Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Nurse/Prize

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 05:31, 7 October 2017 by TodNaturlich (talk | contribs) (I WILL have to take care to adhere to this limits, belive me.)
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This brings to mind something I was thinking about. He's going to be having opportunities to have sex several times in a day, or even at once in some cases. Could the treatment also work on post-pubescents and possibly increase fertility and sperm production? Jemini (talk) 04:12, 5 October 2017 (CEST)

One personal peeve I have against several erotic stories is that they give near-godlike endurance to the guys, able to cum buckets time and time again without any rest. I don't want to fall into that (although I admit I came quite close by having him have three orgasms at night while making love to his sister, even if I tried to space them as much as possible).

I don't mind that he takes the treatment (you do have to justify him taking an untested treatment), but the result can't be something superhuman. From what I read doing it twice a day at John's age is already pushing it, while younger men can do it up to four times in a day, but they will usually need to rest a few days afterwards. So as long as the treatment won't let him go more than four times a day, the sperm of his last ejaculation is considerably reduced from the first one, and he's significantly more tired and sore afterwards, I have no problem with it. --Tod Naturlich (talk) 04:49, 5 October 2017 (CEST)

I gotta side with the MC: not a fan of increasing the boys' fertility (and thus libido). Need to find a way to suppress it. Unless of course the treatment for boys backfires like that. That would be funny. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 08:41, 5 October 2017 (CEST)

i'm the exct opposite, i want them in creamy undies 24/7 Foalpoots (talk) 04:47, 6 October 2017 (CEST)

Actually, I can attest from personal experiences that at around John's age, especially if he is frequently around sexually available women, it is actually possible for a perfectly normal person who could only ejaculate around 3 times a day if just at home alone masturbating can increase that to about 5 times a day if, as I said, they are in the presence of at least 1 sexually available post-pubescent woman a lot (Not necesarily at the time of ejaculation, they just have to be around them in a fairly personal non-work setting for around 30+ hours a week.)

Also, he (or I in this case since I'm using myself as the model) can ejaculate around twice in the space of 30 minutes if it is the 1st and 2nd loads of the day, and then from there can go on to additionally cum around once every 2 hours after that. (although only the 1st two loads seem to have any reasonable amount of white stuff. The 3rd load on is a bit milky, but they're mostly clear fluid.) If it's going to increase beyond normal, I would say either loads 3-5 get a little more potent, and/or he can manage 6 or 7 times in a day. Both doesn't seem entirely unreasonable knowing those are the actual numbers for someone with fertile women around (which John doesn't just have available, but is also actively having sex with.) Jemini (talk) 20:02, 6 October 2017 (CEST)

I'll admit I have done very little research on this, and as you I rely mostly on personal experience. I just don't want the story to devolve into an endless orgy, I want the characters to get tired, both physically and mentally. I do feel being able to ejaculate 7 times a day every day is a bit too extreme, so what about we split the difference and say he's able to do it 7 times in one day, but only in he's rested the day(s) before, and it will exhaust his for more than a few hours. Otherwise if he's working daily he could do it 3 to 5 times a day, depending on the mood (both physical and mental). For example, even if his body could produce another shot, if he's already cum trice and is suddenly forced to rape a girl in a way he doesn't really enjoy, he will fail to do so. What do you think of this? --Tod Naturlich (talk) 21:17, 6 October 2017 (CEST)

That sounds somewhat reasonable. The last part especially. Once the 2nd time has passed, it really does become a question of motivation from there. If something is extremely hot, it's a lot easier to get extra loads out compared to otherwise. Jemini (talk) 23:09, 6 October 2017 (CEST)

There's also the Coolidge Effect where a bew girl can bring on new arousal even if the old girl can't get you excited again right away. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 05:50, 7 October 2017 (CEST)

Ok, if someone had describe to me this Coolidge effect and asked me what I thought, my first idea would have been to seriously doubt it, which is exactly what I did here, and to my surprise it's a well researched effect (not in humans, but we're just like other animals there, so it can be extrapolated quite easily). I left an open path where he can ask the nurse more about the treatment and decide to get it for himself, so I think she should mention this effect as part of giving him the treatment. --Tod Naturlich (talk) 06:12, 7 October 2017 (CEST)

Ok then, for the final criteria, how about he can do it around 7 times in 1 day so long as it is with 7 different girls (thus taking advantage of the Coolidge effect) and spaced approximately an hour apart. If it is not with 7 different girls, the most he can manage is 5 in a day. He will need recharge time in order to stay potent, otherwise only his 1st two loads stand any actual chance of impregnating a girl, but he can still manage to get his prostate to pump out 5 more loads of clear fluid. If he is reasonably well rested, then his first 4 loads of the day stand a good chance of getting a girl pregnant. (And, for our purposes, "reasonably well rested" means he did not cum more than 2 times the previous day.)

(Oh, also, another interesting and somewhat recent study showed that your sperm count is actually at its highest with your 2nd load in a 1 hour period. Even to the point where the 2nd load of someone who was sexually active the previous day has a higher sperm count than the same person if they "saved their sperm" for several days. There is just something about the human reproductive tract that makes it release more sperm on the 2nd load.)

Also, in order to balance and keep away from the whole "constant orgy" fear, he himself starts to get awfully tired of sex around the 4th or 5th time in a single day. However, with the whole split and looping back path thing, I think we ought to be able to avoid a lot of that just due to that writing technique. The increased fertility from the treatment really just serves as an answer and gives us some fudge room in case he ever does have a period where he's more sexually capable than seems normal, although I don't think we will ever actually reach a case where we wind up writing him as having orgasmed 7 times in a single day. (I will tell you now, I have actually written stories with an MC with the ability to cum infinitely, and even in those stories I have yet to reach 7 times on a single entire story branch.) So, really, it's more of a high water mark to measure against in case anybody ever brings up something as looking a little implausible. And, if I wrote it, I can assure you it actually will simply naturally fall withing these criteria, and I imagine your writing will fall within these bounds as well since you take issue with the whole constant orgy idea yourself.

Does that sound fair? Jemini (talk) 07:01, 7 October 2017 (CEST)

More than fair. And you're right that with the whole looping back to a node, it would be impossible to know if the previous day was active or not, so that is a moot point, but I like to have it explicit. I want to apologise if it seemed I was being stubborn about this, I know you are a great writer and that you won't turn the story into a fuck fest, but I do like to have some limits setup early, so that if in a couple of years more writers arrive (I'm optimistic to a fault, right?), they know the limits they have to adhere to.

I'm reminded of an old story, where a guy has a chance to have a threeway with two sisters, saying how excited he was to be able to live that fantasy, and how afterwards he felt he had less sex there than when he was with only one partner, saying the experience didn't live up to the fantasy. In that same way I really want to see John try to impregnate a whole class at the same time, but I'm afraid the scene would be boring if actually writing each individual insemination one after the other.

Much of my complaints were actually against myself, since I have the bad habit of over describing things. I'm sitting on a story I really want to tell, but when I realized it, I had over 20 pages on a setup scene that lead nowhere, and I'm still trying to cut off the fat. So again I apologise if you feel attacked or unjustly criticized, that was never my intention. --Tod Naturlich (talk) 07:31, 7 October 2017 (CEST)