Fun with Naomi/Part 13: Difference between revisions

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I got to take a shower when it was over, then I went to find my dress which was still in the living room from the night before. I had forgotten where I left panties, but I figured he’d enjoy finding them later. He made me kiss him goodbye before I left back to Jim’s hotel room.
I got to take a shower when it was over, then I went to find my dress which was still in the living room from the night before. I had forgotten where I left panties, but I figured he’d enjoy finding them later. He made me kiss him goodbye before I left and returned to Jim’s hotel room.
After being woken up for sex a few times in the middle of the night, I was pretty tired. So Jim let me sleep for a while when I got back. Once I’d slept for a few hours, I was awake again and Jim said we were going shopping. Excited, I hurried to get dressed, knowing we were probably going to get my iPad now.
As we left the hotel, I started talking about what color I wanted, not sure if I should get rose gold or blue. 
We stopped for food first at a really nice restaurant and then he took me to a nice part of town with lots of fancy stores and bought me a few new dresses along with a few bikinis he said I should bring when we go to Florida. While I was a little disappointed he hadn’t gotten me my iPad yet, I was was excited when he said we were going to the aquarium. It was really cool to see all the fish and I knew I’d have to tell Hannah about it because they had otters there and I got to watch them play.
“Are we going to get my iPad yet!?” I asked again, unable to wait any longer.
“Well, little lady, we could get you an iPad right now, but it depends on what you want,” his response was really confusing. “The board meets tomorrow, so we won’t know if we were successful until after that. But you did your job and should certainly get paid for it.”
That made sense to me, but he wasn’t finished. “There are lots of people—like your father, who are happy doing their job and then get paid for it. In fact, most people choose to be like him and are happy to work for their money and go home at the end of the day. But some people choose to be like me. I’ve worked hard to put this takeover together, but if it doesn’t work out, I won’t make anything and I could even lose millions of dollars. But if it’s successful, I’m going to make millions more. I don’t work for my money, I make my money work for me.”
He knelt down in front of me, “Now Naomi, I like you so I want you to have a choice. You can me like everyone else or you can choose to be different. If you want to be like your father, we can go get that iPad right now. Or, do you want to be like me?”
I didn’t understand everything he was saying. But even though I had only gone with Jim twice, I had met enough rich and successful people to know. They were different. Daddy was successful now, but that was only because he got a big promotion. If he hadn’t invited all those people to our house and let Jim take my virginity and pass me around the dining room table, he never would have been promoted in the first place.
“I want to be like you,” I answered.
“Alright, little lady,” Jim continued. “I’d be happy to be your mentor, but you should know that it won’t be easy. I’ll teach you everything I know. You’ll earn your iPad, but only if 9 our deal is successful. If not, then you’ll have to wait for the next one.  What do you say?”
I thought about it for a moment. It seemed like I was too young to learn stuff like that. Still, I knew it was really what I wanted. So I agreed. Besides, Jim didn’t think I was too young, so why should I? I think Jim wanted to kiss me right there when I answered, but he waited until we were back at the hotel.
On the way back, he started telling me what kinds of things I would learn. It was way more than I would be able to remember, but I think he was just really excited to teach me. He said I would be doing a lot of the same things and our trips together wouldn’t change that much. But he’d be teaching me lots of stuff when we were together. I know business and money and stuff sounds really boring, but Jim made it sound kind of interesting. He told me I had already learned a lot just helping him with two deals.
Back at the hotel, I was soon under the sheets with Jim on top of me. Feeling his warm body moving over me while he called me nice names was a lot better than my time with Jeremiah. It’s funny, I hated Jim the first time he did me on the dining room table. I still didn’t like that he passed me around to everyone else at the table that night or that he used me to help him do business deals with creepy men I didn’t know, but being with him was usually nice. Besides that, I liked that he wanted to teach me how to be rich like him.
He came inside me and then cuddled me a little bit. It made me feel really nice and special.
“I like being with you a lot better than Jeremiah,” I admitted.
“Why’s that, little lady?”
“He likes to call me mean names!”
“Well, that’s something lots of men like to do, and lots of women, too,” he paused. “I like doing that too sometimes. But whether you like it or not, you did a great job with him. Jeremiah sent me an email in the middle of the night last night telling me how much of a sexy little slut you are.”
“Oh…” I didn’t know what else to say, so I changed the subject to the first thing I thought of, Hannah.
I ended up telling Jim how much fun we had together when I’d spent time at her house. Then told him that I really wanted an iPad so I could FaceTime with her. He liked the idea.
