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'''End Chapter Two'''
'''End Chapter Two'''
[[Category:A Lick In Time]]

Revision as of 00:58, 11 June 2023

Chapter Two

I was wakened suddenly as all the air was forced from my lungs and I couldn’t breathe. I gasped and then grasped my naked, squealing daughter who had decided to jump on my stomach; which is not a very desirable way to be wakened. Then I dug my fingers into her sides and she quickly became a screaming, wiggling mass of flesh, begging me, “Stop, stop… I won’t do it again.”

Then I pulled her under me and stuck my face into hers saying, “I don’t believe you. That’s what you told me last time.”

“I promise, I promise and really mean it this time.”

When I looked over at Mira, she grinned at me, so I attacked her and she was even more ticklish than my daughter. After about ten seconds she screamed, “Let me up before I pee the bed.”

So, I released her and she legged to the loo, and I asked Ellie, “Fancy a lick?”

“You must be daft. When have I ever not wanted one? Let me up so I can pee first…” then she ran squealing down the corridor.

While I sat up bed with my morning glory waving, Mira sheepishly shuffled her way into the room and sat next to me. She couldn’t tear her eyes from my cock and I asked her, “Ellie’s first and I seem to remember you wanted another go.”

She looked up at me and asked, “Can I make your sperms come out after you lick me?”

“It would be my pleasure. I doubt if Ellie will have a problem with it,” then I whispered, “You did such a fine job last night, I can’t wait.”

Her face lit up and she told me, “I really liked helping you.”

“I liked you helping me too,” which is all I was able to manage before my daughter flew into the room and bowled me over onto my back, pushing her face into mine and telling me, “I need my kiss now, father. Then, Mira needs hers and then I’m going to help her get your sperms out and then you need to do breakfast.”

Such are the demands placed on me as part of my parental duty; but I loved every minute of it. Then she climbed over me and planted her juicy little slit on my mouth. That was one of her favourite positions and ensured her little fanny was the centre of attention. When she was wound up, like she was now, she would literally ride my face. She would mash and grind her clit into my mouth so hard and so fast, I barely had to poke my tongue out. Her little face rides were always memorable and exciting.

For the next five minutes, Ellie used my face for a saddle as she took her little gallop into several blissful experiences while Mira impatiently awaited her turn. Before my daughter could recover from her last orgasm, which was a real gut wrencher from the way she shook when it hit her, her friend toppled her over onto the bed and then plastered her wet little cunny across my mouth. She was not quite as self sufficient as my girl and I had to ply my tongue to all the right parts until it had the desired effect.

This time when she got hers, there was no piercing scream but just a little squeak as all of her muscles tensed and then turned into putty. Then, she relaxed her weight on my face and I had to roll her off so I could breathe.

My balls, along with my bladder were now screaming at me and both of the girls were in blissfully unconscious states so I decided to take matters into hand. I had just worked up a good head of steam and was ready to blow when Mira laid her head on my stomach in the direct line of fire. Needless to say, her face got decorated with little white streamers. Not quite as much as last night, but after the last shot was fired, she lifted her head and looked at me with her face dripping and said, “Wicked!”

I thought she was a very sweet girl; certainly nothing like what I heard about her mum. It was a pleasure to have her around, plus she had the most indescribable taste imaginable. It was not that my daughter’s taste was not exciting to me, but the girl had this wild and untamed flavour and a scent that put some serious steel in my pole.

After I recovered from post-orgasmic haze, I did us breakfast and consumed two beakers of coffee. The extra caffeine was much needed the way my batteries were drained. I was so out of touch, it never occurred to me that I neglected to dress until my daughter’s friend Sally came crashing through the door and stopped in mid-stride with her eyes focused on my cock.

Mind you, I had nowhere near a boner, but the longer the girl stared at my cock, the stiffer it became. She looked on in awe as my little grubby worm uncoiled itself into a wild snake.

