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Elerneron (talk | contribs)
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Also, your note on Kizzie and precocious puberty pulled at a memory for me.  I looked up the case again to be sure.  [ Lina Medina] was fertile from the age of 8 months even though she didn't get pregnant until she was almost five, so there is precedent for the possibility of a pregnant toddler; and therefore would be possible in the story without the use of a module to change the laws of physics or human nature (which are  possibilities for down the line as I have intimated in the story already).  Since extremely early pregnancy is one of my "things" there is a good chance I might explore that route at some point.  --[[User:Elerneron|Elerneron]] ([[User talk:Elerneron|talk]]) 01:00, 10 October 2016 (CEST)
Also, your note on Kizzie and precocious puberty pulled at a memory for me.  I looked up the case again to be sure.  [ Lina Medina] was fertile from the age of 8 months even though she didn't get pregnant until she was almost five, so there is precedent for the possibility of a pregnant toddler; and therefore would be possible in the story without the use of a module to change the laws of physics or human nature (which are  possibilities for down the line as I have intimated in the story already).  Since extremely early pregnancy is one of my "things" there is a good chance I might explore that route at some point.  --[[User:Elerneron|Elerneron]] ([[User talk:Elerneron|talk]]) 01:00, 10 October 2016 (CEST)
I changed the primary template a bit to allow Life Hacks other than ''Life Controller''.  This is in preparation for the possibility of an "illegal" hack called ''Black Hack'' at sometime in the future.  Black Hack basically gives the user controls that mess with other players.  Xander may or may not receive it, depending on the paths a particular reader chooses.  The hack is illegal in the host universe, so game moderators will not be pleased to see it.  --[[User:Elerneron|Elerneron]] ([[User talk:Elerneron|talk]]) 13:33, 10 October 2016 (CEST)


Revision as of 11:33, 10 October 2016

So, since I have opened this up to be a place to make requests to my stories, I am going to implement a system of placing all conversations with a specific person under the same heading with their name. I will request that you put up your material under your own heading witch can be done by placing two equals signs "==" to either side of your name witch you username after writing that in. If you forget to do so, it is Ok, I ought to be able to correct that myself. However, it will be helpful if you can either sign your name to your comments or put the heading in yourself.

Update to the policy on making requests

There is no actual rule restricting the number of requests you can make at any one time, but the priority with witch I will get to filling requests is the inverse of the number of requests being made by the same person. In other words, if you make less requests I will get to you sooner. I will recommend 3 as the go-to default, with 2, 3, and 4 being treated essentially the same if it is a one-odd thing, but it will affect the priority if you make a habit of always requesting 2 or 4 every round. If you make only 1 request, I will probably move you to the front of the line. If you make 5 or more, you will probably be back-burnered until I feel like processing you sometime a fair bit later.

Also, multiple people requesting the same option is another thing that raises priority.

Stories I will accept requests for

I am currently accepting requests for Hot Summer Job, witch was started by Villenia. It should be noted that Villenia is still the primary on this story, and I may very well reject requests for this story if I do not feel I can complete it to Villenia's standards.

I am also accepting requests for God's Compensation. This is a story I started myself. It is currently a closed story until it reaches the conclusion of the introductory portion of the story is reached. Despite being a chose-your-own-adventure format, this story has a semi chapter format where each chapter has different rules for contributing. The rules for the introductory chapter is that I am the only one allowed to write for it. (NOTE: I am currently placing requests for this story on a back-burner until I write up a lore section for the story. The lore section will be the primary focus with story requests being a lower priority.)

2T4U is the first story I started seriously writing for on this site, but I have suffered from a little bit of burn-out on that story. I have now recovered somewhat and will accept requests for it again, but they will be placed at a lower priority than requests for other stories.

I just recently opened up a new story I will accept requests for, Universal Acceptance. However, I will only accept requests for Jerry, the 12 year old male character.

EDIT: In all 3 of these stories, I will prioritize the entries I want to write in order to stave off the same kind of burn out that I experienced wit 2T4U. I will refer to requested items when I am feeling the bug to write but feel no particular self-motivated inspiration for a particular entry. (Witch, considering writing is a favorite pass-time of mine, happens several times a week, so don't feel that this means you will be ignored completely for long periods of time.)


I have somewhat recovered from the extreme burn-out I was experiencing from 2T4U, but I still am having a hard time bringing myself to writing the contents of the "suspended" boxes. I suspect this might have to do with me having forced myself too much to write for entries that did not entirely appeal to me, witch roughly 30% of those requests do not. I will now accept new requests for 2T4U, but the suspended items will remain as they are for now.

