Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/Skirt: Difference between revisions

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* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/Skirtless/Escalate to medium|Regard this as a low-end medium violation and have her remove her panties for a short time.]]
* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/Skirtless/Escalate to medium|Regard this as a low-end medium violation and have her remove her panties for a short time.]]
* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/Skirtless/Escalate to diapers|Regard this as a high-end lower violation and choose something else, such as putting her in a diaper.]]
* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/Skirtless/Escalate to diapers|Regard this as a high-end lower violation and choose something else, such as putting her in a diaper.]]
* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/Skirtless/Push it as far as you can|Regard this as a proper medium violation so you can also feel up her privates a bit once her panties are removed.]
* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/Skirtless/Push it as far as you can|Regard this as a proper medium violation so you can also feel up her privates a bit once her panties are removed.]]


Revision as of 10:46, 5 May 2022

Make her remove her skirt

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“… what would you think if a classmate came to school without a skirt?” you asked the girl, deciding to go with a small punishment and trying to gauge which one would be best. This one, at least, should allow you to get a bit of an eye full of the young girl in her panties.

Perl frowned her face maturely, “That would be against the dress code, Sir.” she answered without hesitation, giving you a lingering strange look as though she didn’t know where this was going. Maybe she thought you were making some sort of analogy to her behavior and didn’t think it was an appropriate one, at the very least she didn’t seem to suspect your real intentions.

“Well, yes…” you admitted, taken aback by her confident answer, “but would you want to interact with such a classmate?”

“Of course not, Sir. I have the utmost regard for the school rules, Sir,” she dryly answered.

This was not the direction you imagined for the conversation, “Forget the rules for a bit,” you started, “on a personal level, would you lose respect for a classmate if they were to come to class in their pajamas?”

Perl blinked twice before answering, but that was all the sign she gave of uncertainty, “Yes, Sir, if someone was so careless as to come to school in only their underwear, I would not trust them to put effort into their studies, so I wouldn’t want to associate with them.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” you said, pleased to, at last, receive the answer you were expecting, “since your punishment will be to wear only a your panties with no skirt for a day.” you finished, smiling at her.

“Excuse me!… Sir?” she said, for once really thrown off-center, “but wouldn’t that be against the dress code, Sir?” she recovered her center quickly, holding to her knowledge of the school rules, her mind not even seeming to go down the track of the embarrassment of being seen in her underwear (for the sake of the argument, at least).

“Since this is a punishment, no,” you explained, “as you know, your public image is very important, so I’m hoping this will teach you that your actions have far-reaching consequences.”

“I have to come to school without a skirt, in just my underwear… for not paying attention in class?” she said, almost to herself, then she looked you directly in the eyes with intensity, “Sir, I don’t want to question you; but I feel this might not be the best action to make me atone for my mistake. If detention is not allowed, perhaps extra homework on the subject, or even increasing my hours helping other students might be a better—”

You raised your hand, and she immediately stopped, lowering her eyes and recovering her submissive attitude. “You are a bright girl, Perl,” you started, “so the fact that you’re trying to get out of this punishment tells me it will really stick with you,” you then continued with a serious tone, “I know you enjoy studying, so extra homework or tutoring your classmates cannot be considered a punishment for you. Also, I don’t like that you’re trying to influence me, young lady.”

You smiled when your words made Perl’s cheeks turned pink, she clearly didn’t like you catching on her game.

“What do you have to say now, Perl?” you continued, when she remained quiet, her eyes down.

“I’m sorry, Sir.” she started, “If that’s my punishment, I will not wear my skirt tomorrow. It wasn’t my place to try and change your decision, Sir. I’m really sorry.”

"I said for a day, Perl. Not a school day. I mean a full period of 24 hours, starting now. I am going to have to oversee that this punishment is done properly, after all. This also means that I will be keeping your skirt here until you return at this same time tomorrow in order to get it back. While you are a serious student and probably trustworthy enough not to violate the conditions of your punishment, I cannot make exceptions for you." You told her.

Perl's cheeks flushed a bright pink when she heard this. "Umm... yes sir." She said, this time in a more quiet voice, although she still remained seated in her chair. "You, uhh... do you want me to... remove my skirt right now?" She asked.

"Now would be a good time, yes." You said. "Any further dawdling might begin to make me suspect you are trying to avoid your punishment."

"No sir! I would not attempt to do such a thing. I will dutifully accept the punishment that you have selected for me." She said and then stood up and started looking around the room for some reason. For a moment, her eyes settled on the private bathroom connected to your office.

"You will remove your skirt right here in front of me." You told her. "I should also add that any attempt to cover yourself, with your hands, objects, or items such as books will be seen as attempts to avoid the spirit of the punishment. You will have to freely allow all your teachers, fellow students, and people you will be interacting with in town, to see that you are not wearing a skirt."

"Yes sir." She says. After this, she dutifully hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her skirt and pushes it down. After all that fight, it is actually somewhat anticlimactic just to see the girl in her underwear. A part of your lecherous brain wants more. However, this was supposed to just be a lesser punishment. It was hard to justify the removal of her panties.

Unless... well, she did argue with you quite a bit there. Maybe you could leverage that into a medium-grade punishment. You might be able to get away with it if you just keep the scope and scale of it narrow and have her dress in her panties again by the time she leaves this room.