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Attribute Ranges

  • Body: Pitiful to Above Average (1-6)
  • Mind: Average to Exceptional (5-8)
  • Spirit: Pitiful to Superb (1-7)


  • Low-Light Vision: Gnomes have exceptional sight, even in low-light environments.



Gnomes are short humanoids descended from elf-dwarf crosses that bred true.

  • Height: Gnomes tend to be shorter than humans and elves, averaging between 3'6" to 4'6" tall. Particularly tall gnomes can reach as tall as 5'.
  • Weight: Gnomes have a similar weight as humans of their same height and build.
  • Build: Gnomes have a similar build to humans, and can be fat, thin, muscular or gaunt.
  • Bust: Gnomes have a broad range of breast sizes. They can have breasts that are between a AA-cup and a G-cup.
  • Penis: Gnomes have a broad range of penis sizes, and can get rather large for their size. They are generally between 3" and 7", with a rare few having penises of up to 10".
  • Skin: Gnomes tend to have skin that is shades of peach or brown.
  • Hair: Gnomes can have any color hair.
  • Eyes: Gnomes can have any color eyes.
  • Other details: Gnomes have slightly pointed ears, and a somewhat bulbous nose. The nose is more prominent in males than females. Gnomish faces are round and full; and with their large eyes can appear child-like to other races, especially with younger gnomes.


Gnomes can be Male, Female, or quite rarely Futanari or Neuter.

  • Almost all gnomes are born male or female.
  • About 1 in 10,000 births can result in a Futanari or Neuter.
    • There is generally some difficulty for these rarities in gnomish society as the gnomes aren't sure whether to treat them as male or female.


Gnomes reproduce sexually.

  • Gnomes can cross with any lesser, humanoid, or greater race.
    • Gnomes cross particularly well with dwarves and to a lesser extent elves.
    • Gnomish-human pairings are rather common, and they cross relatively well.
  • Purely gnomish pregnancies last about 15 months.


Gnomes age slower than humans and dwarves, but faster than elves.

  • Gnomish ages can be calculated by multiplying the age of their physical appearance were they human by 7.
  • A gnome that is entering adolescence would be around 70-85 years old.
  • Gnomes reach maturity at around 125 years old and live about 600 years.


Gnomes are Omnivores

  • Gnomish fare is about the same as humans.

Other Considerations



Gnomes generally follow the philosophy of science. Most have no religion.

  • There were no gnomish gods to be overthrown. Gnomish lack of belief fuels no one's power.
  • Gnomes are free to believe what they will, but most are raised to embrace science and logic and ignore gods and superstition.


There is no gnomish afterlife.

  • When gnomes die they simply cease to be.
  • Gnomes who follow other religion will end up in the appropriate afterlife.
  • While gnomes do not feel the call of the Faerie, if they make the journey they are generally accepted.

Other Considerations

Magic and Technology


While gnomes are competent at magic, most prefer technology.

  • Gnomes can learn any magicks that can be learned.
  • About 30% of gnomes have access to fey magicks.


Gnomes are exceptional technologists.

  • Gnomes are among the best and most innovative technologists.
  • Gnomes often risk a great deal when designing new inventions, making their cutting edge technology dangerous.




Other Considerations