Life Hacks/Febby's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

Febby has recently taken a fair amount of interest in her own private area due to the increased amount of alone time she has experienced relative to the rest of her family due to all the time she spends in her room compared to her sister Jan who is either out and about or hanging out with her brothers. She has begun wondering about boys as well, but couldn't possibly bring herself to pursue seeing an older boy's privates and is not interested in changing her baby brother's diaper.

Since she has had a disproportionate amount of time compared to her other family members to think about these kinds of things, Febby has actually had the notion to wonder if a boy's penis could go inside, especially after discovering her vagina due to her period.

Sexual Knowledge

Febby has never had actual sex education, but she has essentially figured out the concept of sex in her mind but has no idea it will make a baby.

  • Knows where babies come from? Like most of the younger Hollidays, Febby knows they come from the mother's belly but does not know how they get there. She will more likely than not figure it out though if she actually does get pregnant.
  • Knows about boy's genitals? Yes
  • Knows about semen? No

Sexual interests (start of story)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

  • Blackmailable: (-20 uncomfortable consent to all sex acts)

Febby can be blackmailed into doing something she doesn't want to do. (Trigger: Catching her stealing, smoking, or in possession of cigarettes)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

  • Reclusive: (+20 all sex acts, and + additional conditionals (read below))

Febby will naturally push away anyone who tries to get close to her, and thus needs a certain minimum trust before she will even allow the most mild of sex acts (40 trust.) This trust requirement is not modified by her body shame score despite her young age. Additionally, you must have a friendliness or romantic love score that fully exceeds her requirement for the specified sex act including all modifiers (again, despite her young age.) She has a more mature approach to her requirements to overcome her sexual resistance, but her mental interpretation of these sex acts will be quite different from an adult.

  • The Church says no: (Body Shame = resistance to all mild and higher sex acts.)

All mild and higher sex acts, unless their default resistance is higher than her body shame stat, are raised to match her body shame. This is reduced by half if she is in a crowd made up 100% of people she has 50% or higher trust with and are also all engaging in sex acts. (Acclimation at any level will reduce this any time you initiate it by half for all levels, and completely eliminates this form of resistance for all levels if she is groomed to accept any one level of sex acts

  • Her parents say no: (Body shame + 20% = resistance to all mild and higher sex acts.)

Same as "church says no," except stronger because her parents are closer at hand. Can be reduced by half if an older sibling is present and participating in the sex acts as they will take the blame if they are found out. (Acclimation only reduces this effect by 1/4, and half for grooming, as the parents will always be a far more powerful punishing force.)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)



  • Poor control over boundaries (-40 uncomfortable consent to all sex acts)

Having been bullied and ostracized by her family, Febby is less able to object to someone violating her personal, property, or sexual boundaries. My not object even if she hates something that is being done to her.

  • Susceptible to Stockholm Syndrome: (See Personality Traits for description)

Febby is in the 60% of women genetically predisposed to Stockholm syndrome, and her situation of feeling distant from her family will make her less likely to tell them if she is being molested. This goes double if some of her older siblings, particularly Summer, Winny, or March, participate in or facilitate her molestation or rape.