Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Smoking/Burst In/Thiana/Office/Interrogate/Confer

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Go out and talk with your secretary about the names you just got

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You thought for a moment about how to get yourself cleaned up, and then it hit you. You opened one of the cabinets and pulled out a drawer containing the panties of the young girls who you have put in a diaper for their punishments. You took one of them out, and then promptly wiped your seed and the girl’s juices off on the inside crotch of these panties before putting them back and fastening up your pants.

The young drunk girl you still had on the changing table seemed to have her eyes drifting closed. It looked like she was about to fall into a drunken sleep. Oh well, that meant less hassle for you. You went over to where you wrote down the names of the three other students she was with, August Fine, Liliana (no last name received), and Matt (no last name received). You figured Mrs. Varano ought to know who the rest of those students were, even if you didn’t have the last names for the two teens. It’s a pretty small school after all, and she’s been here a while. She ought to know every student in the school.

You gave one last lingering glance to the young girl, her exposed belly filled to the brink with your seed, trying to make a mom out of her, as she seemed to have completely dozed off into a drunken slumber. You decided it was alright to leave her on the table like that, and you slowly creaked open the door and made your way out of the room to meet the eyes of a rather interested looking secretary trying to catch a glimpse into your office as you closed the door behind you.

“Uhh… so…” she asked, blushing and looking almost like a nervous school girl herself, “d.. did you finish giving her her punishment?” she seemed to be almost hanging on the edge of her seat for the answer to that question. Somehow, you got the impression she may have actually wanted to participate in administering this punishment. That was an interesting thought, but you decided not to make a big deal of it for now and simply answered her question.

“No, well, I started her punishment, but there’s still a lot more to go. She committed quite a few infractions after all.”