Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Threatening/Recognize/Her lead/Middle

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I’m extremely happy with the way you treated Luana here. I was afraid you would take things too far, but you nailed her personality, so either I made a good job of establishing that in the few paragraphs she has, or you’re really psychic. --Tod Naturlich (talk) 16:35, 2 October 2017 (CEST)

I always put in quite the effort to understanding a character somebody else established before utilizing them, it's kinda one of my talents.

EDIT: By the way, I was also thinking of having a route here that discusses exactly what they're doing with her sister. I'm thinking the worst bullies are August Fine and Freddy Lefort, and if August pulls off his sister's pants and molests her, I'm thinking there's going to be something quite a bit worse and certainly of a sexual nature he's doing with Diya. Not outright rape, but definitely very severe sexual assault that comes just shy of rape. (The only thing likely keeping it from being rape is that he doesn't actually know what sex is.) And of course, the school's turning a deliberate blind eye to it despite the fact they've reported it. (In fact, her abuse by these bullies may even be the reason the guidelines are written to punish girls more severely for sexual activity than boys, so if a teacher ever saw them assaulting her, her case would be brought one step further to where she'd be the only one getting punished.) Jemini (talk) 17:31, 2 October 2017 (CEST)