Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Visit1

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First Week at Work

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It's a little strange how she keeps giving you those strange looks, what's up with her anyway? You find it unsettling on some level, it's like she knows something and it's got you wondering just how much she knows. After all, your sister might have told her anything, and you really don't know how much. Well, at the very least you bet there was nothing about the girls being your daughters beings Beatriz told you that you were the first person she ever told, and you trust her on that one.

After accepting the money, the pink haired girl, Luana, says her goodbyes to the two little urchins that are attached to you. This causes them immediately to both say "Goodbye Luana" in stereo and immediately detach from you and run over to give her a big hug. She's able to easily scrape them off and get out the door though as she has her excuse to leave and get out of the hug zone.

Shortly after the babysitter leaves, your sister excuses herself as well as she says "Ok girls, I'm about to go make dinner. How about you play with your uncle John while I get it ready?"

This is promptly met with a chorus of "Yaaay" as the single ponytailed Amelie immediately grabs onto your arm and starts jumping up and down. The twin-tailed Eveline though seems to have other ideas and runs up to grab her mother's wrist with a far less self-assured look on her face. "Umm.. mommy.." She whimpers, looking quite obviously like she has something to say.

"What is it sweetie?" Your sister asks. Eveline does not give an immediate response though, and casts a wary glance in your direction and then reaches higher to tug on the sleeve of her mother's shoulder. Beatriz quickly seems to get the idea and leans down to hear as the 10-year-old cups her hands and then whispers into her mother's ear. Whatever she was saying, a bit of a surprised expression comes over your sister's face, but that expression quickly turns into a very big grin. "You know what? I think that's a great idea. How about the two of you go to your room and get changed then while I take your uncle for a while?"

"Ok!" Eveline cheers and then runs over to grab her sister's arm and peel it off you. "Common!" She says excitedly.

"What? What's going on?" Amelie asks, but she goes along with it anyway and soon you see the two girls retreating down the hall, leaving you with a sister of your own who is giving you a look that seems quite disturbingly familiar. It's not quite the same look that that babysitter Luana was giving you before she left, but it is pretty darn close. The biggest difference is that there is no sign of judgment and quite a bit more mirth to it, but it is about the same strange knowing smile.

"Ok, so, what IS going on?" You ask your sister.

"Oh, you'll see," she says. "I get the feeling you are going to like this quite a bit. Just wait."

"Uhh... Ok?" You concede as she turns around and begins walking toward the kitchen. Having nothing else to really do at the moment, you wind up kinda following her like a zombie in your present dazed and confused state. Beatriz pulls out a pot of water and puts it on to boil as she begins chopping vegetables. "So, umm.." she muses, "I didn't press it last time, but, well, I did mean what I said last time."

"What? Oh! You mean about the.." Yeah, that's right. She had essentially asked you to have sex with her daughters, your daughters. It was certainly a night full of major bombshells. The night before you find out that your nieces are actually your daughters from yours and your sister's last incestuous night together, and then the girls' mother, your sister, straight up offers their pussies to you the next morning.

"You don't have to answer now," Beatriz cuts you off, "but, well, the girls want to show you something about this family, and I think it might make it a little hard on you, so I thought I had probably better tell you that up front so you know that I don't mind."

Beatriz suddenly puts the knife down as she was about to start cutting up some onions, she seems to be trembling. "Hey... uhh.. Beatriz.." You start carefully approaching her, wanting to find some words to comfort her, but before you can say anything you are interrupted by the thundering sound of two sets of very excited young feet tramping on the ground as they run through the house.

"Hey! Check us out Uncle John!" You hear one of them excitedly calling for you. You take a glance back at them, intending to return your attention to your sister, but all thoughts of that are immediately cut short as you do a double take as the sight they are showing you leaves you baffled for just how to respond. As you turn back to look fully at your two little 10-year-old twin girls, you see them wearing two very big and giddy smiles and absolutely nothing else. The sheer amount of pale skin is something you normally have to lure a child their age into the bedroom for and go through quite a bit of effort to talk them out of their clothes in order to see. Their pussies are mostly hidden between the cracks of their legs as they are making no effort to show them off and are simply standing straight up in front of you, but there is absolutely no denying the fact that there is not a single stitch of clothing on either of them.

"Mommy said it was Ok," Eveline said, "We don't have to wear clothes if it's just us two and mommy in the house, and now she says it's Ok if you're here too!"

Faced with this new information, you are really left with nothing intelligent to say but "What?" It is certainly not your first time seeing such young girls naked, and you have certainly done a lot more with young girls just like them as well, but just seeing them, your own nieces... and daughters... at 10 years old willingly stripping naked for you and now they're telling you... "Uhh... Bee?" You address your sister.

"Uhh.. Yes!" She says, turning around to face you. Her eyes roam about, rising to meet yours for just half a second before immediately turning down and then going everywhere but your face and then eventually settle for looking back down at the floor. "Umm... Yes, we're a nudist household here. You only have to wear clothing in this house if you want to, it's perfectly fine to be completely naked. I..." She looks down and away from you again.