Finally, her gaze broke and she looked up at me with fear and trepidation in her eyes like I would go mad at her, so I smiled and gently said, “It does that sometimes.”

She gave me a quizzical look, so I reiterated, “When a pretty girl looks at it, sometimes it goes hard.”

“Oh, I guess I was staring. I didn’t mean to but I’ve never seen one do that before.”

“Hopefully, it didn’t frighten you. Ellie is in her room with Mira and I will fetch a gown to cover myself.”

“I don’t mind, really. I like looking… uh, well don’t mind me. You don’t have to dress.”

“As you can see, old willy likes you looking at him too. Now run along.”

What else will I encounter this morning? It’s not nine and I’m reared up and pumping for another go. Too much libido too fast for me; I need time to adjust. If I don’t, either my palms will develop calluses or my cock will. Hopefully it will be my palms.

As I passed my daughter’s room on the way to mine, I heard Sally relate, “It just popped straight out…,” and I thought to myself, “It won’t be long before a queue formed outside my door.”

But, there was a sudden change of plans. Ellie flew into the room, and then into the air and landed besides me on the bed. Thankfully, my stomach was spared this time. She put her mouth next to my ear and whispered, “Me and Mari are going to Sally’s to fit some clothes her auntie brought over. We’ll be back before lunch,” then squealed, “Chips… chips… chips… can we pop out for take away?”

I rubbed my ear to stop the ringing, then pulled her to my mouth and took a bare bum cheek in each hand, kissed her and said, “I’ll consider your request, my tasty little tart.”

She raised herself up little when she felt my cock poke her and asked, “Did Sally do that?”

“I believe she did. She caught me naked in the kitchen and couldn’t tear her eyes away. Run along and give me some peace for awhile.”

“Peace,” I told myself, “Wishful thinking. My cock wasn’t going to give me any rest now.”

However, I did manage a chapter in my book before the ache in my balls set in and I had to do something about it. The way the girls got me going this morning, was too much for me to handle, so I let Misses Palm and her five lovely daughters have their way with me for a long and leisurely wank.

My little geyser had just erupted and the last dribbles bubbled over my fist when I heard, “Nice cock.” My heart seized in my chest for a second and I froze, then looked over and saw Mira’s mum, Maxine, standing in the doorway admiring my handiwork, or rather handwork. I was speechless so she continued, “Sorry to invade your privacy, but I’m glad I did. Where’s Mira? She’s not in the house.”

Needless to say, my cock deflated like a punctured tyre. It took a minute for the blood to return to my brain and start enough coherent thought processes for my vocal cords to function again, then I muttered, “She went with Ellie over to Sally’s place to fit some clothes.”

“Would you like to come over for tea at four? We haven’t properly met and I believe there are a few things we should discuss. Bring Ellie with you so she can keep Mira occupied.”

She quickly exited and I was left holding my wet noodle while I thought, “If that wasn’t an invitation for more than tea, I don’t know what is.”

About eleven, Ellie returned wearing a dress she found in the lot and we took a leisurely stroll to the chippy for lunch. We beat the queue and were able to bag a bench and enjoy our lunch out of doors. It was a cool and pleasant day and seemed noticeably calm and peaceful in the village.

“She wouldn’t stop talking about your hard thing,” Ellie told me between mouthfuls, “And Mira told her all about the kissing before her mum came to fetch her.”

“Yeah, Maxine came by looking for her and caught me in a very compromising position.”

“Mira’s mum caught you wanking?”

“She did and I almost suffered heart failure.”

“What did she do?”

“She stood in the doorway and watched. After I squirted, she said, ‘Nice cock,’ then invited us over for tea.”

“Are we going? Don’t tell Mira I said this, but her mum is doing it with her brother, Josh. It sounds awfully yukky, but she watched her mum suck on him like a baby soother and squirt in her mouth.”

The way things had developed so far, I anticipated a very interesting afternoon.

End Chapter Two