 06:18, 11 January 2022

Chapter 1

My brothers were always mean to me. I had gotten used to it of course and after all, it was just how some families were. My best friend Katie had four brothers. I wish I had her brothers because they were all really nice to her.

Even though my two brothers were mean, they were never really that bad. At least not until I was eight years old. I remember the day everything changed, like it was yesterday.

They had a friend over and they were all off in my oldest brother's room, doing gross boy things. I was just playing by myself in my room and minding my own business when my youngest brother entered my room.

“Get out of here!” I yelled at him. I didn't like it when my brothers went in my room.

He didn't say anything and just grabbed me by the hair, pulling me screaming into my older brother's room where he and his friend were waiting. This wasn't so unusual. While he didn't pull my hair often, he had a couple of times before, so nothing seemed too out of the ordinary... at least at first.

When he pulled me into the room, I could see their friend and my oldest brother playing video games on the PlayStation.

“Our slut sister isn't wearing any panties,” my youngest brother, Andy, announced. He was thirteen and only a year younger than my oldest brother.

“I am too,” I countered. "Now let go!"

Still holding me by my hair Andy asserted, “No, she's not. I'll show you.” Andy let go of my hair and grabbed the sides of my jeans, and not bothering to unbutton them, began to pull them down.

“Andy, stop!” I yelled at him as I grabbed the waist of my jeans in a futile attempt at keeping them on.

By this time, my oldest brother, Sean, and his friend had paused their game and were watching as Andy had begun to pull off my jeans. Of course, I was actually wearing panties and had begun to feel embarrassed as the purple fairies and butterflies were now showing against the pink fabric.

Andy knocked me to the floor. I was still attempting to pull my jeans up even though by this time they were around my knees. It wasn't long before he pulled my jeans clean off.

“Look at her stupid little girl panties,” Andy said as I stood up and tried to free my jeans from his grasp.

“Give them back!” I demanded,

He raised my jeans above his head and I jumped almost able reach them. He tossed them to my older brother, Sean, who was much taller. At that point I gave up, hoping to make a quick retreat back to my room.

Unfortunately, their fun was not over. Andy's hands were back on me again, this time tugging at my shirt. There was no way I was letting him get my shirt off. I forced my arms down, pinning them to my sides.

“Get off me,” I cried to him though I knew it was in vain. My brothers never listened to me when I asked them to stop, even in front of my parents who never seemed to care. Whenever I cried to them they just told me to stop being such a “stupid little girl.” I think they wanted another boy when I was born. Sometimes I wished I had been born a boy too. This was one of those least at first.

Andy struggled to get my shirt off. Whenever he would pry my arms up, I would immediately force them back down as his hands went back to my shirt. Seeing that he wasn't having much luck, Sean, my older brother came over to help. He was stronger than my younger brother and had no trouble pulling my arms over my head. 'Now my boobies are showing,' I thought as they lifted my shirt up and over my head.

I tried to cover myself at first, crossing my arms and holding my hands over my flat chest. But Andy forced my arms to their sides and all three boys were treated to a good view of my little girl chest and panties. I could feel their eyes piercing me as they all stared at my body. I was ashamed, but at this point, I had yet to allow myself to cry. That was all about to change.

“Hey, Mike, how would you like to take my little sister's panties home as a souvenir?” Sean asked his friend. Not even waiting for an answer, Sean leaned over and yanked my pink fairy panties down. Alas, my entire body was bare and I was completely at the mercy of my brothers and their friend.

“Please give me my clothes back,” I begged as tears began to flow freely down my face.

“Little girls are supposed to get naked for their brothers, whenever they want them to,” Sean said as he handed my panties to his friend. Mike stuffed them in his pocket and I never saw my pink fairy panties again.

“You should be grateful that we even let you wear clothes most of the time,” Sean scolded me. It was at that moment that Andy forced his finger in between my bare butt-cheeks.

“Stop that!” I snapped quickly turning around. I began to inch away from Andy only to come closer to Sean who reached his hand underneath me touching my hairless kitty lips. I jumped up letting out another cry. All the boys were laughing at me and staring at my body. It was Mike's turn and he moved forward grabbing both of my undeveloped breasts with both hands.

