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[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 3]]
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[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 5]]

Revision as of 17:37, 20 December 2022

"You can take my sleeping bag," you offer.

"But... where will you sleep?"

"I dunno. The floor I guess."

"You can't sleep on the floor, Jay!"

You shrug. "I dunno, I'll be okay."

"No. I won't let you do that."

"Well then where will you sleep?" you ask.

She scuffs her bare foot against the floor. "We can always, y'know... share."

The two of you awkwardly eye up your bed. You'd say it's a roomy sleeping bag normally, but roomy for one person is still not room enough for two.

"But I don't... really want to sleep like this." Nicole gestures up and down her scantily clad body. You've been trying not to stare, but having been invited to look you are happy to drink in her svelte figure protected only by the offending drenched undergarments she's alluding to.

"Yeah, okay. Um..." you speedily pull apart your bag, knowing the exact article you want to give her. "Here."

You pass Nicole a button up shirt, one of the last actual clean tops you have left in your bag after exhausting your t-shirts as towels. She drapes it over her shoulders then turns away to undo her bra. She shrugs the wet straps down her arms but also shrugs off the shirt in the process. For a brief moment you see her from the back in nothing but a pair of wet panties. Nicky is fast to pick up the shirt wary of it landing in a puddle, then wraps herself up in it, fumbling with the buttons a little. She leaves the top and bottom buttons undone, presumably for comfort.

Watching her turn to face you wearing nothing but your ill fitting shirt and her wet panties is a treat normally only experienced by boyfriends, not cousins. The shirt is long enough to cover her, but that open bottom button still affords you a fleeting glance at her panties. And you're quick to get under some covers after noticing that. But Nicole isn't ready yet. She takes off her glasses then lifts her arms, pulls out her ponytail and shakes out her wet hair. Her raised shoulders pull the shirt up to fully expose her panties once more. Her damp wavy locks cascade down the front of her shirt like she just stepped out of the shower. As if she needed to look any sexier...

Nicole grabs the flashlights and turns them off. You open the bag for her and she crawls in silently. You try to give her as much room as you can, but once she zips up it's clearly a tight fit. You both shift around uncomfortably, trying to both offer space to one another and find some for yourselves. You're not sure why you didn't put on pants or something. Sure, you always sleep in your boxers, but you could've pulled on some bottoms for an additional layer of modesty especially since none of that wouldn't fit Nicole.

There's a good minute of silent shifting back and forth before Nicole speaks up. "I'm sorry, but... I can't do this. It's just gross."

You gulp hard. "W-what do you mean?"

Nicole reaches down, bending over and stretching the confines of the bag. After a few twists and wiggles she tosses her wet panties out onto the floor with a soft splat.

"I can't sleep in those," she timidly declares. "I thought maybe, but..."

"Yeah. I... I get it. It's okay."

But it's not. Now the only things separating your otherwise naked bodies, trapped together in a sleeping bag, are one pair of boxers and one button up shirt. And worst of all, you're getting hard again thinking about Nicky naked from the waist down next to you.

You both continue to shift, turn, and twist, desperate to find a position where you won't be spooning each other. Few words are shared about your mutual discomfort, the tension being just as high. A frustrated Nicole finally twists too far and throws her leg over yours. You instantly feel her bare pelvis nestle against the outside of your hip followed by her leg pressing against the semi in your shorts. She freezes and gasps, realizing what she did, then looks at you in the dark, hardly able to see each other despite being inches away, the storm blocking out the moonlight. After a few seconds pressed against you she pulls away, but is still unable to go anywhere.

"Sorry," she whispers after a few seconds.

"It's okay."

Neither of you knows how to handle this. Neither of you have slept with someone before. Add to that the chemistry the two of you have developed over the past few days and this whole thing feels downright dangerous. Another long silence helps to punctuate Nicole's next frightening words.

"Do... do you like me?"

You scoff, trying to downplay this. "Of course I like you! I'd make you sleep in your wet bag if I didn't."

"But do you 'like' like me?"

"Do I...? What? Y- You know I like you. Like, you know... I like you."

You're riding a fine line. If you didn't know that she was family you'd be giving a different answer. But she doesn't seem satisfied with that. It takes a bit more courage building before another question comes.

"Yesterday," she starts quietly, "were you jerking off... to me?"

You instantly get goosebumps. Your defenses are still up. "I swear, I wasn't jerking off. Honest."

"Oh..." she pauses, struggling with her words. "Do you want to?"

"Huh? What, like... now?"

"No. Just... to me."

How do you even reply to that? "I... I..."

"It's just... I don't think anyone has ever thought of me like that before. I've never even had a real boyfriend. So I was just wondering. And I thought maybe... since you seemed kinda... stiff..." she adds, her legs shifting again.

"Well, yeah. I mean, you're really beautiful. But... oh come on, this isn't a fair question!"

"Huh? How come?

"Well, we're naked."

"We're not actually naked," Nicky says with a weird grin.

"We're pretty much naked."

She places a hand on your bare chest. "Hmm. I guess so."

Having her hand touch you so deliberately makes you even more nervous. "It's just not fair. I mean, you're touching me, and you smell good..." you don't quite stop yourself there, mumbling incomprehensibly as your ears start burning.

Nicole's fingers drift across your chest. "You won't tell anyone, right? You promised."

"Are you...? I don't even..." You sound more incredulous than you mean to be. It's just really confusing, battling what you know is right versus where she's headed.

"Okay," she sighs.