“Did you have a good time with Hannah’s father, too?” Jim suddenly asked. I froze. I wasn’t going to bring up the not so fun stuff that I did with Hannah’s dad.
“I guess…” I replied, but he knew I didn’t think it was much fun. “He’s even meaner than Jeremiah.
“Blake can be a bit obnoxious,” Jim laughed. “I wonder how Hannah is doing now that she’s learning to be daddy’s little slut just like you are.” I didn’t like him talking about her like that and it made me start to cry.
“Awe, don’t be sad, little lady,” Jim kept going. “Hannah may be having a tough time now, but I’m sure she’ll be enjoying cocks soon enough. Some day soon she’ll get to try out mine, too. But don’t worry, you’ll always be my little sweetheart.” I cried a few more tears before Jim leaned in to kiss me.
“It’s alright little lady,” he said as he started to push his cock into me again. “Hannah will be just fine as long as she has you to help her. You’re such a sweet little kid.” He fucked me slowly as I dried my eyes. Soon, he made me feel a lot better because I started to cum.
“The meeting for the voting is today, right?” I asked Jim wanting to be sure. He was getting ready the next morning while I was still in bed—naked.
“Do you really think he’s going to vote with you?” I asked, referring to the man upstairs.
“Well, we made a deal,” Jim answered. “But that’s no guarantee. I’ve been screwed over before, but I am usually right about these things.”
I thought about it for a moment, “Shouldn’t we be sure?” Hearing Jim talk about Hannah with her mean daddy last night made me want that iPad even more. Then I could at least talk to her.
“How do you propose we do that?” I didn’t know what to say. Jim had never asked me about anything like that before. But he had agreed to teach me now, so I guess that’s why.
“I could go back upstairs,” I relented. I hated the idea of going to see him again.
“Hmmm…” Jim paused. “It’s not a bad thought. It’s your choice, Naomi.”
I grunted. He knew I didn’t want to go, but if the vote didn’t work out and he voted against Jim, I knew I couldn’t forgive myself.
I didn’t even get my hair way and just got in the shower long enough to wash  the last evidence of Jim off of me. Then, I was back on the 49th floor.
“Well isn’t this a surprise!” Jeremiah said when he saw me. I wasn’t dressed super fancy this time, just in a striped t-shirt and jeans.
“I came here to remind you to vote with Jim today,” I said. I sounded more confident than I felt.
“How could I vote against a man who has delivered me such a charming little whore not once, but twice now. I was planning to grab breakfast, but that shit’s overrated anyways, isn’t it?”
I didn’t say anything as he slowly approached me. He was already dressed for the day, but began to undo his belt. His pants dropped to the floor and he put his cock through the front his boxers. It poked out past his white business shirt.
I knew what I had to do, but I didn’t want to. It was the first time I had actually done anything on my own. Nobody told me I had to, but I got on my knees and grabbed his cock. I jerked it a few times before sticking it in my mouth.
“That’s it little bitch!” He moaned as I started to suck it. For a few minutes he just let me do my thing, but I suspected he would start wanting to put it back towards my throat, too. Unfortunately, I was right.
He began pulling me closer and forced my head into his stomach, I whined and gagged a little, but kept going. I started to gulp when I felt cum start to fill my mouth.
“Eat it whore!” I couldn’t swallow fast enough, but I only spilled a little out the corner of my mouth. He made me show him the pool of cum in my mouth when it was over. I swallowed the rest for him and I think he enjoyed watching me do it. I still hated swallowing, but I had done it so much now with my brothers that I didn’t really think about it anymore. I used the t-shirt to clean off my face and thanked Jeremiah before heading back to Jim’s hotel room.
I don’t know if visiting Jeremiah that morning made a difference or not, but he voted with Jim that day and we were both really happy. He rewarded me by licking my kitty and making me cum again before we headed to the airport. Our flight didn’t leave for several hours, though. That meant we had plenty of time to stop by the Apple store so I could pick out my iPad. It felt good knowing that I had earned it. I mean, I guess I earned the clothes and other presents that Jim bought me, too, but this time it felt different.
I played games on it the entire plane ride home. I had already managed to get in touch with Hannah, too and we started sending messages back and forth. Once again, I wished I didn’t have to go home. The only thing waiting for me there was my daddy and two older brothers who would want to use me as soon as I came in the house. At least Jim would treat me nicer and buy me nice stuff.
“Can we go away for longer next time?” I asked part way though our flight.
“We’ll see,” Jim answered, “We do have to go to Florida for your first weekend yachting with Edward and his sons. I’m just waiting for the lawyers to finish up the due diligence on the deal.”
“What’s doo diligence?” I wondered.
“It’s when you double check a companies books to make sure they’re actually worth what you’re paying.”
“Oh,” it sounded boring.
“But once your little boat trip is over, maybe we could take a little trip to the Bahamas or something, we’ll see.” He rubbed me knee. Going to The Bahamas with Jim sounded like a lot of fun.
“I’d like that.” I said and pushed myself up in my seat to kiss him on the cheek.