This went on for several minutes. One boy would touch me and I would do whatever I could to try to get away. Before they were done, all three of the boys had their hands all over me rubbing and pinching me wherever they deemed fit. It seemed there was no place on my body they didn't touch. Although, they undoubtedly favored my butt, my pink little nipples, and my kitty.

Sean, my oldest brother, was the first one to rub me right up between my legs. Andy held me in place as Sean's hand explored and made its way inside my lips. I was of course, mortified at first, but then it was starting to feel good, really good. How can this be? The other boys caught on and started doing it too. I tried really hard not to show that I was enjoying it; afraid they would stop. My facade ended when Mike fingered my clit and I let out an excited giggle. To my delight, they didn't stop.

After a while, the boys were done. They forced me out into the hallway. I was still devoid of any clothing as my brothers had hidden mine from me. I quickly scampered back to my room, but before I could make it, my dad saw me and I knew I was in trouble.

“Young lady, what makes you think you can ramble around this house without any clothes?”

“I'm sorry, I...”

“I don't want to hear it," my dad replied in his usual gruff manner. "I'm tired of your excuses, Naomi. We have a guest over and there is no reason why you should be masquerading around without any clothes. Put on your pajamas and come downstairs so we can talk about your punishment.”

“Yes, sir,” I answered as I heard the boys snickering from the other room.


Once I was dressed, I went downstairs for my punishment. Dad was standing there in the kitchen with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "You deal with her," he told my mother.

My mother turned to me with an unmistakable glower. “What gave you the impression you could scamper about in your birthday suit, young lady?” she scolded.

“Andy and Sh....”

My mother cut me off, “Enough! I'm tired of hearing you tattle on your brothers. It's time you learn to start taking responsibility for your actions, Naomi. I'm having your dad take off the door off of your room first thing tomorrow morning. If you want to run around the house naked, you obviously don't need to have any privacy either."

“No, please!” I cried. My room was the only place I could get away from my brothers. Without my door, they could come and go as they pleased. My mother was unrelenting, but I continued to beg her.

“Enough, Naomi! I'm getting tired of your lip, young lady,” my mother declared as she grabbed my silk pajama bottoms by the waistband, pulling them down along with my panties. She forced me over her knee and lifting my shirt, she began to spank my bare bottom. Hard.

1. 2. 3. 4... I cried and kicked my feet each time her hand made contact with my bare ass. By the sixth slap, I had kicked my bottoms clean off. Mike had since gone home, but naturally both of my brothers were there to watch, which was embarrassing enough.

"Would you like a turn?" I heard my mother say. With my head down still facing the ground, I thought my mother was talking to my daddy, who was watching as well. When I was back on my feet, I was horrified to see my brother come and take her place.

Sean leaned me over his knee. Instead of spanking me, he began fingering my little kitty. He ran his finger up and down my little slit. I was dismayed that neither Mom or Dad made him stop, which was soon enough okay with me, as it felt really good... like when he did it earlier. I could feel my kitty getting a little wet, but I didn't know why. I think Sean felt it too because he pulled his hand away and my spanking resumed.

I began to wail and kick my legs again, putting on quite the show for my other brother and my mom who were both still watching. My younger brother got a turn too, although he didn't bother with my kitty and just went straight to spanking. When the spanking was finally over, I stood giving my punished bottom a much needed rubbing and wiped tears from my cheeks.

As I went to collect my pants, Sean got to them first and I was forced to chase after him before he surrendered them at the top of the stairs. However, my panties were not with them. I had seen them on the floor with my pajama bottoms, so I knew that Sean had taken them. I decided not to make a big deal about it and I knew my parents would just get mad at me as if it was my fault; so I let him keep my panties. As it turns out, I would get them back a few days later… Just not exactly in the way I expected.

That night I was pretty upset as I lay awake in bed. I didn't think it could get any worse than this. At the same time, I enjoyed feeling my brother's hands all over me. Being only eight, I didn't really know what it meant. Fortunately, I wouldn't have to wait long to find out.

Continue to Part 2