Offline/Convince Nicole to go swimming naked: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 5]]
[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 6]]

Latest revision as of 17:43, 20 December 2022

You don't want to be pushy or upset Nicole but at the same time you can't upset your family either. You can only imagine how much worse everything will be if you blow off the rest of your family. Even though you've basically been swimming all week already, if they're so gung-ho to have everyone do this together you might actually get in trouble for skipping it. And you already skipped out on the hike they took, so it's especially hard to say no now. But what's enticing about all this is the idea unintentionally planted by Nicole's mom. Besides, Nicole might even like it given what she was willing to do yesterday. The idea makes you nervous and has its own risks, but you really want to make it happen.

"My mom's right. We should just go with it, have fun. Lots of other people are naked..."

Nicole gawks at you, her mouth dropping open. "Whu-"

"So it's no big deal, right mom?" you continue. "Besides, I know how much you don't like your clothes getting wet," you add with a subtle smirk, already undoing your pants. You manage to shimmy your pants and boxers down to mid-thigh before you're loudly interrupted.

"Justice!" your mom scolds you, shooting daggers at your long and floppy post-orgasm dong once it comes into view.


"You don't have to go naked!"

Hmm. From that inflection it seems like mom was suggesting that Nicole should strip. That actually makes this easier. "Why can't I?" You defiantly plant your hands on your hips, dick swinging. "If Nicole can, why can't I?"

"You..." Mom sputters, trying to rationalize it. But if she did just tell Nicole to embrace nudity it's hard to also justify why you shouldn't. "You just don't need to be."

"Well that's not fair. Is it because she's a girl? What if Emma wanted to go naked?"

"It's different, Justice. But besides, your sister is not naked, she's in her underwear. And no one said that Nic-"

"That's it, isn't it? Why is it different just cuz I'm a boy?" You press further. "Why is it okay for Emma or Nicole to get naked and not me?"

"You're crazy," Nicole whispers. But this isn't about her anymore.

"They're just... younger than you."

"I'm not that much older!" Now is the only time you've ever tried to convince your mom of how young you are. "It's just cuz I have a penis, isn't it?" You point to your floppy cock and adjust your stance to make a bob a little.

"Justice! Really!" Mom scolds again. Your dad just smirks and shakes his head, a sort of 'you brought this on yourself' look.

Arguing with your mom with your dick hanging out in front of your entire family; you are definitely making a scene now. You notice Emma and Asha are sitting in the shallows, their attention drawn by the commotion.

"Then tell me! Why can she get naked if I can't?" You point to your sister in frustration.

"I'm not naked," Emma replies, staring at your dick.

"Yeah, but mom said it's okay for you to get naked but not me."

"Huh? I'm getting naked?" Emma asks, a weird glint in her eye.

"Justice, don't make thi-"

"Honey, really," interrupts dad. "Just let it go. It's not worth it. If the kids want to swim naked, let them swim naked."

With dad on your side, you continue stripping. "C'mon Nicole," you encourage. Having just won both of you the right to strip down, Nicole reluctantly follows your lead, pulling her shirt off to reveal her tiny titties and their only recent lack of support. You actively watch her drop her shorts along with her G-string, noting the care she takes to keep her stringy underwear pressed against the inside of her shorts and well out of public view.

Emma walks out of the water toward you as you discard your shirt. She stops right beside you with a defiant look to her.

"If Justice can get naked then I'm getting naked!" she insists, sibling fairness taking the forefront in all things. If you hadn't just demanded it, you doubt Emma would ever have actually cared. Mom just sighs and waves her hand in resignation. Watching Emma gleefully peel off her soaked tank top turns out to be just a little too much for your primed hormones as you start to feel your cock reinflate. Before Emma can get to her panties, you grab your naked cousin's hand and jog out with her into the water.

You make sure the gentle waves are past your waist before stopping. The feeling of your semi floating in the gentle current of the river is weirdly comforting yet arousing at the same time, but it also being concealed is the important bit. But it's exceptionally exciting knowing that Nicole is standing here beside you complete naked. The fact that you're surrounded by your entire family is just a weird and freaky icing on top of this sweet cake of wild taboos.

"You are not shy, are you!"

You turn to see Aunt Becky gliding her way toward you. She finds her footing in the shallow water and stands, exposing her rich olive skin further highlighted by her diminutive bikini. There's no doubt that she married into your pasty white clan. You've never been brave enough to ask, but you've suspected that Becky is just a nickname for something far more exotic, although that might just be your imagination getting ahead of itself. Her daughter Asha managed to come away with a more subdued perma-tan sort of complexion, but Becky's is that of a mediterranean goddess. You've admittedly had a crush on your Aunt Becky ever since you were little. Her less than conservative dress and more foreign mannerisms always made you look at her differently, but it took time for you to realize why she made you feel so weird.

