Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Smoking/Burst In/Thiana/Office/Interrogate/Confer/Names

From All The Fallen Stories
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Talk with your secretary about the names you just got

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“At any rate, I managed to get the names of the other children she was with. I wrote them down here, I figured you ought to know who they are. I asked for her name too, but she was slurring so bad I didn’t understand it when she said it.”

“Well…” your secretary responded, “I can tell you that she is actually one of the biggest troublemakers in the whole school. Her name is Tihana, and I figured it would only be a matter of time before she got… err… punished for a severe infraction,” she seemed to barely suppress a nervous giggle at the end of that sentence, you could see she was holding back some sexual frustration with every movement of her body. You bet if she thought she could get away with it, she would probably be masturbating right then, “uhh… let me see the other names,” she asked.

You handed over the paper to her and she took it. Her brow furrowed as she looked over the names, “Oh,” she responded, “oh no, Liliana and Matt? Well that can only be the headmaster’s daughter and her boyfriend. It is somewhat recent, but this is also not the first time either of them have cut class. They actually started soon after the new rules were approved. I don’t think Mr. Granville’s going to be happy about that… As for the other boy, August Fine, he also has only somewhat recently become a troublemaker, although it has been a little longer than the other two.”

Well, that’s peachy. It seemed you had yourself in a little bit of a tough place with how to punish these students, especially the two teens. Should you talk to Mr. Granville about it first? Or maybe just punish them first and ask forgiveness later. Maybe you could get the headmaster in on the punishment, make him culpable for the act. The kids were a little bit above your preferred age range anyway. For now, you had probably best get on with what you are going to do with finishing up Tihana’s punishment.