Mark/Ethan accidentally drops the coin

From All The Fallen Stories
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Ethan rolls the mark through his fingers, and it suddenly slips from his grasp, rolling down the sidewalk. He chases after it, and catches up with it when it hits a light pole and lands heads-side up. He quickly grabs the coin and puts it in his pocket as Amber catches up.

"Whew! That was a close one," he says.

"You got it," says Amber. "That's great!"

Several blocks away, a policeman is chasing a thief down the street where he just robbed a convenience store. They are both running at break-neck speeds through the suburban area, vaulting over fences, and scaling walls. As the thief hits a wall, a single slip of paper falls from his shoulder bag. Caught by the wind it soars over the houses.

Ethan and Amber continue walking toward their home, idly talking about their days; when something light suddenly hits Ethan in the face. He grabs it instinctively, and pulls it from his face. He can hardly believe his eyes. He just got hit in the face with a $100 bill. He looks around to try to determine where it came from.

"Amber," he says, showing her the bill, "did you see where this came from?"

"Oh my god!" she screams, "that's a Benjamin! You are rich!"

Ethan keeps looking for the bill's owner, but there is absolutely no indication of where the bill came from.

"Whatcha gonna do with the money?" asks Amber as she bounces up and down expectantly.

"I dunno," says Ethan, "I guess I get to keep it? I don't see any sign of the owner anywhere."

"This has got to be your lucky day," says Amber. "First you find a silver coin, then a hundy? What's next, dating a supermodel?"

"Yeah," says Ethan lightly as she shoves the banknote into his pocket, "I hear ten year old boys are the new purse pooch for models."

They both laugh as they turn down their street.

Skuld knows the future, who do they meet as they enter the house?