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<div style="font-size:50px; text-align:center; font-family:Great Vibes;">'''Chapter 6'''</div>
<div style="font-size:50px; text-align:center; font-family:Great Vibes;">'''Chapter 6'''</div>

Revision as of 08:46, 11 January 2022

Chapter 6

The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I looked at the clock, it was barely 3am and I almost didn’t bother picking up the phone since it was an unknown number, but clarity hit me, it could be my brother.

“Hello?” I answered groggily.

“Don’t speak, just listen.” I heard my brother’s familiar voice on the other end of the line. “I’m somewhere safe and I warned mom and dad not to come back from Europe. I wired them money. They’re fine. But you and Zoe need to get out of town. You’re not safe. They’re trying to go after you both as leverage. I don’t care where you go. Don’t even tell me where you’re going. Just look out for yourself and keep my little girl safe.”

“I understand. Wha…”

Before I had time to ask questions, my brother hung up the phone. I bolted out of bed adrenaline rushing me awake.

“Zoe, wake up. We have to go.” I shook her.

“Whuh, why? She responded groggily rubbing her eyes.

“No time, we just have to go.”

I quickly dressed myself and made sure to grab the gun from our go bag, just in case. I quickly packed all of our things and grabbed all the non-perishable food items we could eat on the road and threw it into the car. I made a last minute sweep of the room and confirmed we weren’t leaving anything important behind. Well, except for one thing…

Zoe, the notorious sound sleeper hadn’t exactly woken up. Right after my attempt to get her up, her head went back down to the pillow. Who knows if she’d even remember me waking her up at 3am. Moments after she talked to me her head was back on the pillow and her eyes closed.

I pulled back the covers. She was dressed in nothing but her nightly pull-up. I noted she hadn’t yet wet the bed that night, but then again, it sometimes turned into a bi-nightly occurrence. I already had a sun dress of hers ready and managed to wrestle it onto her, getting no help from the sound sleeper. Once she was adequately dressed, I grabbed the last few things, scooped up the important one, and we were out the door into the cool early morning air.

I didn’t say much to the night motel clerk, just told him the room number and gave him a wad of cash. It was more than enough to cover the room. I gave him a tip, but not too much. I didn't really want him to remember me.

I buckled the still sleeping Zoe into her car seat. I had to stop and admire the fact she was still in her pull-up. In spite of the hurry to get away I found it somehow a bit erotic and was tempted to slip my hand inside, there was no time, so I double checked that she was secure and went round to the driver's side.

I got into my black Audi, settled in, started the engine, and slipped smoothly out of the car park onto the open road. I found a drive-through coffee place for a caffeine hit and we still had plenty of road snacks and water I had bought yesterday. Fortunately, I had been careful to make sure my car was full of gas so we wouldn’t need to stop for a good while.

With the coffee cooling in the holder, I pulled onto the highway and headed West, unsure where we would end up. The destination didn't matter, we just had to get out of Pueblo, Colorado.

A few hours later, as the sun rose over the mountains in the East, my sleepy little traveling companion woke up.

“Where are we?” She wondered, rubbing her eyes and looking around.

“Well, we’re somewhere in Colorado still. Do you remember me waking you up really early this morning?” I asked.

“I think so,” was her response. I couldn’t help but feel like it was time to let her in on the gravity of our situation. Back at the hotel, my instincts took over, but driving out here on the road had given me time to think. In all honesty, I was scared. Sure, I had done a few favors here and there for my brother when he needed it. And I never asked questions when he would just shove a huge wad of cash in my hands. But I wasn’t cut out for stuff like this. I was the one who always followed the rules and never even got a parking ticket.

“Well, I think it’s time I told you what’s been going on,” I began. “Some bad men that your daddy works with lost a lot of their supplies and got really mad. Now, we’re running away from them. Your daddy called this morning and told me they were after us, that’s why we had to leave.”

“Why does Daddy work with bad people?”

“Well. . .” I struggled. “He didn’t want to at first. But then he had you and used all the extra money to buy you pretty clothes and your nice big house overlooking the city.”

“Oh,” was her only response. “Is he okay? Can I talk to him?”

“He said he was safe. I’ll try to call him once we get somewhere safe.”

“I have to pee,” it was next thing out of her mouth.

“Well, I didn’t have time to change you out of your pull-up before we left,” I suggested.

“Um… so you just want me to go?” She paused. “That’s weird.”

“Well sorry, I don’t really see a good place to stop,” I pointed over at the forest pines on either side. The truth however, was that I was too scared to stop. If they knew where were were this morning, what was to stop them from sending people out to search for us? They could be but a few miles behind us on the road for all I knew. I didn't want to stop until we were a good few hours away from Pueblo. I wasn’t ready to admit that to Zoe, though.

She made a disapproving grunt and folded her arms, with a fair bit of attitude. I empathized with her predicament.