I have just started a new story I am accepting requests for, Universal Acceptance. Since this is the newest story I am participating in, it is the one the creative juices are freshest on. As such, requests on this story will receive a higher priority for a while until it starts to turn stale for me.


To make a category page into a subcategory, instead of giving it the story type as the category [[Category:Meta Stories]] use the category that you want it to be a subcategory of [[Category:God's Compensation]] --Elerneron (talk) 06:53, 10 April 2016 (CEST)

Okay, if you want to make a page part of more than one category just type in more than one category on that page. For instance if a page is in the story God's Compensation but also part of chapter one you would put something like this when you put the category on the page [[Category:God's Compensation]][[Category:God's Compensation/Chapter One]]. Now when you go to that page it will show two categories. Now for the category page for God's Compensation you have:

You can always check out how I made the subcategories for Generations Here is the Category Page Category:Generations If you go into one of the subcategories, you can see how I made them into subcategories. --Elerneron (talk) 10:56, 10 April 2016 (CEST)

You did it in the exact opposite way from how you need to do it. You need to put the name of the Main Category as the Category of the Sub-Category. I fixed the category pages, so you can see how I did it. --Elerneron (talk) 00:04, 13 April 2016 (CEST)

There is a page in the format rules telling you how to upload and use image files Format Rules/Pictures. --Elerneron (talk) 15:02, 18 April 2016 (CEST)

I fixed the problem you had with your template display. You had just closed the template after P1, so it didn't include P2. I just move the closing brackets to after the P2 entry. It's usually little things like that which trip one up . . . happens to me all the time. Putting the closing brackets on their own line will probably help, so I did that. --Elerneron (talk) 11:42, 15 September 2016 (CEST)

Thanks for the addition to the story. Even that little bit makes it much better IMO. I suppose I am strange, as the reactions that I gave the character are pretty much the ones I would expect from myself. It may be partly due to my Borderline Avoidant Personality Disorder (borderline because I don't have the over-sensitivity to criticism), or some other aspect of my personality; but if something is the way it is, and I cannot (or don't want to) change it, I simply accept it almost immediately. I don't worry over things that I can do nothing about. I know this is not the case for most people, but it's hard for me to put myself in that headspace when I don't share it. The level of freaking out that I would have was pretty accurately displayed in the first page of the story in Xander's actions. This is not to say that I want Xander to parallel myself if that makes him feel less real; just the reason why he is currently written the way that he is.

The talk about his interest in children was directly related to his decision to forgo making himself more endowed and is not intended to reflect him thinking of using the new powers to get sex easier. That is the very first thing that I would think of using them for . . . which goes for pretty much ANY power for me. My first thought is 'How can I use this to get sex?' I think pretty much any 15 year old boy would have much the same initial reaction. (Damn, I'm only as emotionally mature as a horny teenager . . . ) but like I said, I was simply giving his reasoning for not choosing to be older, younger, or making his dong bigger. Feel free to change it if you feel it would improve the story. Any way, I'll try to finish working up the older, younger, and big dick path starts a bit just to set up the interruptions so they are consistent across the board . . . then I guess I'll jump in on one of the interruptions unless there's something else in the story you would rather that I do to make things easier for you? --Elerneron (talk) 19:49, 8 October 2016 (CEST)

That sounds great. It's good that we're on the same project at the same time. I was already burned out on 2T4U when you started working on it. I think this will go a LOT better. Also, taking into account your concerns about the speed of the sexual content, I changed the "fake" options to further exploration as opposed to sexually charged options . . . except for masturbation. Hopefully that lightens thing up sexually quite a bit. --Elerneron (talk) 20:48, 8 October 2016 (CEST)

I wasn't really trying to get into politics with Xander by referencing Trump, just using the most misogynistic person that I was aware of as a reference. Trump is a Republican in name only, so I figured I was relatively safe. And . . . I really wasn't concerned about pissing off the Republicans who would support a racist, misogynistic bag of crap for president. I'm usually good with Republicans for the most part even though the majority of my views fall in line with the Democratic party. I actually changed from a Hillary supporter to a Sanders supporter early in the primary race, and am convinced that if Bernie had won the primary the fight for president would be all but over. Trump is a bad joke on the Republican Party and American Citizens as a whole. I didn't plan on expanding on Xander's political views, but I see him as more of a Libertarian. I'm fine with the reference going away, though. If I wanted to comment on Donald Trump, it would probably be more effective through Inga (who would definitely be a Republican), and her frustration with only having Trump to represent her interests in the Executive Branch of government . . . but I really don't want to get all preachy-political. --Elerneron (talk) 11:19, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

