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Well, the path for the pantiless route diverged a lot sooner than I thought it would. I blame the genius of having given myself some time away from the story to think. The reasoning here is that, with him perving on Roni instead of having a casual big-brother protection thing going, Xander's emotions are running a little higher and he is thinking a little less clearly so he does something a little more violent in action, witch resulted in a MUCH bigger result due to just how much martial arts skill he has. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 10:30, 17 October 2016 (CEST)
Well, the path for the pantiless route diverged a lot sooner than I thought it would. I blame the genius of having given myself some time away from the story to think. The reasoning here is that, with him perving on Roni instead of having a casual big-brother protection thing going, Xander's emotions are running a little higher and he is thinking a little less clearly so he does something a little more violent in action, witch resulted in a MUCH bigger result due to just how much martial arts skill he has. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 10:30, 17 October 2016 (CEST)
Ok, so, in response to a request you made a while back about writing up questions Xander would have for Loki next time he logged back in, I have been making a little bit of a mental list and will give you a few of the questions I have now (more may come up later.) Of course, this list assumes these questions have not already found their answer by interactions such as with Lisette (BTW: Is that name in any way inspired by Persona 4?) Anyway, here is what I have so far.
* Is this game considered in any way "child friendly?" (in addition to Lisette, he might also remember how much sex is in Norse and Greek mythology witch might answer this question for him.)
* How would your world consider the depraved things Xander has done/is thinking about doing, at least as part of their game.
* Would that opinion differ in any way from what the admins would think?
* How much are the morals of the world of this "life" simulation like the morals in Loki's world?
* What would the game admins think about me being self aware like this?
* What would the game admins think about me having these hacks and all?
* Just what kind of modifications have you done to my program?
Also, in the form of answers to a few of those questions, I think it would make sense that the game was designed so that lifies would dismiss and forget about conversations they heard between players that referenced things in the "real world." If a player decided they wanted to tell a Life about the truth, they would need to use the life controller to turn off the "adjust lifie memories," otherwise they will forget what they are told almost immediately. After this mod has been made, it has to be one on one, (cannot make a mass announcement,) and the programming will absolutely prevent that person from spreading the information around. Basically, a condition based program that prevents a player from messing up the simulation too much by informing the lifies, but still allows them to have a little fun having a few lifies "in the know." So far as this particular piece of programming goes, Loki probably left it mostly in tact to prevent the admins from finding out the other stuff he did with Xander's code. Anyway, more to come when I think about it. [[User:Jemini|Jemini]] ([[User talk:Jemini|talk]]) 19:31, 17 October 2016 (CEST)

Revision as of 17:31, 17 October 2016

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My Stories Administrative Concerns


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Ok, I just looked through a google searched image gallery of anime female police officers, and I think this is the one that most closely matches my mental image of officer Thompsett in terms of attitude. I actually wanted her to be darker skinned with short hair, but all of those images were scantily clad dominatrix style. This is about the only modestly dressed professional one that also had the attitude I wanted, so I am going with it despite the hair length and skin tone being wrong.'re+under+arrest_+Miyuki+Kobayakawa.jpg

As for the name, I would say "Maria "Mary" Thompsett, police officer." If he does get closer to her, she is probably going to start having him just call her "Mary." Jemini (talk) 13:35, 14 October 2016 (CEST)

Yeah, that does sound pretty good. We'll go with that then. Jemini (talk) 14:51, 14 October 2016 (CEST)

So far as the point where you stopped in the bluffing to say that he is a player line, I have two possible routes you could go. The general rule while trying to deceive like this is to tell the lie that 1. gives the least information so that you can't be checked on it, 2. is generally the most believable. In the case of an MMO of any kind, that option is almost ready-made for this situation, that being "trolling," (or whatever they call it in that world, perhaps it has another name in each of the two in-story worlds. That could make things interesting.) He just likes messing around. The only other believable lie, that he is some kind of obsessive, gets overturned by the piece of information that she already gave that there is an invisible mode he could have done this in. That other beleivable lie leaves a few more bread-crumbs than trolling, but avoids a few other problems in that he will have a more ready-made reason to tell her to leave him alone. He still has the ability to explain away the questions that could be raised by the "obsessive" route. Trolling still gives the ultimate advantage tough in that if he goes that route then it would not make it at all out of line for him to answer "I don't know" to questions that, from her view, he ought to know the answer to. The exact delivery of this "I don't know" answer would probably involve him jumping back and forth between calling himself a player and a lifie. (feel free to re-phrase any or all of this in Xander's words in order to explain his thought-process. I still want to leave this mostly to you since, while I feel somewhat competent in writing for Xander, I do not feel so secure in writing for this player girl since she has knowledge of your world that I don't.) Jemini (talk) 13:25, 15 October 2016 (CEST) EDIT: By the way, thank you for the Maria card. It looks good. Jemini (talk) 13:26, 15 October 2016 (CEST)