A few seconds later her lips meet yours. It's a gentle kiss but sincere, eager. It catches you off guard and you fishlip her back, shocked that she would do this. Not getting the response she was hoping for, she pulls back.

"I- I'm sorry. I don't know why..."

You want to say something but you can't. You can't admit to her that you want this. It's so weird to you that you're attracted to her, and weirder that she wants it too.

It doesn't matter. She kisses you again anyway. Breaking through the tension, you finally manage to kiss her back. Like the most forbidden fruit, you can't imagine anything tasting as sweet as her in this moment. You bring your hand up to the side of her face, your fingers gliding up over her ear and finding her damp hair. Her body squirms next to yours, surprisingly energetic in the cramped space. You're basically frozen, but that might be because your brain is still screaming 'this is your cousin'. Yet your feelings know what really matters. She feels so comforting, so familiar, so intimate. And she's so much better at kissing than you. How are you supposed to even do this? And what is she doing with her tongue?

You make out for a long time, learning the ropes, your dick rising to full mast. She throws her leg over yours again, this time on purpose. She wraps herself into your hip and slides the top of her thigh against your dick. Your boxers are still there to separate you from full skin to skin contact, but it's still exhilarating.

She starts moving against your hip, gently grinding, a soft dry humping of your body which forces her leg to massage the underside of your cock with every weak pelvic gyration. You're not entirely sure if she was intending to rub you or just get herself off but it's scary either way. You try to reposition, to find a better spot for her, but there's still no room. Of course you're happy to make out with your cousin - something you'd never thought you'd say - but what this all really means and where it's going is what's so scary.

Nicole must be dealing with the same worries because right in the midst of her very needy smacking of lips she turns away sharply, retracting her leg and tucking her arms in.

"Guh... g'night... Jay..." she stammers, her bare butt pressed against your side leaving you hard and confused.

"Uh, yeah. G'nite."

The two of you do your best to ignore each other even though your bodies are touching. No more words are said. It feels like hours, your dick refusing to go down, your arm analyzing her labored breathing through her back. Eventually Nicole conks out, her body becoming noticeably less tense. You're still a little on edge even with so much time passing but with Nicole's warmth combining with yours you eventually manage to drift off into a peaceful slumber.


You wake up to an open sleeping bag, your bunkmate gone. You must have been deep asleep because you don't remember Nicole leaving. She didn't zip you back up but you are still covered by the flap. The door is open and you are about to get up to peek outside when your cousin steps through it still wearing the shirt you gave her last night.

"Hey," you croak, voice cracking and throat thoroughly stuffed with frogs.

Nicole picks some clothes out of her wet bag and holds them up in front of her, mumbling a "Hi," before heading out the door again. The back of the shirt she's wearing ripples as she hurries out, flashing the bottoms of her cheeks.

Quickly stepping into some pants, you go after her. She's beside the cabin hanging her wet clothes from branches and draping other articles on bushes. Nicole has already spread out most of her belongings across the surrounding foliage, decorating the trees in a manner that suggests someone's suitcase exploded in the forest. You behold the full round shape of her pale bum as she reaches up to hook the last article in her hands onto a high empty branch. When she drops down and sees you watching her she straightens out her shirt and looks away.

"I'm sorry about..." she pauses, adjusting her phrasing and tone. "I mean, I'm sorry I woke you."

"You didn't." She glances at you but doesn't reply. "I'm sorry about all this... your clothes I mean," you clarify. "It was my idea to go hiking."

"It's okay. They'll dry. I hope," she adds with a chuckle. "Umm... last night. I... I didn't mean to... y'know."

"Yeah, I get it."

"Because I would never do that with you."

Ow. Harsh. "Oh. Okay..."

"No! I just mean..." She taps her foot and twists her shirt, struggling to get the words out. "I mean we're not... we can't do that. We're cousins."

"Yeah, I know," you agree. Your tone implies that you had nothing to do with it, which was kinda true. She started it, although you could have made her stop before she did.

"I just... I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that is all. It.. it just..."

"Just happened?" you ask with a smirk.

"Kinda," she agrees, plucking at some of her laundry nearby. "You can't telling anyone. You promised." she reminds you yet again.

"No!" You're a little too emphatic so you pull back, trying not to sound so disgusted. "No, it's like I said. I won't say anything if you don't."

"Good. Because I didn't mean to do that. It was an accident."

Sure Nicole, you 'accidentally' kissed your cousin and humped his leg. Whatever. You shrug it off. "I know, Nicole. It's okay. We... we'll just pretend it never happened."

Nicky nods, finally looking at you full on. She moves toward the door, almost walks past you, then rises to her tiptoes to plant a subdued kiss on your cheek as if to establish your new boundaries. "Thank you."

You help Nicole with the rest of her clothes, battling a stiffy the whole way as her butt keeps flashing you. Then you grab her sleeping bag, water pouring from it the moment you try to lift it off the floor. You also find it's now really heavy, so you end up dragging the water logged bed out the door. The two of you work to turn it inside out and squeeze as much liquid as you can from the very absorbent sack then stick it too into the branches of a tree.

Nicole struggles to find anything to wear from her strewn collection of damp clothing. She says that it's too gross to put on something that's cold and wet. You jokingly suggest she can run around naked. She doesn't laugh. After some probing you realize that she's worried that her clothing choice might lead someone to eventually find out she slept in your bed with you.

Suggest she wears her bathing suit

Take some of Nicole's clothes to camp to find a way to dry them faster