Disciplinary Action/Characters/Secretary

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St. Andre Truitt Secretary

Laima Varano
C-cup breasts, a little overweight, can switch between a benevolent smile and a fierce frown at will. The bane of both parents and students before the new punishments were enforced.


Husband (deceased)
Norbert Varano
Son — 8
Chester Varano
Daughter — 5
Gabriele Varano

School Responsibilities

Laima is both the only secretary and receptionist of St. Andre Truitt. Anything the headmaster don't do, she has to do it; most of the time it’s her that flesh out the programs and ideas the headmaster comes up with, with him only adding his signature to the finished documents.

Before the creation of the Disciplinary Office, she was often the one to give out detentions and the odd spanking, since the headmaster was often too busy to deal with misbehaving students.


Laima started working at St. Andre Truitt at 20, when his husband’s job wouldn’t suffice. The school was (and still is) one of the few places in town where it’s acceptable for a woman to work, but doing so when married was still seems like an insult to his husband’s ability to provide.

Laima became the public face of St. Andre Truitt and over the years had to deal with unhappy parents, unhappy teachers, unhappy school officials, unhappy students and veiled comments about her usurping her husband’s position in society. In addition to that, Laima and her husband decided to wait to have children, and her use of birth control only added more gossip about her.

As a result, Laima developed a very tick skin, apparently able to dismiss almost any insult without batting an eye. In reality, her affair with the headmaster helped her get through it all and continue working.

Laima was always the breadwinner in the family, even after she had her two children. Finally, when her young daughter was less than a year old, her husband Norbert couldn’t take society’s gossip anymore and committed suicide.

Laima was devastated, she really loved her husband, and she blamed herself for not doing enough, or doing too much. She always thought he had finally found out her affair with the headmaster, so she decided to also end that relationship and dedicate herself to the school and her children.

Since the headmaster was always busy with meetings and found gathering, almost all teacher’s concerns ended up with her, including misbehaving children sent to “the office”. Among her bleak days, Laima discovered that punishing the wrongdoers brightened her days, and pulling the pants of a little boy to spank him was almost enough to give her an orgasm.

When the headmaster came up with the idea to create a Disciplinary Office to straight out the lost children, and gave her some weird internet research about how shame was more powerful than pain, Laima was the one that actually wrote the new punishment guidelines, letting out a lot of her resentments against town’s people, as well as her hidden desires. She was actually appalled when the town council actually approved it, but after ruminating a while decided it was just what this town deserved.

Public Relations

Leopold Granville

Laima and Leopold had an affair from when she started working at St. Andre Truitt until her husband died. The affair continued after Laima stopped taking contraception, and while Laima took care not to have sex with Leopold on her most fertile days, it’s possible that one or both of her children are actually Leopold’s.

John Gardner

Laima was horrified when she found out a pedophile would be working at the school; even after the headmaster explained to her how his compulsions would make him better at his job. Laima knew how to tell bullshit when she heard it, but if the town wanted to go to hell, who was she to stop them. And if she could bed some of those cute boys that kept running on the halls, the she would gladly join the rest of town in the abyss.