Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Smoking/Burst In/Thiana/Office/Interrogate/Options

From All The Fallen Stories
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Go into detail about her planned punishment

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She was pretty darn drunk when I got her in here, so for starters she’s going to have to be punished for that. I figure her virginity and a vagina full of semen is a good start.”

“Uh-huh…” your secretary, Mrs. Varano, responded eagerly as she listened to your description with rapt attention, “I’m sure you would have enjoyed that, having had your first legitimate chance to pump your seed inside one of our little girls, eh?” While it did feel a little bit like the same kind of accusations you have been receiving from several members of the community since getting here, from her it sounded almost congratulatory, “so, how did it feel?”

“Uhh…” you responded, blushing somewhat, “well, she seemed to be a bit more loose than I expected, but that seems to have been because of the alcohol. She was pretty drunk, so it made her relax her vaginal walls. Actually, there’s a reasonable chance with how drunk she is that she may not even remember. I mean, she actually fell asleep. So, whenever she wakes up, I will explain it to her. That’s also going to be part of her punishment for getting that drunk, and I think I might even add in another round of semen inside her just to drive the point home. So, those internal ejaculations are going to be considered her punishment for just getting drunk. We’ve still got the fact she was drinking in the first place, as well as cutting class, smoking marijuana, and she was actively observing the sexually illicit activities of two other students. That’s four more infractions to add to the list.”

“So,” Mrs. Varano piped up, still with rapt attention and now noticeably grinding her thighs together despite how she tried to hide it by leaning forward, “she gets two internal ejaculations for getting drunk, what’s the rest of her punishment going to be?”