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[[Offline/Try to target one of the girls|Try to target one of the girls]]
[[Offline/Try to target one of the girls|Try to target one of the girls]]

[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Jet]]
[[Category:Offline/Jet/Day 5]]

Latest revision as of 07:07, 23 December 2022

"Well, if she's only doing one of them," you start, "Then I think she should do the dare."

"Or she could just do both," Jet insists again.

"Okay, okay," Hannah relents before the arguing gets worse. "Just this one time you don't have to strip. Kay Nicky?"

Nicole perks up a little and nods, happy to avoid losing all her clothes.

"Well that's a buncha BS," gripes Jet. "No one took pity on me before I got butt ass naked."

Hannah rolls her eyes. "Ohmygod you're such a complainer! I was going to ask Jay to do this - sorry Jay - but do you want to help me with her dare Jet?"

"Hell yeah! Where's that tooth brush?"

Nicole cringes then covers her face in shame, but Hannah is quick to jump in. "Jet! We're trying to be nice to her! I mean, yeah, that was stupid hot, but she just did that dare. I was thinking something easier."

Nicole drops her hands and takes a quick breath but you feel like her embarrassment is mostly an act. Yes she's embarrassed, but you bet she'd totally fuck Hannah's toothbrush again if asked. "Easier? I'll do anything if it's easy."

"Super easy!" states Hannah while shuffling closer. "All you have to do is be a statue for... one minute."

"That's all?"

Hannah grabs Nicole's hands to guide her. "Yup! Just come up on your knees... hands behind your back... and leave your mouth open. Wider..." Hannah places a finger on Nicole's bottom lip to sensually pry one away from the other, then tips Nicole's head back slightly. Seeing Nicole moved and posed in a bra and no panties with her arms linked behind her back unable to cover herself is an interesting enough dare in its own right, but Hannah clearly isn't done.

"Are you going to kiss her again?" grumbles Jet.

"No. I said I needed your help for this. But you don't really need to do anything. So shuddup."


"I just need you to stand." Jet's girlfriend gestures at him. He sighs and rises to his feet, standing in place on his sleeping bag. "In front of Nicky? Duh."

Nicole shares a worried look with you but remains locked in place, jaw dropped as instructed. Hannah drools into her hand as Jet steps in front of his younger cousin with his stiff dick bobbing in the air in front of him. Hannah grabs her boyfriend's hefty cock, lathers it up with her spit, then aims him straight at Nicole's open mouth, his glistening glans pointed less than an inch away from Nicky's lower lip.

"Okay. Everyone ready? Here we go. One Mississippi. Two Mississippi..."

As Hannah counts out each second she makes one long stroke up and down Jet's stiffened length. The room is suddenly real tense. No one dares to say or do anything other than watch Hannah's hand. Everyone was quiet a minute ago to give Nicole time to enjoy herself, but this is downright suspenseful. Hannah has just turned Jet into a Jack-in-the-box and all of you are on edge to see if she can make him pop.

Around 15 Mississippi's Hannah starts to speed up. At 30 she pauses to spit into her other hand and bring both to bear on Jet's long shaft. By 40 Mississippi's she's cranking out an up or down stroke for nearly every syllable. Nicole looks crazy nervous now, like her heart is racing, eyes opened wide and looking up at Jet, pleading for him to hold on. At 50 Jet clenches his butt and in doing so pushes the tip of his dick forward, closing the short gap to touch Nicole's lips and make his little cousin twitch with fright. The last seconds come slower as Hannah draws them out more and more.

"Fif... tee... nine... Missi... ssippi..." Hannah gives a few more frenetic strokes, leaning closer and scrunching her face as if whispering to her boyfriend's cock, ordering it to explode at this very moment. When it doesn't, she lets go, leans back, and cheerfully announces "Sixty!" with Jet's thick cock lightly kissing his obedient cousin's mouth. Nicole blinks a few times, perhaps in disbelief, perhaps still expecting him to pop, then lets out a long shaky sigh of relief that cascades down the length of Jet's shaft, making him shiver. He steps away and a string of clear precum stretches out from his tip to Nicole's mouth before snapping and hitting her chin. With Jet's cock having rubbed against it, Nicole's lower lip looks downright glossy before she wipes it with the back of her hand.

"Yay! You made it!" cheers Hannah, back to her bubbly self. She's sorta speaking to both of them.

"Damn..." Jet replies, also sighing. You can't tell if he's relieved that he didn't end up filling his little cousin's mouth with his cum, or disappointed. Then you have the same curious thought about Nicole.

"See? Super easy dare, right? I had to do all the work!" insists Hannah, beaming. Nicole tries to return the enthusiastic smile but she's a bit shaken by what could have happened. Jet's also a little out of it, staring down at his dick in a trance.

"So...? You want to take your turn?" she asks Jet while nodding toward Nicole.

"Right. Yeah." He sits down, kicking his legs out, and composes his thoughts. "Okay, this is easy too. Never have I ever fucked a toothbrush. Done."

"Really!?" gripes Nicole, quickly snapping back to the game. She bounces in place to turn herself toward Jet. "That is DEFINITELY not fair!"

Jet shakes his head, his huge dick still rock hard, now levitating above his sleeping bag between his parted legs. "Too bad cuzzie. That's my turn. I'm not taking it easy on you like Hannah."