“Okay, I just peed,” Zoe solemnly admitted a few minutes later.

“Alright, just sit tight. I’ll grab you something to change into when we stop.” Zoe didn’t like that answer, wanting to change right then. But I managed to somehow keep her arguing to a minimum. I think she could sense I was a little afraid to stop. Eventually I spotted a gas station about an hour outside Utah and pulled in. There, I grabbed Zoe a much needed fresh pull-up.

“Why can’t I just put on underwear?” She asked, looking at the dry pull-up in my hand.

“We have to keep going. It's just in case we can’t stop in time.”

“No, I don’t want to do that!” Zoe protested, bending over and relaxing her arms like a zombie.

“Fine. But I’m leaving a few pull-ups in the car just in case.” I stuffed the clean pull-up in the pocket behind the driver’s seat and went back to the trunk for a pair of Zoe’s panties. She gladly pulled them on and we went together to grab something to eat inside the gas station.

I didn’t let Zoe out of my sight when we were inside. It’s not fun being that paranoid. But we picked out drinks, snacks, and cheap gas station food that would do in a pinch. The car didn’t need to be filled up, but I still topped off the tank and checked the oil and water before heading back on the road.

Eventually, the coffee made itself felt and I needed to pee. I reached for an empty bottle in the passenger’s seat and Zoe was fascinated by my ability to pee in a bottle and seeing that I wasn’t stopping for myself either, meant that she didn’t have an issue when she had to pee again. She unbuckled herself and changed into a pull-up I had saved for her, using it and then changed back into her panties.

"It's not fair, I can't use a bottle like you," she said, pouting.

My reluctance to stop meant we made pretty good time. We made it into Utah and by mid afternoon, we were in the city of Provo. We grabbed lunch at a drive-through and after such an early morning, I was exhausted so we stopped at the first motel I saw that didn’t look too dingy.

Once we were settled into our new room, I picked up my phone and called the unknown number my brother had called me from early that morning.

“Hey, we made it out of Pueblo without any trouble,” I told my brother after he answered the phone.

“Good, that makes me feel a lot better. Don’t tell me where you are. Look, they’ve got people everywhere and honestly, a shit load of drugs went missing. Easily 10 million dollars worth, so they’re mad and they want my head. Just be smart. It’s too dangerous to go back to El Paso. I’ve been anticipating something like this for a while, so I already have some money shelled away. I’ll send you account numbers and such in a couple of days. I just need to lie low for a little while longer.”

“How have you been expecting this?” I asked bluntly. “Have you been stealing from the cartel?”

“The less you know, the better. I’ve tried to keep you out of this as best as I could, but I guess I did a shit job. Look, I’m sorry it has to be this way, but we just have to deal with it.”

We wrapped up our conversation and I handed the phone to Zoe who had a much needed chat with her father. He could tell she was beginning to understand the gravity of the situation and I was glad he was able to work through some of the emotional baggage that went along with it.

As promised, she didn’t mention our little games either. They were still our little secret.

“It’s still pretty early,” I commented innocently after she’d hung up the phone. “What do you think about another make out session?” She wrinkled her nose, considering it for a moment, before making up her mind.

“Weee!” She stood up on the bed and jumped onto me. I grabbed her and out lips locked. I placed her on the bed and started removing my clothes. This time, I had kept Zoe out of sight and rented a room with a single king bed. There was no reason to try and pretend we weren’t going to sleep together.

I stripped her out of her sun dress, but didn’t bother with her panties. Instead, I stuck a finger inside one of the leg holes and then, my cock quickly followed.

My cock rubbed all around the child’s twat and we continued making out. It was still lodged inside of her panties when I came.

I broke our kiss and looked down as I began to orgasm and shoot cum into her panties. It stayed fairly well contained, but I could see the white fabric along with the little red flowers get steadily darker as they started to become soaking wet with my jizz.

“Uh. That feels so gross and slimy,” Zoe complained a bit, but I knew she wasn’t that bothered. She discarded her cum soaked little girl panties over the side of the bed when I was finished. Then I suggested we watch some TV to pass the time.

I let her pick the show as I was a little too distracted, staring at her naked body and lightly caressing her flat chest as she watched cartoons.

“You know, I really like cumming on your chest,” I admitted when her show was on commercial break.

“Yeah, you think I haven’t figured that out by now?” She sounded more like an adult than she really should have.

“I guess it is pretty obvious,” I answered before I re-positioned myself. I was hard again. Like the good little girl that she was, she helped work my cock until I came once again, watching my spunk shoot onto her and then as she played with the gooey mess. I even convinced her to taste some more and she made a yucky face in response. I really need to remember to eat some fruit before I teach her how to suck my cock, I thought to myself as I continued watching her play with my slime in between her fingers.

Chapter 7