Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Cutting Class/Caught/Matt and Liliana/Impregnate/Explain/Spanking

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"You know? That actually sounds like a pretty good start." You say "Go bend over my desk."

She glares at you for a moment through her tears, trying her best and failing to look intimidating, before she finally gives up and compliantly follows your orders. She goes around the front of your desk, which you had previously cleared out specifically for this purpose, and then bent over pointing her ass that was now protected only by her skirt out toward the people behind her. You go around and lift up her skirt, exposing her naked ass and pussy as her father seems to actually look on with a bit of intrigue, and you also notice Matt's getting quite the eyeful as well as he takes in the sight of his girlfriend's naked vulva peeking out from between her legs.

In quick order, you deliver three smacks to Liliana's bare bottom. They are not hard, but they are enough to turn her butt cheeks red and to create a resounding slap sound throughout the room. Liliana takes this with barely a flinch for each one, although she seems to close her eyes in anticipation just before a couple of them hit. With her spankings over, you step back. It takes her a second to realize there's no more coming, and then she begins to slowly stand and fix her skirt.

"W.. was that it?" She asks, her voice sounding genuinely shocked. "Are you happy now!" Her face contorts as she seems to be trying to recover her dignity through her biting comments.

"Oh, we're far from done Ms. Granville," you tell her, "next, I need you to sit up on my desk and then lay down."

"Whah!? Uhh... what are you gonna do?" She asks in a panic, self-consciously holding her hands over the front of her skirt.

"Do what he says Liliana." Her dad growls at her. She looks nervously over at him as she complies, hopping up on your desk facing you and then looking over at her dad who is still leaning down over the chairs and breathing menacingly down Mathew's neck as he watches your punishment of his daughter with interest, apparently having decided to stay at the ready to support your orders with his own admonishments wherever necessary until they are no longer needed.

Liliana, while she is sitting up on your desk now, seems hesitant to lay down as you ordered. A lot of the fight seems to be gone from her already, but there is now more of a genuine earnestness to the way she's resisting you. "Umm..." she squeaks, starting to make herself look meek as she turns toward you ready to beg. "Umm.. are you gonna do something to my.. uhh.. front side? Umm... can you... can you... uhh.. make my dad and Matt go away? I don't want them to see me there."

"Why?" You ask. "Didn't you say you already had sex with Matt?"

"Yeah!" She responds, "but... that was with my underwear on. We've never done it with our pants or underwear off before." Well that's certainly an interesting response. Actually though, she had never said she had sex with Matt, you were the one who said it earlier and she just agreed with you. It was certainly worth phrasing it that way just for this response though. It certainly confirmed that she has fairly little idea about what's about to be done with her.

"Well," you say with a slight chuckle at her naivete. "This is actually part of Matt's punishment too. Since he's had sex with you with your underwear on, he's going to have to watch me have sex with you with our underwear off."

An audible gasp escapes her mouth as she hears this, and you decide to punctuate this comment and drive it in by unbuckling your pants and pulling out your dick. A second gasp followed by an "Oh my God!" escapes her mouth as she takes this in.

"Liliana!" Growls her father, "You know better than to take the lord's name in vain."

"Alright, now lay down." You order her, placing a hand on her back to gently guide her backwards. She responds by making a feeble and ineffectual attempt to push you off as she rapidly shakes her head.

"Nooo..." she squeeks out in a tone speaking to her complete hopelessness.

"Liliana!" Her father growls again, breaking her spirit as you try again, this time grabbing on to both her shoulders and pushing before gently lowering her the rest of the way down as she complies.

"Daddy..." She moans and cries, "Why are you letting him do thiiis?"

"This is part of your punishment Liliana," he growls at her. "You broke the rules and brought shame on our family, now you're going to have to feel the consequences by being forced to have sex with a man other than your husband." You use this time of them arguing to flip up her skirt, revealing her vulva as you begin running your penis through it and finding her entrance.

"I'm not even married!" She sobs, "I don't want to marry this creepy old guy!" She whines as you begin to push forward. "Hey! What are you doing!!!" She protests as you press your way into her and bump up against her still unbroken virginity.

"Mr. Gardiner.." the headmaster begins before he is inturrupted by a loud "OOOW!" Coming from Liliana as you puncture her cherry and slide your dick all the way into her untouched depths.

"What are you doing!?" She screeches in far more of a confused panic than before.

"Oooh my.." You hear the words escape from Matt's mouth as he tries to get up from his chair but is forced back down by the Headmaster's hand on his shoulder. "Hu... hu.. Is.. is his.. thing inside her?" He asks, apparently unable to comprehend what he's seeing.

"Well, I guess you've never ACTUALLY seen sex before now, have you Mathew? That's what real sex looks like. Your penis goes inside of a girl's vagina. The vagina is made for a man to put his penis inside of it."

"Vu.. vugina.." He mutters, looking back over at you fucking his girlfriend with a dumbfounded look.

"This is sex!?" Liliana asks through her tears as she has begun to grab onto your shirt in order to attempt to fight you off. "This hurts! Stop it! Take it out!!"

"He won't be taking it out until he has spilled his seed inside of you Liliana." Her father told her. "He's going to fill you with his seed, and then you will keep returning to receive more of Mr. Gardiner's seed inside of you until you are carrying his child. And once you have become pregnant, Mr. Gardiner is not going to be marrying you. That's part of his job, he has to hand out punishments like this where he makes disobedient girls like you who are bound for the whore-house carry his children, and when you do then it will be as though you went down to the brothel and sold your body to some john who was just passing through town. You will be a whore, carrying a bastard in your womb!" He declared this like a death sentence as his daughter grew quiet, shaking her head in denial of what she was hearing. In the meantime, you had begun to move inside her a little bit, but it was hard to get motivated in the middle of hearing such a verbal denigration of her and seeing the effects it was having.

"Daddy..." She sobbed. You continued to fuck her, but this just felt... bad. Having your dick inside a 16-year-old was still enough to keep you hard, but you weren't exactly getting into it.