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Latest revision as of 07:31, 29 March 2023

Everyone was aware of the new law, well, anyone who was old enough to know anything about the law, I, Lilly, did not know anything, I was 6, and I barely knew that you had to go only so fast on a road. My family and I were going on a road trip for absolutely no reason. My sister, Mia, and I were both excited, she was 12.

My brother, James, however, he was 16, so, a teenager, meaning he was not excited, because he wanted to be playing Minecraft[¹] with his friends or something. My dad was in the driver's seat, my mom was in the passenger's seat. My sister was in the left-back seat, my brother was in the right-back seat, and I was in between them in the middle seat in the back.

[¹]I do not own Minecraft or anything pertaining to it, I am not affiliated with it.

After about an hour, I needed to pee, I decided I could hold it until next stop, but then I didn't know when that would be, so I told my dad. "I need to go to the bathroom." He looked at me through the rear view mirror and then back at the road.

"Can you hold it for 10 minutes? That's the closest gas station." I nodded and he smiled and continued driving, he drove a little bit faster, which didn't help my bladder, but did help us reach our destination faster. I looked at my brother, he was on his phone, texting one of his friends, he was wearing shorts and a t shirt, he had tennis shoes on, with white socks.

I looked at my sister, she was wearing super short shorts, I could probably see her butt if I tried. She was wearing a shirt that was a little bit too big for her and I could see her tits, they were starting to grow into real tits, but they were still small. I wasn't thinking sexually because I was so young, so I pointed it out and she readjusted her shirt to fix the problem.

James sounded a little mad because of that. I was wearing a t shirt and a skirt, the skirt went down to my knees, currently though, it was hiked up and it was barely covering my pink panties. I was distracted for a little while, looking at what my siblings were doing, but my bladder assumed control of my thoughts again.

I didn't know how long I could hold it, "I need to go to the bathroom, like now, how far are we?" I had my hand in between my legs, pressed tightly up against my pussy, I wriggled in my seat, making my skirt go up so that my panties were perfectly visible if my hands weren't there. My brother, pretending he was still texting, took a pictures of me holding my crotch.

"Still 5 minutes away, do you need me to pull over and you just do it on the side of the road?" My dad asked, I nodded and bit my lip, trying to hold it in. I removed my panties while he was pulling over, James took more pictures. I climbed over him and opened the door and ran out towards the grass on the side of the road.

Mia saw James take the pictures and now they were arguing and Mia was trying to get his phone. I didn't care to be cover my the bushes or anything, so I just pulled my skirt all the way up and squatted above the grass. I miscalculated where I was peeing and now my shoes were soaking wet, so I took them off, and my socks, I was now barefoot.

Someone pulled over behind our car and a man got out of the driver's side door. He walked in between the two cars and towards me, I hadn't noticed him yet, but mom did. He picked me up, he ran towards his car. It took me a few seconds to process what just happened, my shoes were on the floor, panties in the car, I was being carried by some random dude...

That's when I freaked out and started kicking and flailing, he got into his car and sat me in his lap. He pulled down his pants and now my pussy and touching his bare dick. Mia and James were still fighting for his phone, James held the phone out of her reach. Mom came into the car and said, "Call the cops."

James interrupted and said, "Technically, what they are doing is legal, it is not kidnapping because they never left, they are still in the car right behind us." Mom glared at him and then she and dad left the car. James grabbed my panties and stuffed them in his pocket, Mia tried to stop him, but failed.

He pulled Mia's legs up onto the seat, she was now sideways, laying across the seats, she tried to get back to normal. James pulled her pants and panties down and put her panties in his pocket. He grabbed his dad's lighter and burned her shorts, she shrieked and didn't attempt to touch them to get them back.

He lifted off her shirt, leaving her completely naked, he burned her shirt too. The guy in the other car pushed his dick into me really hard, I cried loudly, and cried for help. My bladder wasn't completely empty either, so I let it go, pushing it out as hard as I could so that it would go up and not just soak me.

My plan worked, and it hit his shirt, he just casually took it off and put it over my face. All I could spell was my pee, I coughed and held my breath. I saw my dad through the driver's side window, looking at me and knocking on the door. The guy rolled his window down a little.

"Is this your child? Well, I am just doing my job, punishing public nudists for their crimes." I was confused, was I a public nudist? I don't remember committing crimes.

"We kindly ask you to return our daughter to us, I understand that she needs to be punished and we will punish her, but please let us do it." This seemed to be enough for him, though he did first pee inside of my pussy, though it was cum, but I thought it was pee. He pulled out and pushed me out the window.

My parents failed to catch me, I hit the ground and the guy drove away, barely not running me over. I cried and tried to stand up, my parents helped me and we headed to the car. James handed the lighter to Mia and put her in a very lewd position, and put hr hands in between her legs as if she was masturbating, not blocking it.

He took some pictures and quickly put away his phone before his parents saw. They opened the door on his side and he acted, pretending to be disgusted by Mia. "Mia what the fuck are you doing? Why did you burn your clothes?" She looked down at the lighter and then her position and growled at him and slumped in her seat.

I climbed back into the car, my parents seemed to believe James. I searched for my panties, "where is my underwear?" I said, kind of worried, my soaked shoes were in the trunk.

James responded, "She burned those two." My mouth went open, I looked at Mia, who looked very angry. I asked her what was wrong, she reached across me and into James' pocket, he was ready for it, so he grabbed her arm and twisted it, she yelped and pulled back. I stared at the two in confusion, my mom looked back at us, to see Mia rubbing her elbow.

I looked back and forth at my siblings, trying to find out what really happened. Mom turned back her attention to dad. Once our parents weren't looking, James unbuckled me and put a hand on my mouth. He whispered to Mia, "If you say anything, I will fuck you too and post those pictures of your naked body on every site I can find."