Wow, that was I pretty comprehensive revision to the Attribute adjustment page. I love it. It reads much better now. I always have problems trying to give a realistic reaction to things . . . I suppose it's also related to how stupid I feel that people are being in books and movies when they react in an overly emotional way to things that are happening around them. Sometimes my strangeness is a big impediment to my writing. Thanks again for your help with the story. --Elerneron (talk) 12:31, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

As an aside, if you want to clean up my section of your talk page, you needn't bother archiving it on my count . . . unless you want to archive it for yourself, I'm personally fine with you just deleting the old messages. I only mention it because the section is getting ever larger. --Elerneron (talk) 12:34, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

Fertility is fine as a physical attribute I suppose, since it is something we all have. Male fertility is just a piece of the process though. The female's fertility plays an equal, if not greater role. I'm sure you already know all of this already though. Some fertility related stats would be in the traits section, like precocious puberty, hyperovulation (the tendency to produce fraternal twins, triplets, etc.), and I'd love to have a trait to produce identical twins more often, but I can't find anywhere that has named the condition, or even recognizes it as a condition . . . so I wouldn't know what to name it. One of the story paths that I had thought of was to have Xander untie his mother's tubes (with memory restructuring off so she didn't know they weren't tied any more), and knock her up again (since she feels so inconvenienced by having children).

Another thing I'd like to talk to you about is the return of Loki. I expect when Loki returns Xander will have a LOT of questions for him. As the creator of the setting, I don't feel that I am the best equipped to formulate those questions, so if you think of some questions he might have about all of this it would be great if you could write them down somewhere so we can get the readers properly informed of how things work through Xander's questions. --Elerneron (talk) 18:35, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

I'm thinking of adding another pair of relationship sliders Fear/Trust do you think that they would be useful, or just further complicate things without much benefit? (Edit: I went ahead and added it. I figure it will be more of a benefit than a detriment. I figure we don't make them mutually exclusive, like fam/love, fear overwriting trust if they intersect.) --Elerneron (talk) 20:00, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

As far as crowding in the template is concerned, the matter is only going to get worse as notes are added to each character. I could easily make the person template twice as wide, and move the meters to the right of the picture. This would give more room for notes without making the template grow vertically. With a TON of notes it would eventually grow, but that would mean we did a LOT with one character. I'll test it out to see how it looks. I can modify it back if it isn't working out. --Elerneron (talk) 00:14, 10 October 2016 (CEST)

I have no problem with you messaging me whenever you feel the need. As we get further along with things, I'm sure you'll get more confident in where the story is going, and it's background and feel the need to do so less, but if not that's no big deal either.

Also, your note on Kizzie and precocious puberty pulled at a memory for me. I looked up the case again to be sure. Lina Medina was fertile from the age of 8 months even though she didn't get pregnant until she was almost five, so there is precedent for the possibility of a pregnant toddler; and therefore would be possible in the story without the use of a module to change the laws of physics or human nature (which are possibilities for down the line as I have intimated in the story already). Since extremely early pregnancy is one of my "things" there is a good chance I might explore that route at some point. --Elerneron (talk) 01:00, 10 October 2016 (CEST)

I changed the primary template a bit to allow Life Hacks other than Life Controller. This is in preparation for the possibility of an "illegal" hack called Black Hack at sometime in the future. Black Hack basically gives the user controls that mess with other players. Xander may or may not receive it, depending on the paths a particular reader chooses. The hack is illegal in the host universe, so game moderators will not be pleased to see it. --Elerneron (talk) 13:33, 10 October 2016 (CEST)


Time to advance more plots. (pounce back on her and continuing wrestling) (have your own bit of fun with Kylie)

Suspended:Not planning to work on these any time in the near future

COMPLETED (grab her and toss her on the bed) Hot Summer Job request: (Go see what Kylie the Nudist is doing) (Be bold (Ask if she likes that) (it would be a shame to waste such an amazing erection) (offer Rissa an orgasm) (fuck her properly as soon as you get hard again) (Bree’s been literally begging for it, go give her what she wants) (Hold her up: apologize to her) (wait here for a bit,who cares if the girls catch you now) (stop and find some reason to remove your clothes) (take Bree's dress all the way off) (slide down between Kylie's legs and give her a tasre of her own medicine) (This is all Kiley’s fault, throw her over the table and nail her hard)

Additional completed requests


--Notsooldpervert (talk) 21:29, 24 August 2016 (CEST)

FYI I list my requests first by the date I've requested them, then in order of my preference of story lines. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 00:13, 19 July 2016 (CEST)

2T4U Requests New story line!

HSJ Requests If you want me to do this differently, let me know.

God's Compensation Interesting premise.

Universal Acceptance That would be a fun power!

Suspended:Not planning to work on these any time in the near future



God's Compensation

Universal Acceptance

Additional completed requests


BakaG's Talk Page

How's it going? I just added a page to 2T4U. Please tell me what you think of it. Especially whether it fits the characters properly.

