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Dwarves are thick, short fey-descended humanoids.

  • Height: Dwarves tend to be shorter than humans. Averaging between 3'6" and 4' tall. Particularly tall dwarves can reach as tall as 4'6". Dwarves proportions are such that they are generally half as wide as they are tall, making them look rather boxy.
  • Weight: Dwarves are quite a bit heavier than their height and build indicate. They are about twice as heavy as they appear that they should be. (Multiply the weight that they would be were they human by 2 to get the dwarf's weight.) Dwarves are so dense that they cannot float in water, and have great difficulty swimming.
  • Build: Dwarves are composed of dense, stone-like muscle. While a dwarf can have some weight to him, you'll never find a truly obese dwarf; though somewhat fat dwarves are not uncommon.
  • Bust: Dwarven females have a broad range of breast sizes; from tiny little AA-cup, all the way to the occasional H-cup.
  • Penis: Dwarven males have large penises for their size. Dwarves penises can get as large as 10". They are generally thicker than those of humans. Dwarves do not possess foreskins.
  • Skin: Dwarven skin is generally shades of peach, brown or gray.
  • Hair: Dwarven hair is generally brown, black, red or blond.
  • Eyes: Dwarven eyes can be any color.
  • Other details: Dwarves have thicker, fuller body hair than most humanoid races. Male and neuter dwarves grow thick coarse beards very quickly. If a dwarf were to shave their beard and go to sleep, they would have a full beard the next morning (equivalent to about a month's growth for a human). Dwarven beard growth slows down the longer the beard gets. Contrary to popular myth, dwarven women do not grow beards . . . unless you count crotch-beards or underarm-beards.


Dwarves can be Male, Female, of Neuter.

  • Neuter dwarves, called drones, are the most common. They have a simple urethra opening, which would be difficult for anything other than a fairy to penetrate. They can be used for anal sex, but have no sex drive, and derive no pleasure from sex. They are the predominate workforce and rank and file for the dwarvish army.
  • Male dwarves are the second most common gender of dwarf. They are generally the community leaders and decision-makers.
  • Female dwarves, called queens, are rather rare; and are protected and pampered, living a life of luxurious slavery. Dwarf queens spend most of their adult lives producing children. They do not have the level of difficulty in childbirth that most humanoid races do, and spring back from it quickly and fully.




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