Talk:Yes/Tom & Tash

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 16:34, 24 January 2017 by Jackmaster (talk | contribs)
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I assume this story is set in Great Brittan? If so, since the other path is set in the US, maybe we need to make a reference to the location in both stories for less perceptive readers? What do you think? --Elerneron (talk) 16:56, 24 January 2017 (CET)

I had actually attempted to set it in the US (I did research and everything!) although I'm aware I probably naturally put in English references, phrases etc? I'm happy to go with whatever really; if setting it in England would put off readers or writers I'd rather set it in US instead (and be constantly corrected on things :|P). A couple of things on the character sheets might need adjusting if we do move it this side of the channel though! Also if we do, yeah it might be good to clarify. --Jackmaster (talk) 17:16, 24 January 2017 (CET)

Personally, I'd find it refreshing to have a non-US setting. I don't feel comfortable taking the lead on one myself, but I wouldn't be opposed to writing for one. The thing that was so British about what you wrote was simply the use of mum for mother. In the US it's mom, mommy, mother, or rarely ma. You should write what you know. If you're English, by all means set your story in England. (Also, I went ahead and put a location/time reference on the Chad story.) --Elerneron (talk) 17:26, 24 January 2017 (CET)

Haha that's hilarious! Put all that research into the school system, state governments, even immigration! And the thing I slip up on is the use of the word mum! I'll move it over to a UK setting. When I've got the chance to I'll double check all the character profiles to make sure they still work. There is a part of me that has always thought I wouldn't/don't get many readers for setting it in Britain; then again, there's a part of me that always thinks I won't get many readers anyway :( --Jackmaster (talk) 17:34, 24 January 2017 (CET) 'Edit:' to put a bit of context on that post, although no readers is sad, I'm not getting really upset as I post that; I'm kinda hyped from actually having written something...anything(!)...again, so I'm probably just blurting thoughts out on screen!