That has to be a joke. You jump in, trying to be supportive if not persuasive. "At least there's no dare with this one. I'm almost naked too."

Nicole eventually concedes and pulls off her wannabe bra. You watch her last shred of clothing pop off her head and slip down the length of her ponytail before you gaze at what it revealed. Nicole's chest is flat by most any definition, well below an A cup for sure, but she does have meager bumps split by a wide gap down the center of her chest, with a pair of slightly puffy and very pointy nipples adorning them. It's pretty obvious she's self conscious, quick to cover them with her forearms as she brings her hands under her chin, no longer concerned about concealing her dozen lone pubes below. But there's nothing left. She's stripped bare. Your stomach is in knots seeing her completely exposed like this.

"Finally! Team naked, right?" Jet excitedly reaches across the room extending a fist, as if he just did her a favor. Amused, Nicole sheepishly shuffles closer so she can complete the awkward fist bump while still covering herself. "Now we can focus on these losers," adds Jet, nodding to you and Hannah. It's feels weird that he's acting so normal with his long thick cock still fully erect. It's really hard to miss, but now everyone including himself is forced to ignore it's there.

"Yeah, umm... but is there a way to get your clothes back at some point?"

Hannah gives a stupid look. "Where's the fun in that?"

Nicole glances downward. "Well, 'cuz then I wouldn't be naked."

"Yeah. And where's the fun in that?"

"Okay, but... I can't strip if I'm not wearing anything."

Hannah smiles and taps her lips. "Hmm. It is fun watching you strip. Okay! Rock paper scissors. Win and you can put something on. Deal?"

Nicole's eyes light up. "Sure! Yeah!"

"See this? Just taking it easy on her."

Jet's comment to you is ignored by both girls as they move into the centre of the room again. Hannah stands forcing Nicole to do the same. Seeing the two wildly different girls square off in not-so-similar states of undress makes your dick flex. Directly comparing Hannah in her more mature bra and panties next to Nicole in nothing but her tiny black choker only highlights exactly how much Nicole is missing, her barely pubescent preteen attributes on full display. Hannah barely looks like a bonafide high schooler, if at all, but she has gained all the teenage curves that Nicole still lacks.

Hannah wastes some time with "on 3 or after 3" discussions and some unnecessary practice rounds, probably enjoying Nicole's uncomfortableness with her newly acquired nudity, before they both finally shoot. Both of them throw rock. Nicole is expecting another round to follow but Hannah is already pulling away.

"Oh well. Good try."

"What?! You didn't win!"

"And neither did you. I said if you win you can put something on. And you didn't."

"That doesn't seem right," you argue. "You didn't win either."

"Yeah, give her a real shot," agrees Jet, despite being the one to make her naked.

"Ugh. Fine."

They square off again. They both throw rock 3 times in a row. And then they both change. Nicole goes paper and loses to Hannah's scissors.

"There! Now you lost!" Hannah sounds relieved to have won, even though the stakes were sort of nonexistent for her.

"Argh!" growls Nicole, balling up her fists from the victory she felt she could taste. "Just one more?"

"And then what? Best 3 out of 5? And then best thousand of a million? Nuh-uh."

"No, just one more shot," insists Nicole. Hannah ponders this with a grin, scrutinizing the naked begging girl throwing herself at Hannah's mercy with delight. She loves having control over people.

"I'll tell you what. Gimme your clothes," she orders, already snagging the socks that Nicole threw about earlier.

"Give you my clothes?" Nicole asks warily.

"Just do it," sighs Hannah, a waiting hand outstretched. Nicole shifts in place and collects her things, folding them up and inspecting them one last time, perhaps longingly, before passing them over. Hannah promptly opens the door, letting in a refreshing draft from the cooling rain. Nicole drapes her hands over her body as Hannah shares her decree. "New game. This is like 20 questions, but you only have 1 question to ask. Give me one good question, your very best, and you can have ALL your clothes back. Deal?"

Nicole doesn't bother asking what happens to her clothes if she asks a bad question. The open door seems pretty self explanatory. But with the stakes so high she's prancing on her tiptoes with excitement, her cute bum swaying behind her.

"I guess so. Bu-"

"Good. Right now. Question. Shoot."

"...but what's a good question?"

Hannah turns and chucks Nicole's bundle straight into the darkness then slams the door dramatically. Nicole freezes in shock, her jaw dropping. You and Jet burst into laughter. You don't mean to, but it was just so surprising to watch Hannah follow through on that so suddenly and ruthlessly.

"Hannah! I didn't even ask anything!"

"Yeah you did. You asked 'what's a good question' which is a pretty trash question."

"But what does that mean?"

Nicole starts whining and tries to plead her case, but she's been given lots of chances and her clothes are already out in the rain. Only after putting up a fuss does she come to terms with the facts, hides her privates with her hands, then drops her head embarrassed that she lost such a high stakes game so quickly.

"Relax! They're just clothes. I can lend you something later," assures Hannah dismissively. "But no more chances! For now, you're staying naked!"

She flippantly discounts Nicole's embarrassment even while offering some small comfort. But that future olive branch from Hannah does get your cousin to peek out from her shame bubble to pout more lightheartedly. You even catch her smiling for just a second while you try to think of something else you've never done.

Share something honest on your turn

Try to target one of the girls