Disciplinary Action/Characters/Sixth Grade/Tihana

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Tihana Morandi

Tihana Morandi
Blonde, no breasts to speak of yet. She’s a rebel and doesn’t care about rules or authority.


Amador Morandi (37)
Shreya Morandi (34)
First older brother
Morgan Morandi (16)
Second older brother
Bartolome Morandi (15)


Tihana sees herself as a rebel. She and her friends like to skip school, smoke and do anything to show their disdain for the towns obsolete rules and morals. She likes doing things that worry and distress adults, including her own parents, and it is not uncommon for her to simply not come home some nights. She has even been known to steal from her father's shop on occasion.

While Tihana likes the idea of dressing provocatively and possibly even engaging in some sexual behaviours, the town's messages of shame at her body have quite thoroughly left their mark and she hates the idea of anyone seeing, or much less touching, her in a sexual way. When she had her sex ed class in fourth grade, she was so embarrassed she had a very difficult time paying attention and only understood bits and pieces about it. She is aware of it having something to do with girls getting pregnant, and that it can lead to a life in the brothel as her only future, but she somehow skipped out on some of the parts about how it actually happens. She vaguely recalls the part about the "parts" fitting together but tells herself that can't be and that she must remember it wrong because nobody would do a thing like that.

The things that she does not know in regards to sex include semen and ovulation, as well as the words "rape," "pervert," and "child molestation," and the concepts attached to those words, do not exist in her mind either. She knows the words "Virgin" and "Virginity," but her lack of ability to pay attention to the subject of sex has resulted in her not knowing what the words actually refer to and just knows that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus which has lead to her falsely believing the term is not connected to sex at all.

She had her first period a few months ago in school while using the bathroom. She ran immediately to the school nurse who taught her how to use pads and tampons and informed her that this was because she was now old enough to get pregnant. She remembers getting pregnant has something to do with sex, but is a bit worried as she can't completely recall what she learned in her sex ed class and still to this day denies to herself that what she heard about a boy sticking his penis inside a girl's privates could be true.

WIP Suggestions accepted.