Latest revision as of 04:24, 4 July 2022

Chapter 13

My bags were packed and I was excited. Jim was coming to pick me up. I didn’t know where we were going, but that just made it more exciting. It had been about a week since I had been at Hannah’s house and I was eager to see her again, too. She wasn’t going with us, but I was hoping Jim would buy me an iPad so I could video chat with her.

She had asked me if I had one so we could, but I didn’t. I had planned to ask my daddy about it when he was in a good mood but when I found out Jim was picking me up that weekend, I decided to wait and just ask him. I knew he would get me one.

I was dressed in a fancy sleeveless white and beige dress that Jim had bought for me. It was the nicest dress he had bought me last time and I had a matching coat in case it was cold where we were going. It was a good thing I had brought the coat, too because when he arrived to pick me up, he said we were going to Chicago. I had never been there, so I was looking forward to seeing it.

“So, how have you been, Naomi?” Jim asked as driver started to pull away from my house.

“Good, is it cold in Chicago?”

“This time a year isn’t too bad, it might get cold at night, though,” he answered.

“Oh, okay. Do you think I can get an iPad when we’re there?” I didn’t see any reason why I should wait to ask him.

He leaned over and pushed the hair out of my face, “We’ll see. If you’re a good girl this trip, I might be able to arrange that.” Then he kissed me and undid my seatbelt. Jim pushed me to my knees on the floor of the car and took my dress off, carefully placing it in my seat so it wouldn’t wrinkle. The next thing I saw was his cock dangling in my face and I knew what to do.

I grabbed it and stuck it in my mouth. He relaxed in his seat as I sucked it. When I looked up at him, he was just looking out the window and hardly paying attention as I kept sucking him. He did start to caress the side of my face, but he just relaxed in the seat for the most part and enjoyed the car ride. Eventually, he did look back at me and not long after that, his cock started twitching in my mouth.

“That’s it, little lady,” he said as he began squirting sperm into my mouth. He let me pull back when it got to be too much, but his cock was still going and squirted over my chest, too,

“You know it’s going to be a lot easier for you if you just learn to swallow it…”

“I don like tuh,” I said with cum dripping from my mouth.

