2T4U/Jack/Afternoon/Fiona's/Refuse to spend the night at Fiona's

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Ummm…. actually… I should probably be going. I don’t want my mom worrying about me, so I should get home since school will be letting out soon.” You say, thoroughly creeped out by this older woman’s advances.

“What?” Fiona responds, “But it’s only just after lunch.”

“I… I gotta just step outside for a minute,” you say, trying to get outside to gather your thoughts. You open the front door to step out and you see a young girl of around middle school age suddenly looking up at you startled from her seat on the porch.

“Common Jackie! Don’t be like that!” Fiona begs as she follows you out, but she stops when she sees you looking at the girl. She has wavy brown hair and a dark shirt with a gray jacket with a pink collar and zipper, but easily the most striking feature about her that has you stunned and just staring at her are the signs of tear streaks down her eyes and cum stains on her cheeks and chin. “Samantha! What are you doing back here so early!?” She calls the name of her granddaughter, seemingly oblivious to the state of her face.

“Uh.. my!” She attempts to start haltingly and then looks away from her grandmother. The next time she talks she is looking to you as though for help. “The recess monitor tried to rape me! I tried to stop him, but when I wouldn’t take my pants off for him he…” She cuts off at these words, but the dried cum on her face tells the rest of the story. He must have shoved his dick in her face, although with how much of it is actually on her face it is hard to tell whether or not he had gotten it in her mouth.

“That’s nonsense!” Fiona barks, shoving past you and grabbing her granddaughter by the arm. “I’m sure you were trying to seduce him the same way you were just making eyes at little Jackie there just now.”

“What!?” The sexually assaulted middle schooler gapes in exasperation at her grandmother.

“I swear, girls your age are all a bunch of little whores. I mean, the only reason you are here in the first place is because you got into a brawl with some girl over your boyfriend.”

“No! That was!”

“I don’t want to hear any of it. Get inside, I have to talk to Jackie now.”

At these words, Fiona shoves her exasperated granddaughter into the house and closes the door. "YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU'RE CRAZY!" You hear yelled from inside before some loud retreating footsteps reverberate through the house. As soon as the sounds of the abused middle schooler's heavy footsteps fade, the old woman looks at you with a conniving smile slowly spreading across her face, a smile that tells you she has something extremely fucked up in mind.

“Well, that couldn’t have possibly come at a more perfect time,” she says, stepping up to you and running her hands over your pecs flirtatiously with a coy smile. “I’m sure a fine young buck such as you just doesn’t want someone as old and washed up as little old me. So, how about this? Stay with me, and I’ll let you do absolutely anything you want to do with Samantha. Push her down to her knees and gag her on your marvelous dick the way you did with me,” she offers with a fond grin, “shove her down on her face and use her bitch cunt like you did with Michelle,” she actually seems to look almost breathless as she imagines you making good on this offer. “I can even set you up to share her bed if you would like. So, how about it?” At these words, she reaches down and rubs your crotch through your jeans, easily discovering your massive erection that has risen to full hardness at the mere thought of what she is suggesting.

What do you do?