"My swimsuit is broken," Nicole notes and hastily throws a forearm up over her tits.

"Ah, is that your excuse?" winks Becky. "Don't worry. I don't judge. But it looks like Emma has also found an excuse, eh?"

You all look back toward the shore as Asha and Emma splash around in knee height water with Beth and Brayden. Becky's daughter looks a little unsure of herself, Asha being the only one of them in a swimsuit.

"I hope my girl does not find an excuse next! You two have fun!" Your aunt grabs Nicole's exposed forearm and gives a reassuring squeeze along with a warm smile before slipping back into the water and swimming toward the shore.

"I can't believe we're doing this," notes Nicole, lowering herself into the water to hide her chest. Her face is turning an ever deepening shade of red.

"You can thank my dad, kinda. Or your mom. It was sort of her idea."

"I think it was sorta your idea!" Nicole shoots back. You smirk.

"Maybe." You cock your head trying to peer down your cousin's body past the gentle ripple of the river. "It was a good idea though."

Nicole playfully splashes you in protest and you give her shoulder a quick shove in return. That brings her to hop up from under the surface and lift a wave into your face. Not willing to take that idly, you jump on her and dunk her head all the way under. She comes up a second later sputtering and adjusting her glasses, then jumps up to take you down in turn. You're ready for her though, your legs stiff and arms reaching out. All she manages to do is jump into your arms as you secure your hands around her waist to hold her up out of the water, the river slapping at her thighs.

Momentarily forgetting where you are, much less the state you're both in, the two of you freeze once starkly aware of your nudity again. After glancing around and finding none of the dozens of relatives that surround you paying any attention to you, you slide Nicole down into the water. Her stomach is pressed against yours, and as her toes find the pebbles of the riverbed your semi inflated cock bumps against her crotch.

You both pause again. Nicole glances around for a second time before she reaches down and palms your cock beneath the calm waves. Adrenaline already pumping, staring down at your cousin's bared chest, the most meager stimulation is all it takes to fully awaken your cock for what it hopes is round two. Nicole grins, fondles you for a bit, then slowly pumps your meat while you feel your own rush of embarrassment flush your cheeks.

"I dunno," is all the resistance you can muster. You feel wrapped around her finger as her fingers are wrapped around your cock. It's even like she knows it, that she can completely take control of you whenever she wants via your dick. Her touch is insanely addicting, but you're yet to be so far gone to not recognize this is a bad idea.

Nicole's eyes dart about again then bites her lip before giving you the dirtiest, naughtiest expression you've yet seen cross her face. She pumps you firm and steady just at the end of her reach to keep as much distance between you as possible. But with her arm jerking to and fro, not to mention disappearing into the water at a very incriminating angle, it wouldn't take much for someone to put two and two together. Still, you can't bring yourself to stop her.

"So this is basically mine now, right?" She teases, squeezing your shaft for emphasis.

"Okay, but I'm kinda attached to it."

"Yeah, maybe. But it's still mine. And I can do whatever I want with it."

You give a nervous sigh, but you don't reply. Frustrated by your lack of reaction, she pumps a little faster. Is she trying to get caught? She's so much friskier in public for some reason. She really does tend to get carried away with things.

After a few tense moments Nicole starts to lean in closer, almost like she wants to kiss you, then starts hopping out of the water on one foot. She's still holding you but has a stranglehold on your dick now, her arm like a tether to a buoy.

"Hold my leg."

Nicole leans back and plants one hand on your shoulder. It's then you notice one of her knees poking through the surface of the water. You find and grip the bottom of her thigh and pull up a little to support her weight. That also pulls her closer to you, a fact that's easy to notice when she bumps against your glans. From her new position, after just a few quick movements, she lines up with your cock and then pushes herself onto you.

"Hah!" she yelps as your head pops its way into her tight pussy. Seemingly shocked, despite choosing this, she takes her hand off your shoulder to cover her mouth. That change in support forces her to straighten up and lean toward you and that in turn forces her to sink several more inches down your shaft. She yelps again, this time muffled by her hand. The only things holding her above the water are your grip of her thigh and her pussy impaled on your cock.

You try to push her off you but the tight grip of her insides dragging along your shaft make you reconsider, your knees going weak. Your cousin's tight warm snatch brings you to instinctively buck into her, to occupy as much space inside her as you can. You grunt your satisfaction and thrust just a few times before Nicole comes to her senses and pushes away from you. You're about to lodge a complaint when, out of nowhere, your sister breaches the surface of the water next to you.

"What're you doing?" she sputters, wiping water from her face to reveal an incredulous expression.

Tell Emma everything

Blow off your sister