“That’s okay, I like watching it squirt all over you,” he replied. He whipped his cock across my nipple and started looking m around for something to wipe it off with.

I waited there impatiently, feeling his cum drip from my face and down my chest until he fished out a small towel from of the center glove compartment. Finally, he started wiping it up and I was allowed to get my dress back on.

“Now, if you do as good a job with my friend as you did with me, I think it will be much easier for me to arrange a special trip to get you an iPad,” Jim told me when I was back in my seat. “Well, he’s actually not my friend yet, but that’s where you come in..”

“I’m going to make him your friend?”

“Something like that,” Jim answered. “I mean, I probably won’t be going to parties with the guy or even going out to dinner, but if all goes well, he’s going to vote how I want him to.”

“Like in the election?” I remembered the big national election a few years before.

“Not quite, little lady,” he had a slight smile. “I’m going to teach you how to do a hostile takeover. You see, I bought a lot of shares of a company and the man you are going to see is on the board of the company. He is very influential, so if he votes to kick-out the CEO, other board members will follow. I only own 25% of the company, so I need his vote to get me over 50%.”

I wasn’t too good at percentages yet, but it wasn’t that complicated, “You want to be the CEO?”

“Oh no, I found someone else who is much better for the job. Besides, I’m way too busy running my own company. I just want to get that fucking idiot Balkula out of there. That fucking worthless Polak is running that place into the ground.”

It was still a bit over my head, but I got the general idea. I adjusted my skirt as we pulled up to the airport. Normally flights are really boring, but sitting in first class makes them a lot better, even when I don’t have much to do. The flight to Chicago was three hours, so I was glad we would be in first class.

When we got there, a car picked us up from the airport and took us to our hotel. I was excited to see all the big skyscrapers as we drove through the city. Houston has skyscrapers, too, but the ones in Chicago are a lot taller and there are a lot more of them. Mommy and Daddy had taken me to New York before, but I was too little to remember. My brothers both do, though.

Our hotel was really fancy and even looked nicer than the one we stayed at in Florida. I felt like I fit in wearing my fancy designer dress. I liked that. We had dinner in their restaurant before heading up to our room. It was a little smaller than the one in Florida, but it still had two rooms and had a fireplace.

Jim ordered dinner to the room and I barely had time to settle in before he pulled my dress over my head and pushed me towards the bathroom in my panties. I talked to him as he started a bath. When it was full, he took off my panties and made me climb in.

“Aren’t you getting in, too?” I asked. He was still fully dressed and started wetting my hair.

“Not this time,” he replied. Jim was only interested in getting me clean and I didn’t like it. When he reached for the soap, I moved in his way and tried to pull his hand to my kitty.

“Not now, Naomi,” Jim said firmly. “I need you nice and clean so you’re ready for the night ahead of you.”

“But aren’t I staying here in the hotel?”

“In the hotel, yes. But you won’t be staying in my room. You’ll be going to a different floor. The man you’re meeting lives in one of the condos here where people can actually live in the hotel full time.”

“Oh.” I said as he started soaping up my chest. “I want to stay with you tonight.”

“We’ll have plenty of time for that later,” Jim touched my chin and made me took at him. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll buy you that iPad you want, okay?”

After that I stopped complaining. But I didn’t like the idea of spending the night with some weird man. I didn’t say much else as he finished my bath. When he was done, he wrapped me in a towel and blow dried and brushed my hair. They had brought the food up by then, so I ate while he got me ready. Once I’d finished my food, he pulled a dress out from his suitcase and told me to put it on. I slipped on a pair of pink and white panties with hearts and then I grabbed the dress and started putting it on, too.

It was white with a silver lace around the waist. I thought it was really pretty and I told Jim that, too. He watched me as I put it on.