10/15 - Thanks for looking it over. I plan to add a few more pages to one of the "find some clothes" path in the next few days, inspiration willing.

Also, yeah. I did get a bit ahead of myself there. I was in a groove and couldn't stop. Thanks also for dividing the page up. Lots of interesting options just waiting to be filled out now. :P

10/23 - This was both easier and harder than the last one. Enjoy my latest addition! I was going to do more but I figured that was a fine place to stop for a choice.

1/5/16 - Sorry for acting more like an editor than a writer. I keep asking my muse for inspiration but every time she throws a keyboard at me, yells "PTFO YOU FUCKING NOOB!", then slams the door in my face. :P

1/22/16 - And it's done. Went in a slightly different direction than I planned but I'm satisfied with it for now. Hopefully the next part won't take as long.

5/30/16 - Even as another project has distracted me, I find myself bored with Aaron/Anna. Perhaps another character would be more interesting. Perhaps Jack's girlfriend, and how Jack stumbled into their incestuous carpet munching, or perhaps a teammate of Jack's who has a younger brother he can sissy up. Any suggestions?


Thank you for filling out my requests so far and thanks in advance for any more you do.

Suspended:Not planning to work on these any time in the near future


Additional completed requests




Suspended:Not planning to work on these any time in the near future


Additional completed requests


I do have my heart set on making something happen between Missy and Bandit but I am not that good of a writer. Also sorry if this isn't how Im meant to use the talk feature I've never used a system like it before so yeah.

26/11/15: Ok i will get round to that at some point. Sorry for any inconvenience

19/12/15: Sorry it took me so long. Life hit hard but I changed it a bit. I hope the changes are ok. I just wanted to get bandit involved with the action and I SHOULD have made it so he can get involved with any of the other characters.

22/12/15: I suck at writing so sorry for that. Any advice on changes for the better and how I could write future chapters without fucking up?

I'll agree with that. I eventually want to see all the girls become cum hungry sluts eagerly spreading their legs for cock: Man or boy's, human or not. ~~Notsooldpervert


Feel free to contribute however you like. I find collaborative writing inspiring. No sense stifling anyone's creativity. But I'll try to inch that branch along if that will help you out.

Feel free to go nuts. It's a totally blank slate story-wise. Feel free to add options as well, don't feel restricted to what I've laid down. I envision Kylie as bi although leaning towards girls. She's just fallen into that hormone avalanche making her obsess about sex, but she's still a virgin making her inexperienced and basically lying/faking her confidence.

Been busy lately, but I'm still around. That exact scene I hadn't planned out at all. I know you thought this of Kylie before, but I had pegged Larissa as the one with the proper crush on Riley. Rissa is trying to get Riley to like her, to be interested in her. She's a bit of a smart aleck but equally as bubbly. Getting Riley alone in her room would be an excuse to show off how cool she is and get closer to him, both touchy-feelie and pushy-shovie.


I want to do something else, but it should have the option of matching up, how would you word it?

You can go ahead and change it, no problem. I guess it just didn't come off to me as how the curse worked, from previous entries, but change what ever you need to. Hopefully, the Ellen/Tiffany bit isn't too bad though

Define the licking okay if that is all it is? --SkankWriter (talk) 11:12, 15 January 2016 (CET)



  • I really like the work you've done for Hot Summer Job. Could you continue with Bree and give her what she wants? Standing and on the couch are both good, but I'd also like to go up into her room and take her on her bed. Thanks!,_you_want_to_actually_hear_her_say_it (Hot Summer Job/Take Bree to the couch)

Gisèle de Rais

Alexander's lack of interest in that scene is not so much an important character point as it is an excuse for me to diverge the characters from each other a little bit. I will probably end up doing some of the same scenes with Alexander as I have set up for Alexis in that situation, just at a different stage.

I will say that Alexander/Alexis do not have the same files on their devices. The file that Lacey is listening to at the moment is a different one in Alexander's branch. The explosion is important, though probably not for any reason anybody could have guessed at this point.

Also, Alexander's alone time is a more important point than it seems, and points like it will be found throughout the story on both sides. I don't care if that makes the story more widespread and varied than I have any right to make it when combined with the main plot threads, I have ideas and I'd like to explore them. This will all make more sense to you once I've actually implemented one of those branches.

Feel free to send me your theories, however. You may trick me into revealing more than I plan to. That being said, this story may progress much more slowly than I would prefer due to a lot of real life factors, so I apologize in advance for any lingering suspense that may cause. Gisèle de Rais (talk) 07:28, 5 June 2016 (CEST)


In order of preference: