Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Suzy/Pajamas/No Underwear

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Make her remove her underwear

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“Is that how you wear pajamas?” you asked her as she tried to take the garment off your hand.

“I… I don’t wear those kind of pajamas anymore… Sir,” she said, her hands once more trying to cover her training bra. You wondered absently why girls who just started wearing bras felt the need to cover their breasts more than their crotches, when both were equally exposed in their underwear.

“Do you wear bra and panties under your pajamas at night?”

Suzy slowly shook her head, her eyes showing she understood the meaning behind your words, “do… do I have to… to take them off… here, Sir?” she softly asked, her eyes begging for some mercy.

“I’m afraid so, Suzy, this is also part of your punishment.”

With trembling hands and moist eyes Suzy resigned herself and lifted her arms, taking her gray training bra with them and letting her budding breasts free to your sight. While they were quite small, they still jumped up and down when the bra pulled them up and then let them free, in a hypnotizing movement that begged for them to be fondled, caressed and sucked.

After the bra joined the growing pile of clothes at the feet of the girl, Suzy bent down and in a quick motion pushed her panties down her toned legs. You were pretty sure she was part of the cheerleading squad, as her body certainly would qualify for it. You had to smile, thinking none of the sport spectators have had such a good view of her charms as you right now.

Once she stood back up you get the first sight of her naked pussy, or rather just the shape of her outer lips, since her mons, a line between her legs was all that was exposed. You couldn’t be sure at a distance, but she apparently had a very light fuzz over her mons, and you even thought it might be trimmed.

Suddenly a hand blocked your view of her privates, and you realized you had been ogling the naked girl for a while. Suzy stood there, her face completely red, one hand covering her crotch, and the other extended, begging you for something to cover herself.

While you felt it was a waste to cover such beauty, you really had no more excuses to kept her there or making some other advance; that is unless you were willing to incur the wrath of your new boss, and since there would be more opportunities in the future, you decided to finish this for now.

As soon as Suzy got hold of the pajamas she began dressing in record speed, almost tripping as she tried to push her legs into the garment. Not thirty seconds latter, Suzy was visibly relaxing after closing the zipper over her budding breasts, turning herself into a cute and fluffy blue and white animal (you really couldn’t say what it was supposed to be).

“Pull up the hood,” you instructed the girl, signaling to her head. After Suzy complied, her transformation was complete. The pajamas was a big baggy, so it mostly hide her features, making Suzy look much younger than her actual age. While you would have preferred for something more sexy, this actually would be better for her punishment, “you must wear it like that, hood and all, for the rest of the day, and all of tomorrow,” you reminded her, “you are not to take it off, except when taking a shower, and you cannot try to cover it up, understood?”

“Yes… Sir,” answered Suzy, taking the note you handled her, and bending down to pick up her discarded clothes.

“Leave those here,” you said to her, “I’ll keep them safe for you until tomorrow.”

Suzy nodded, dropping the clothes over your desk, and quickly walking out your office once the door opened.

You took a moment to examine her discarded garments, especially her training bra and panties. They were still warm from her body, and you couldn’t help but to bury your face in them, while imagining it was the girl that had took them off a few minutes before.