
From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 19:36, 8 January 2017 by Elerneron (talk | contribs)
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Wait a minute, he has a 3.5" cock, and Dana fucks him instead of Chad? Can't wait to see what her deal is. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 20:29, 8 January 2017 (CET)

Well, I've hinted at it in Gary's profile, and just a touch in Chad's, but the simple matter is that Dana can manipulate Gary through sex. Her only hope of trying to manipulate Chad was through withholding sex. When that ultimately failed, and she found that she had no control over Chad, she dumped him in the worst possible way she could imagine. --Elerneron (talk) 20:36, 8 January 2017 (CET)