Yes/Chad/Try to get her naked

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You might as well face it. You are getting turned on by the thought of manipulating your twelve year old sister. You know it's wrong, but she isn't the only one seeing their sibling in a new light. Your eyes pour over her pubescent body, the gentle curves of womanhood beginning to form in her young body. The t-shirt she wears obscures the fact that she hasn't grown any noticeable breasts, making her appear closer to her actual age than most of her outfits. Emily notices your attention, her blush deepening as she focuses a bit more on her food. You have to see her body. And now you have the power to do so.

"Would you like to eat the rest of your dinner naked?" you ask nervously. Your heart is pounding in your chest. The shear wrongness of the whole thing is so thrilling and frightening at the same time. She's your sister and, though you are in no condition to do the math right now, you're pretty sure she falls outside of the half your age plus seven years equation to determine age appropriate relationships.

"Umm," she says nervously, her blush deepening even further, "yeah, I would." Her voice is almost a whisper. "But I can't. We'd get in trouble." Interesting. Frustrating, but interesting. Apparently your question made her want to be naked, but she still feels compelled to abide by normal conventions.

"I think it would be okay tonight. Don't you?"

"I guess so," she says softly. She stands up and slowly starts pulling her shirt over her head. "This is so embarrassing." She finishes taking off her shirt with an arm across her chest covering her nipples. As you expected, there is no sign of breast mass at all on the toned, athletic body. She turns around and wiggles out of her boy-shorts little by little, the perfect, peach globes of her ass revealing themselves by inches. She steps out of her shorts, and turns back to face you her hands covering all of her private areas. "Promise you won't tease me," she says.

"I promise," you say with a gulp. Your cock is fully hard, pushing painfully against your zipper. There is no question now. You are definitely a pedophile . . . an incestuous pedophile.

"Okay," she says as she nervously moves her arms revealing her maturing pink nipples and her nearly hairless crotch, her womanly details still hidden away by the puffy mass of her labia majora. "Sorry I don't have boobs."

"You look beautiful," you say in perfect honesty.

"Ommm," you hear from the stairway, "Chad! Emily's naked!" Looking up you see the still wet Bree dressed in a dress that looks as though she'd worn it in the rain. She obviously rushed drying off if she even attempted it at all. You can clearly see her nipples through the wet fabric, and the dress is clinging to her legs in an enticing way. Great, now you're getting turned on by six year old sister!

Emily gives out a squeak, and picks up her clothes to cover herself.

This is a fine mess . . . now what?

What do you do?