It was sleeveless with thin shoulder straps and a deep V down the middle of my chest. It was fun to twirl around in but didn’t cover much. The V stopped a little ways below my nipples, barely hiding them. It showed most of my back, too since the straps only crossed in the back. There wasn’t much fabric down the sides either so they were completely bare until my waist. I wasn’t used to wearing a dress like that, but it was kind of fun. The fabric was really soft, too. I didn’t have much time to enjoy it, though because Jim said it was time for me to go.

“You’re not coming with me?” I interrupted him as he started giving me directions.

“Naomi, you’re old enough to find your way through a fucking hotel,” I could tell Jim was annoyed. “He lives in a condo on the 48th floor.”

“Sorry!” I whined, not bothering to hide the fact that I was also pretty annoyed. I was still really young and had never had to do anything like that before, it Jim forced me to.

“It’s okay, little lady,” he kissed my forehead. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been under a lot of stress this week. Tomorrow night we’ll have some time to ourselves to take it easy, I promise.”

He gave me directions and I kissed Jim on the cheek before heading to the elevator and up to the 48th floor. As the elevator started to climb, I realized I didn’t even know the name of the man I was supposed to meet…

A man who was a lot younger than I expected, was there to greet me when the elevator door opened.

“Hi, I’m Naomi,” I waved when he didn’t say anything. Instead of responding, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the living room of his condo. It was really pretty with lots of white marble, but the best part was the view of the city. I didn’t really get much time to took at it when I got there, though because he was horny.

“Such a nice slutty dress for a slutty little girl!” He finally spoke. I wanted to tell him I wasn’t really a slut, but I didn’t think it was a good idea. He paused and looked at my white dress and I could tell he was looking at the deep V down my chest.

He pulled me over to the sofa and sat down on it in front of me. Then he started caressing my bare sides underneath my arms. My new dress didn’t cover it, so there was nothing in the way. Soon, his hands were underneath the fabric, feeling my chest, too. He pulled me in and started kissing me on the lips.

I don’t know if he’d never kissed anyone before or what, but his mouth was all over me. When I tried French kissing him back, his tongue moved around, licking my nose and circling around my mouth. It felt really weird. I didn’t know what to do and it felt like I was doing something wrong. He seemed to like it, though.

He kept slobbering over my face as he pulled my dress straps over my shoulders. The fabric started to fall down and soon my entire chest was exposed.

“Flat chests are so innocent and beautiful,” he said before he started kissing and slobbering over my nipples. I felt him groping me all over. My dress fell to the floor when he started running his hands over my panties. When he pulled away, my face, chest, and stomach were wet with his saliva. But he wasn’t finished.

The man grabbed handful of my hair and pulled my head back, giving me a sloppy kiss on my cheek and moved over to my ear. Feeling his tongue licking my ear was really weird, but I didn’t say anything.

When he stopped, it was my turn to sit down. At least that’s what I assumed when he stood up and pushed me to the sofa.

“Undo my pants,” he said very casually. as if he was asking me if he could borrow a pen or something. I did as I was told and my hands went to his belt.

“Yeah, a good little girl-slut like you knows how get a man’s pants off,” I don’t know why his comments bothered me so much. He didn’t seem mean like Hannah’s dad could be, but that almost made it worse somehow. Either way, his pants were down in no time and I was slowly pulling down his briefs, too.

“Lick my sack,” his instruction were still completely emotionless. I leaned in to obey, but hesitated when I noticed the repugnant smell emanating from the area.

“What’s the problem?” his voice sounded more annoyed than concerned.

I looked up reluctantly, “It smells!” I knew it was probably the wrong thing to say, and I was right.

The next thing I knew, he pushed my face into his sack, “Lick my fucking balls!” His voice had more emotion now, but now the kind that I was hoping for. I whined a little as I was forced to smell his mustiness, but I stuck my tongue out. I felt his erect cock against my face as I started licking his balls.

