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[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Emma]]
[[Category:Offline/Emma/Day 5]]

Latest revision as of 05:14, 21 December 2022

Bounding into the group you kick off round 2 as the freezer swiping at kids left and right. Brayden's bad luck from earlier seems to have rubbed off since you stumble and miss everyone, so you have to catch yourself before you can focus in on a new target. Yulia decides to hang around and taunting you, just begging for you to chase her. You race after her but keep some distance just to make it more fun. She's still occupied with holding up her hem so she can run faster but that also puts her in a weird position with her hands on her hips and her elbows out to the side. It's then you decide to play dirty.

You quickly close the distance and shoot in low to wrap your arms around her hips just under her hands, dragging her to a stop. Scooping her up into a bear hug from here is easy, and has the added benefit of lifting her nightgown very high as you slide your arms up to her chest and lean back to lift her off the ground. Yulia urgently wiggles and kicks her legs, shouting "My nightie!" Now that her freshly peeled clothing has revealed her baby smooth figure to the entire forest.

"Quit moving! You're frozen! Remember?"

She wants to protest, probably because she didn't want to play freeze tag, but after a short grumble she goes limp as much from her helplessness as anything. You carry her a few steps to one side and gingerly drape her body over a fallen tree that is suspended in the air. She's just tall enough for her toes and fingers to touch the ground once she's hung out to dry, but since you've lifted her sleepwear up her torso all of her weight is actually on her bare stomach. Her sleepwear falls even higher with her head pointed to the ground and the garment partly covers her face as it pools under her neck.

The girls snicker and Brayden laughs again at the sight of ragdoll Yulia's naked body draped over a log. Her bright white bum makes itself known just due to its brilliance, surely easy to spot through the trees. But you don't take much time to appreciate it, instead racing after the loiterers gathering around you. You tag May easily then almost get Brayden, but you're forced to loop back when you see Nicole unfreeze May. You catch her just as she spanks one of Yulia's cute butt cheeks then leans over the log to try to help the nude pouting girl down from it.

"Nope!" you shout, tagging Nicole and smacking Yulia's other cheek in kind. "Now you're both frozen!"

"C'mon Justice," starts Nicole, turning to you as she bargains on her cousin's behalf. "Let her cover up at least."

"No way! It's her fault she got frozen. In fact, since you moved after I tagged you..."

You reach up to Nicole's shoulders and push her tank top straps out to either side. With a sharp yank you pull her top down to her elbows and expose her still budding chest to the morning sun. Her pointy little nipples stretch away from her tiny tits like they're being pulled by an invisible force. Nicole's mouth drops open, surprised that you would do this to her.

"...here's your punishment! Frozen people can't move, so now you have to show everyone your boobs!"

"Justice!" she complains, glancing around. She has her arms pinned to her sides to keep her top from slipping further. But she is willing to follow the spirit of the game and keeps her body perfectly still. It's so great that she plays by the rules. Grabbing her shoulders and leaning right up against Nicole, your own shirtless chest grazing her nips, you whisper straight into her ear.

"I told you I like to play dirty."

With an evil smile you slink away, eyeing up your helpless exposed cousins one more time. Nicole calls out to Beth for help but despite the fact that everyone is watching no one wants to sacrifice themselves either.

You managed to pick a great defensive position. Nicky and Yulia are essentially right up against the tree line so you only need to worry about the others coming in from one side. The kids try to goad you out but unlike Brayden you hold fast, choosing to pace back and forth waiting for someone to try to save their friends. You also secretly hope you can embarrass more of your cousins.

Asha is the first to make a rescue attempt. She has little to lose compared to the other two - she certainly can't get more naked than they are - but when she races in you snag one of her arms and quickly spin her around. When she comes to a stop, trying to freeze, you plant both of her hands on top of her head then step back to again admire the subtle hips and light olive skin of your sister's nude bestie.

"And another one frozen! Who's next?"

Beth whispers to Brayden, huddled together, trying to convince him to charge, but May is the one who just goes for it. She makes a beeline for her sister but basically charges straight into you. You tag her easily and she hops to a stop. It seems like a poor choice until she quickly drops her PJ pants and throws her hands behind her head with a dumb smile, looking to join the other girls. You smirk, shrug, then lift her shirt up over her rounded little stomach for good measure. Increasing her exposure that much more, which she apparently wants, is something you certainly won't deny her.

With most of the group suddenly incapacitated (and increasingly naked) you change your strategy and straight up rush the squabbling siblings. They're caught off guard but Brayden slips the moment he tries to run and face plants onto the ground. He's an easy tag, but when you pivot to chase Beth who took off around the cabin you hear complaints from behind you.

"No fair!"

"Yeah! Why not Brayden?"

You turn back but it takes a second to clue in to what Asha and Nicole are going on about. Everyone else who was tagged has been stripped or exposed somehow but not Brayden. The girls like to pick on him as it is, so allowing him to get out of that additional punishment quickly draws their ire. In fact if it had been Beth that had slipped and fell you're sure the girls wouldn't have cared if you moved on, but it is specifically because it's him that they demand that you now live up to your name.

Straddled over your prone cousin, images of gym class flash through your mind before you lift the back of his shirt, sink your hands into his shorts, and pants Brayden horizontally to satisfy the girls' desire for equality, if not plainly revenge. Curiously, seeing him laid out on the ground and looking down at his cheeks, you can't deny that he has an even better ass on him than most of the bottomless girls nearby. Then May yells something that weirdly reminds you of a dirty joke you heard once, one that made your mom hit grandpa for telling it: What's better than fucking a 9 year old girl? Flipping her over to pretend she's an 8 year old boy.

May continues to shout for you to roll Brayden over just as you spot his sister Beth peek out from the far side of your cabin. She's already closer to the treeline than you so you have to scramble to cut her off. She bounds toward the other girls, her short nightie bouncing and catching the air from her gazelle-like leaps. As you close in she angles away from you trying to find a wider arc. Beth gets so close to reaching Nicole but turns away with a shrill squeal at the very last moment. Her loss of momentum gives you the extra second you need to close the gap and tag out Beth as well. Asha groans while Nicole offers up a weak "Good try" as a show of support.

Triumphantly strip Beth

Be more modest about your victory