Everlasting Affairs/West Erotopia

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You stand outside the gates of the kingdom, thinking over which side to begin on. After a few moments of weighing the pros and cons, you decided to go into Western Erotopia. It seemed like the less dictator-like of the two. Your choice wasn't misled either; the moment you stepped past the guards outside, you were met with racks upon racks of tits.

Nothing could have prepared you for such a lovely sight or the hard on slowly forming in your pants, but you continued on anyways. You needed work, and a busy kingdom like this was sure to be full of jobs just waiting to be done. You could look in the marketplace to see if any shops need some errands ran or talk to some guards to see if anything's going on in the city or just walk around some more and enjoy the sights.

Personal Game Inventory:
Health 100% Time {{{Time}}} Sword
Lust 25% Gold 0
Status {{{Status}}} Quest None
Other {{{Other}}} Location {{{Location}}}