I think I have most of the icons from the character template figured out (couldn't find a key anywhere so it's guess work). It was a little difficult since the computer I use to... indulge here... is very old (read ancient and nearly worn out, obsolete would be several steps up) and the only icon I can see is the happy face. Fortunately it shows up fine on my phone so happy/sad is pretty obvious, crown/pawn I assume is dominance and submisivness, and the two hearts are platonic vs. romantic love. The one I couldn't figure out is open hand/closed hand. As I'm writing this it occurs to me that it might be friend vs. enemy? BTW I'm going to start making requests now. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 19:22, 15 October 2016 (CEST)

See? That's what happens when you don't at least skim the manual lol --Notsooldpervert (talk) 20:32, 15 October 2016 (CEST)

About the reward points, I know it would be a lot more work, but could the notes section include what points were earned in that scene? He won a fight (possibly made an enemy), met several new people, and cupped his little sisters ass in public without getting busted in the Ball Game with Roni story, but nowhere near as many interesting things happened with Brittany at the mall. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 02:53, 16 October 2016 (CEST)

Actually, responding to Notsooldpervert's thing on laying out the source of the points just made me check my math and realize Xander was shorted half his points for oggling Roni's bare privates at the start of the whole adventure with her. EDIT: Despite that, I seem to have come up with a lower number of points for him to have at the end of the whole thing. I guess I must have missed something. I will need to read over the whole thing again to figure out what it might have been.Jemini (talk) 06:09, 16 October 2016 (CEST)

So a running tally each scene might not be a bad idea with the next scene showing the previous score plus the new tally. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 07:11, 16 October 2016 (CEST)

In looking through the rewards, I have a sudden urge to see him use infinite deathless egg-seeking sperm on a swimmingpool full of girls with precocious puberty lol --Notsooldpervert (talk) 15:39, 16 October 2016 (CEST)

My reasoning on Roni's relationship stats on the pantiless route in the park is that she lost respect for him, witch lowers her submissiveness, trust, and familial love, but now she thinks of Xander every time she thinks about her naked privates and her naked privates every time she thinks of Xander, and this is stirring up strange emotions for her, especially as an 8 year old. Jemini (talk) 19:22, 16 October 2016 (CEST) EDIT: Oh, and I have noticed the editing box on the site doing something extremely annoying since I started using it to edit after the fact a little more. It seems as though if I take too long while editing, it only saves a part of the changes I make and it will just delete the changes I made after a certain point and post a half-way point in my work. It really is incredibly irritating. I have somewhat managed to get around it with the "back" function on most web browsers, but that really doesn't sound like something I should have to do. Jemini (talk) 19:41, 16 October 2016 (CEST)

Well, the path for the pantiless route diverged a lot sooner than I thought it would. I blame the genius of having given myself some time away from the story to think. The reasoning here is that, with him perving on Roni instead of having a casual big-brother protection thing going, Xander's emotions are running a little higher and he is thinking a little less clearly so he does something a little more violent in action, witch resulted in a MUCH bigger result due to just how much martial arts skill he has. Jemini (talk) 10:30, 17 October 2016 (CEST)

Ok, so, in response to a request you made a while back about writing up questions Xander would have for Loki next time he logged back in, I have been making a little bit of a mental list and will give you a few of the questions I have now (more may come up later.) Of course, this list assumes these questions have not already found their answer by interactions such as with Lisette (BTW: Is that name in any way inspired by Persona 4?) Anyway, here is what I have so far.

  • Is this game considered in any way "child friendly?" (in addition to Lisette, he might also remember how much sex is in Norse and Greek mythology witch might answer this question for him.)
  • How would your world consider the depraved things Xander has done/is thinking about doing, at least as part of their game.
  • Would that opinion differ in any way from what the admins would think?
  • How much are the morals of the world of this "life" simulation like the morals in Loki's world?
  • What would the game admins think about me being self aware like this?
  • What would the game admins think about me having these hacks and all?
  • Just what kind of modifications have you done to my program?

Also, in the form of answers to a few of those questions, I think it would make sense that the game was designed so that lifies would dismiss and forget about conversations they heard between players that referenced things in the "real world." If a player decided they wanted to tell a Life about the truth, they would need to use the life controller to turn off the "adjust lifie memories," otherwise they will forget what they are told almost immediately. After this mod has been made, it has to be one on one, (cannot make a mass announcement,) and the programming will absolutely prevent that person from spreading the information around. Basically, a condition based program that prevents a player from messing up the simulation too much by informing the lifies, but still allows them to have a little fun having a few lifies "in the know." So far as this particular piece of programming goes, Loki probably left it mostly in tact to prevent the admins from finding out the other stuff he did with Xander's code. Anyway, more to come when I think about it. Jemini (talk) 19:31, 17 October 2016 (CEST)