I think he had probably gone to the gym or something and didn’t take a shower. One time, daddy wanted me to suck him after he was working out in the yard but I asked if he could take a shower first because she smelled. Daddy was a lot nicer than this man because he took a shower with me instead.

The strange man held my head until he was sure I wouldn’t pull away. I knew I had to do it, at least for Jim. At the time, I didn’t know how mad Jim would be if I let him down and I didn’t want to find out. So I continued licking the hairy nut sack when the man let go to take off his shirt.

I felt him push my head back and looked up at him. Then my face was greeted with his cock slapping my cheek. He had begun waving his dick back and forth, hitting me on either side of my face. Slowing down, the man moved the tip around my face and spread sticky pre-cum wherever it went.

“You forgot your lipstick, slut!” He touched his tip to my lips and started spreading pre-cum around them as if it was lipstick. I wasn’t allowed to wear lipstick, but I don’t think he cared.

He pulled my head closer and I opened my mouth. I had gotten used to the smell, but I gagged when I tasted his cock. Then he forced himself deep into my mouth, causing me to gag again. I whined in response.

Still, I closed my mouth around the large appendage and started bobbing my head like I knew Jim would have wanted. The man moaned when I started twirling my tongue around his cock, too. I couldn’t tell if I was getting used to the foul taste, or if my mouth was washing off his sweat. Either way, it wasn’t tasting so bad after a while.

He started telling me I was a good slut and moaning a little as I continued. When he was about to cum, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and tilted my head back. Then it started squirting over my face. Gobs fell into my open mouth and sprayed out everywhere. My eyes were shut tight as I felt the stuff on my forehead and nose. I didn’t opened them when I thought he was done, but it was too soon.

I whined when I felt one of my eyes start to sting, when it was hit with a wad of cum.

“Poor little cunt!” He laughed at me. I shut my eyes tights waited to open them again until I help him wiping off my face. When the coast was clear and I could tell most of the cum had been cleaned from around my eyes, I carefully opened them and looked down as he used his underwear to wipe some more from my chin.

“Alright, just hang out for a while,” the man threw his underwear on the floor. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

I just laid there for a minute on the sofa, feeling a bit of cum he’d missed still stuck on my face. I found more in my hair as I brushed it over my shoulder. I wiped it off my hand on the sofa cushion in between the cracks.

After lying out on the sofa for a few minutes, I got up and managed to find the bathroom and washed the nasty taste of the man’s cock in my mouth. When I looked in the mirror, I could see my hair was a lot worse than I thought. In the bathroom, there was a shower, fresh towels, and shampoo, so I didn’t see the harm in taking a quick shower.

After the water warmed up, I pulled off my panties and got in just long enough to wash my hair and and other cum left in me. I wrapped a towel around me chest and left my wet hair to dry by itself.

Walking back through the luxury condo, I explored a bit. All the furniture and paintings were very fancy and the kitchen was pretty amazing. I heard a noise down the hall and I knew that must be where the man had gone. When I walked in his direction, I saw a plaque on the wall of some award. It read, “The 2018 Peterson’s Award of Excellence presented to Jeremiah Stephenson”. In the photo, I recognized the man I had just sucked off. He was shaking hands with someone on a stage and both of the men were both wearing suits. Finally, I had learned the man’s name.

Walking only a bit further, I found Jeremiah in his office. He had talked the rest of his clothes off and was only wearing a robe while he sat at his computer. I don’t even think he noticed me when I walked in.

“Hey, Jeremiah,” I said, leaning against the door frame.

“Hi,” he barely glanced up from his screen. I slowly walked over behind his desk.

“Whatcha doing’?”


“Oh. What are you working on?”

“Did you need something?” He looked up at me, kind of annoyed.

“No, not really,” I don’t know what got into me. I felt like I should have been afraid of him or something. He hadn’t been nice to me either. Although compared to Hannah’s daddy, I guess he was. I was just kind of bored. That, and I wanted to make Jim happy so he’d get me an iPad. I figured Jim wouldn’t want me to just sit around the condo and do nothing,

“Look, there’s a TV in the other room if you need something to do. I’m busy and I didn’t get where I’m at by having stupid conversations with little kids.”

“Oh, you don’t talk to little kids, you just fuck them?” I leaned over his chair and reached under his robe. “Come fuck me then.” I grabbed his cock and felt it start to grow in my hand. Apparently he couldn’t say no, because he yanked off my towel and picked me up.

“You want me to fuck your little pussy then is that it?” I got kind of scared because he said it really mean. He carried me out of his office and into the bedroom across the hallway.

“Naughty little slut!” He threw me down on the bed. The white robe he was wearing had already fallen open, so he just climbed on top of me.

Jeremiah started fucking me hard against his bed. He wrapped his arms around me and I could feel his fingers clawing at my bare back. I hugged him, too as he kept driving his cock into me. His force didn’t make it the most fun for me. I grunted every time he forced himself in really hard. It wasn’t much fun for me at all, but he was really enjoying it, so I was glad.

Just when things started to feel a little better for me, I felt him begin to squirt in my kitty. By then, I was a little disappointed that he couldn’t keep going. Once he was done, he pulled himself out and laid down next to me, letting us both catch our breath.

I thought he might go back to his office now that we were done, but instead he waited until he was hard again. He rubbed his cock with one hand and my kitty with the other. Then he told me to climb on top and ride on his cock. I sat down slowly on him and he grabbed my hips, making me do it faster. I gasped when I felt his cock push inside me again. Then I started riding slowly on top. He began to feel up my chest, too. His hands grabbed my nipples as if they were breasts.

“Come on, ride me like you mean it, whore,” I started going faster, but it wasn’t enough for him. His hands went back to my hips and he made me go even harder. Even though he still felt way too big as his thingy went in and out of my kitty, I started to cum this time.

“Oh yeah, you like that bitch!” He said as my breathing started to get really fast. He knew I was cumming. When I was finished, I started to slow down, but Jeremiah didn’t like that. Even though I didn’t want to, he forced my hips to ride him harder and harder until he came, too.

He pulled me into him and hugged me as we both recovered. I could feel his cock getting softer until it slipped out of my kitty. I guess I fell asleep like that because the next thing I remember was Jeremiah waking me up.

I turned over in bed and looking out his bedroom window, I could see that it was still dark. He didn’t wake me up because it was morning, though. I was barely awake when he stuck his thing in my kitty again. I just laid there as he used me again and fell right back to sleep when he was done.

The next time I woke up, it was morning.

“Hey, what the?” My face was stuck to the pillow. I looked down at what appeared to be dry cum around the pillow slip. I realized quickly that there was some on my chest, too.

“You don’t remember?” Jeremiah laughed. He was already awake and drinking coffee. He was looking out at his view of Chicago.

“No…” I was annoyed.

“I jerked off and gave you a facial while you were asleep. You woke up and told me I was gross then fell back to sleep.”

“You are gross!” I didn’t like the idea of someone just using me like that while I was sleep.

“Well, how about one last blow job before you leave?” He phrased it as a question, but it wasn’t. When he walk to the bed, I got up and undid the tie to his robe. His cock flopped in front of me. I jerked it a few times to get it hard before I licked the tip and put it in my mouth.

Since he had just showered, it smelled a lot better than the day before. He made sure I licked his balls and then base me rub them as I sucked him. Of course, he made sure I couldn’t escape his cum and help my head. I was forced to drink a bunch as it shot into my mouth and you know, I really don’t like eating cum for breakfast.

I got to take a shower when it was over, then I went to find my dress which was still in the living room from the night before. I had forgotten where I left panties, but I figured he’d enjoy finding them later. He made me kiss him goodbye before I left and returned to Jim’s hotel room.

Continue to Part 14