Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Running/Office/All Girls/Melany

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Hmm... well, let's start with you." You say, looking to the older girl. The young red-head winces as she is called on and immediately casts her eyes downward and tenses up in nervous anticipation of what's going to come next. Really, she didn't do anything too severe. Her crime was just running in the halls and nothing else, she stopped the moment you called her out. "Can you tell me the names of the other boys who were running with you?" You ask her.

"I... uhh..." She hims and haws. "I don't know," she says.

"Really?" You respond. "You wouldn't be lying to me now, would you?"

"No!" She responds, looking up at you in a fierce panic "I... they were some older boys and they sounded like they were going to do something fun, so I wanted to keep up with them."

"So that's why you were running in the halls?" You asked her, getting a nod in response. "But you know running in the halls is against the rules, right?" Another chastized nod on the verge of tears answers this one. You were sorta hoping you could get her on failing to cooperate by her not giving the names of those boys, but given her story it was very likely she really didn't know who those boys were so that made it hard to justify that one, unless you wanted to get really mean about it. Maybe you would if she was the only one, but the other two girls in the room gave you grounds for a very harsh completely above board punishment so it was probably a case where you shouldn't push your luck. It would just be greedy to add a 3rd girl to your little harem here you collected for this one punishment.

"Ok, well, since you didn't fight me and you obeyed when I told you to stop and came along without a fuss, I think we can let you off with just a small punishment." Plus, with this on her record, you might be able to do something more interesting with her on her next offense, maybe when you don't have two other more severe offenders to keep you busy and satisfied. You can see her visibly relax at this.

"What about my underwear?" She asks.

"That is your punishment," you inform her, walking over to her underwear on the ground and bending over to pluck them up. She looks at you seeming somewhat distressed at your possession of her undies, but she does not pose any form of protest. She just watches you with concern as she wonders what you are going to do. "I'm going to keep these," you inform her, "your punishment will be to go the rest of the day without underwear on, that way you will not be able to run again without showing everyone your privates. You're going to have to be very careful not to show anyone your privates, showing people your privates is very bad for your purity.

"Mmm..." The sporty red-head lets out a bit of a whimper as she begins holding the front of her skirt.

Well then, with that out of the way...

Have her take a seat and watch you punish the other two

Let her out so she doesn't get keyed into what the punishment for more severe infractions is.