Mia hadn't even noticed he picked me up yet, she finally noticed and stared at James in shock, but didn't say anything. James pushed down his pants enough to remove his dick, he pointed it up at me and slammed me down, I cried and tried to scream, but barely any sound came out. Mia knew she couldn't do anything, so she just watched.

James cummed inside of me and cleaned it up, he pulled off my shirt, I was now only wearing a skirt. He ripped my skirt so that it didn't cover my pussy, he removed the hand off of my mouth once I had calmed down. He whispered to me, "The official story, is that Mia removed your clothes." He smiled and sat me down and buckled me.

Mia glared at James and punched him, he yelped and tried to soothe his cheek. Mom turned around to see what was going on and saw Mia naked and me in only a skirt. James didn't notice her yet, he was staring angrily at Mia. "What on earth is going on here?" She asked, James was startled, but pretended to be innocent.

"Mia undressed Lilly and tried to undress me, I resisted and she punched me." Mom seemed to believe him and didn't even ask for a second opinion, but Mia interrupted.

"No! He did it! He undressed me and burned my clothes, then he fucked Lilly and removed her clothes!" She grew very angry at James for putting the blame on her. Mom looked at James and then at Mia, then back to James.

"Is this true James?" James shook his head, denying the fact. Mom was pretty smart, so she knew that she should ask the third party in this discussion.

"Lilly, which one of these two is telling the truth?" I looked at James, who looked very menacing and angry. I looked at Mia, who was obviously angry, but she was also looked like a lost puppy in her eyes. I knew I had to tell the truth, otherwise Mia would hate me, but James looked like he would kill me if I didn't say his name.

I cleared my throat and said quietly, "Mia..." It was so quiet, that I was worried Mom wouldn't have heard me. James did, but mom didn't, James glared at me and I swore he was about to kill me, mom asked me to repeat it, which I was thankful for, so I changed it to, "James..." She looked at James and then at Mia. I looked at James, who was genuinely shocked, then I looked at Mia, who was equally shocked. I knew she would never forgive me, but James might have seriously hurt me.

Mom stared at Mia, "Give Lilly her shirt back and apologize to both of them." Mia didn't move, so mom said, "Now!" Luckily for James, he had given Mia my shirt, it was at her feet. She picked it up and handed it to me, it wasn't much but I thanked her and apologized quietly. I put on my shirt and Mia looked over at James.

"I'm sorry James." She said, obviously not meaning it, but James played along and "forgave" her. She looked at me and slapped me instead of apologizing, she was mad at me, she crossed her arms and looked out her window. She didn't slap me that hard, and I barely broke a tear, but it hurt my feelings more than my body, I felt horrible, I broke into tears.

My mom thought that was because of the slap, so she slapped Mia hard and turned her attention to the road and dad. Mia cried from the pain, I felt absolutely horrible, I put my head in my hands and cried. James, feeling triumphant, went on his phone and started texting his friends, trying to ignore his guilt, which he was good at.

About an hour later, I lifted my head from my hands, James was listening to music through his headphones. Mia was staring out the window and when I tapped her shoulder, she looked toward me with an angry face and looked away. I looked over at James, if only I had told the truth, then James would have been punished, and Mia wouldn't be mad at me.

It was too late now though, if I changed my story, then I might get punished. I felt absolutely horrible, and for some reason, I was blaming this all on me and not James. I tried to occupy myself by looking over James' shoulder, and see what he was doing on his phone. He was watching a video of a girl just barely older than me, she was wearing a skirt, and nothing else.

She did a twirl and I could see her hairless pussy, James put his hand in his pants, not knowing that I was watching. He started doing something under there, I didn't know what, but I ignored it anyway. I looked back at the screen and saw Dad enter the camera view, the face was blurred, but I could definitely tell it was him.

I looked at dad, who was driving peacefully, not knowing that I was watching him with a girl almost my age. The girl in the video looked shocked to see dad, he was naked, I had no audio, but they were talking, the girl looked scared. Dad pushed the girl onto what I assumed was her bed, he got on top of her and pounded her tiny pussy as hard as he could.

The girl was mostly out of view except for her face, which had a hand over it, once dad pulled away from the girl, he left the scene. The girl laid still, I thought she was dead, but then I noticed she was crying. Her pussy was dripping blood and cum, she laid there for a few minutes, then the video ended.

James looked up and noticed I was watching, my mouth was wide open, he turned his phone away, trying to not let me see the video I had just seen. He pulled out on of his earbuds and stared at me, I spoke first, in a whisper, "What in the world? How did you get that video, and why would he do such a thing?"

James looked flustered, "Uhh, I found it on the web... And because it made him feel good..." He whispered. I turned my head and looked at dad in shock, James was now confused, then realization struck him. "Wait? Was that dad? Seriously?" He replayed the video and skipped to when dad entered, his jaw dropped.

"You didn't know that?" I asked, equally shocked, he didn't respond, his eyes were glued to his phone. James looked up, he looked at dad, dad noticed through his rear view mirror, and noticed the shocked look on James and my face, both looking at him now. Our mouths had closed, but the shock was still evident, Dad readjusted his rear view mirror to get a better view of us.

"What are you two so shocked about?" He asked, Mia looked up and noticed our shock as well, so did mom. Dad was now looking directly at the rear view mirror, knowing exactly why we were shocked, also not paying attention to the road. He was concerned that they would tell on him, so he pretended to be oblivious about why they were shocked.

James didn't say anything, he just looked out the window, trying to sort his thoughts. I, however, said something, "Dad! Look out!" I pointed out the front window, dad turned his attention back to the road, only to realize, he was on course to go under a big truck. He swerved away from the truck, he was now driving sideways on the highway, a car slammed on his brakes a little too late and hit the side of our car.
