Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Tihana

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First of all, thanks for all the effort you're putting into adapting to my weird story format. I really appreciate how you've updated your writing style so that the paths return to the main page and remain independent of each other. I also thank you for using the paths of the titles as intelligently as you have, I actually have an offline copy of the story, and it's very easy to organize your contributions since you make very good use of the namespace.

I think a small change can be done in this page. Since some of the previous options allowed the reader to take Tihana to the infirmary to sleep off her drunkenness, I think this page (Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Tihana) can first give the option to choose where Tihana was sleeping, and a subsequent page (Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Tihana/Office) can be where he finds her sleeping on the changing table, with the options for how she ended up there. --Tod Naturlich (talk) 22:07, 27 September 2017 (CEST)

I had actually planned on having a separate beginning route listed under going to the infirmary for the one where you continue Tihana's punishment in the infirmary, thus the reason why I did not include that in this route. It made more sense to me that way, but I can still see the name organization potentially being changed around a bit for the sake of organization.

Also, I do hope the large amount of contributions I have made have not scared you away from making your own contributions. That's one of the curses I have on collaborative efforts, once my contributions to a story exceed 50% the original writer tends to start dropping off and contributing less, and that makes me feel really bad. Jemini (talk) 00:24, 28 September 2017 (CEST)

As I told you on our first communication, one of the things I admire about you is how prolific a writer you are, much more than I could ever dream to be. I started thinking about this story from the moment I knew of this page, and I started making notes on how I wanted it to work and be organized in order not to be overwhelmed by open ends (which was my main fear for the wiki format). I planned several paths that I wanted to follow on the story and actually wrote a brief summary of them before making the first post. Then I just expanded the summaries I got and published Suzy, Beatriz and the Nurse paths. Fact is I'm reaching the end of what I had prepared before hand, so I won't be able to post at the same speed, but I plan to continue posting. One thing I don't like is to leave a story uncomplete, so even if it takes me some years, I will finish this.

If you continue to keep the interest on the story, I will have to introduce the next time section much sooner than expected, so you have a place for the story to grow (that's one of the pieces I already have the summary for), for my part I still have the rest of John's interaction with Beatriz and the twins, the follow up for Suzy and her sister Ginny, as well as a long story arc with Perl. I even started writing a reprise of the events from Suzy's perspective, thinking on eventually opening her own path.

So while I'll be much slower than you, I have no plans to stop participating, even if in the end 90% of the posts are yours.

One thing I have liked a lot about this experience is that it's force me to write some things without planning them first, all I wrote about the smoking children in the storage room was done without a previous plan on how it was gonna go, in response to Notsooldpervert's request. I liked how that went, so I might decide to take upon myself a path I had no planned in the future, just to practice.

Oh yeah, improvisational writing is definitely a good skill to have. That's actually the way I do both of the things you have stated you admire in my writing, that being the volume of material I produce and the number of options I am able to generate. The truth is, I hardly ever go into it with a plan. All there is is me thinking out reasonably what's a reasonable way the characters might react in this situation, and what's a reasonable consequence to come from previous actions. I'm really only thinking of the past and present, hardly ever the future except for the vaguest of ideas. (although I do make some effort to think out what's a reasonable common point for all story lines to draw to, such as the MC cumming in Tihana's vagina and deciding it's her punishment just for the fact that she's drunk, also reasoning she's black-out drunk and won't remember, and finally deciding that her punishment for her drunkenness will continue with a second vaginal rape after she wakes up. That's something I'm quite certain I can make happen on every single route)