Life Hacks/Angel's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

4 years ago when Angel was 6, she discovered her older sister Charity, then age 11, was playing around with her then 4 year old sister Roni's privates. When she asked about it, she was invited in to try it herself. Her curiosity was peaked, but she enjoyed being touched herself a lot more than touching her sisters. She was a lot more excited when her older brother Bastian got involved in their naked play, but that didn't last long before their older sister Brittany caught them and they all got in trouble for this.

Being 6 at the time, Angel was a lot more susceptible to the disapproval of others, especially that of her mother and older older siblings. Whether she knew the reasons behind it or not, she clearly understood that she was not supposed to show her privates or touch people's privates.

Angel has a strong motherly instinct and is constantly fantasizing about having a baby herself. She heard from Charity while she was playing with her back in the day that a boy needs to stick his penis inside her in order to make a baby. She knows deep down this is not something her authority figures would approve of, but she has made several attempts in her mind to rationalize how it would be Ok by making up scenarios where it is only girls that are not Ok to touch and that was why her mother was mad, or that if she says she is going to marry the boy who does it with her than this is Ok. She knows that one will certainly be Ok later in life, but she tries to make up scenarios where they get married now while she is still 10.

Sexual Knowledge

Angel's sexual knowledge is mostly accurate, but woefully incomplete. The only person ever to really teach her about sex was her older sister Charity who just told her the very most basic that she could get a baby if a boy put his penis inside her vagina, and then they do something called "having sex" for witch she doesn't know the full details.

  • Knows where babies come from? Yes.
  • Knows what a boy's privates are like? Yes.
  • Knows what semen is? No.
  • Knows how to prevent pregnancy? Angel has no concept of birth control what so ever.

Sexual interests (start of story)

  • Wants a baby: (PIV sex resistance = static 70.)

A trust of 70 is what is required to convince Angel to have vaginal sex, no positive modifiers affect this, and there is exactly one negative modifier that can bring it lower.

  • Seeks approval: (60 - familial love stat = sex resistance modifier)

Angel seeks the approval of those she views as authority figures in her life. Witch one she prioritizes is determined by her familial love for each of them. Brittany and her mother are the strongest negative influences on her sexuality. She has a familial love of 60 for Brittany, the one of the two she is closer to. Exceeding this number will make her more suceptable to anything you want to do with her. However, falling short of this number will result in a positive modifier. This modifier applies to mild sex acts and higher (does not include kissing, witch was not part of the actions she got scolded for.) This modifier, if negative, can even move her otherwise static resistance to PIV sex witch is affected by absolutely no other modifiers.

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

  • Diminish Brittany's influence: (40 - Family love stat = Sex resistance modifier)

When Brittany is not in the house, Angel uses her family love for her mother, witch is 40, as her resistance to sexual activity. (Trigger: Brittany not currently residing in the house, has not been there for 3 days and not expected to be back any time soon.)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

  • Traumatized by mother's scolding (+40 to all nudity, groping, and anything that may be associated with those things)

Angel knows it was the nudity and the touching of each other's privates that got her, Charity, and her closer age siblings into trouble, and has internalized the message that these things are wrong. It will be tougher to convince her to do these things. (If she is groomed to accept these sex acts, this modifier is removed for that and similar sex acts. Also, this modifier includes dry-humping with or without cloths but does not include PIV sex due to her static 70 in that area.)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

  • Semen in vagina obsession: (+30 to oral and anal sex, +10 to semen ejaculated anywhere other than her vagina.)

Once she is in a sexual relationship and finds out that semen is the means by witch babies are made, she will be upset if the semen is "wasted" by going somewhere other than her vagina. She will also project this on to other girls, insisting that any girl she witnesses having sex have the guy ejaculate into her vagina and not anywhere else. (Note: Once she is acclimated to vaginal sex with her male partner, she will even get upset if he masturbates, insisting he has to squirt it all in her until she is pregnant and then in either her or a girl she knows who is not pregnant once she knows she has conceived.)

