Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Smoking/Burst In

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Surprise the Smoking Students with their Pants Down

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Hiding your smile beneath a frown, you pushed open the door and stomped inside.

The scene in the small room was everything you hoped for and more. Two boys and two girls were inside, the air heavy with smoke and excitement. It was clear this was not the first time this room was used for extracurricular activities, and you were probably the first adult to enter in quite a wile.

The old desks and chairs had been hastily moved to the back wall to free space in the center of the room; along the floor you could see several empty bottles of beer and quite a lot of cigarette butts, but the main attraction was an old mat laid on the floor, where a boy and a girl were engaged in a heavy petting session.

The boy was underneath the girl, his hand planted firmly on her butt, over her panties, the other probably under her blouse. The girl was grinding herself on his crotch while they kissed and moaned with abandon. Both still wore their school uniforms, even if the girl’s skirt was flipped over her back showing her pink lacy panties (another rule violation).

Standing around, looking with equal measure of curiosity and lust, while giggling like idiots, were another boy and girl. The girl was holding a joint, but they were clearly more interested in the show in front of them than the drug in her hands.

The two students on the mat were clearly older than the two watching the show, perhaps 14 or 15, the boy watching was perhaps 12 or 13, while the girl holding the joint looked even younger, perhaps even 10 or 11.

They were all so immersed in the make our session that it took quite a while for them to react to your entrance. Unfortunately you also got distracted by such hot act, and failed to act before they took notice.

The first one to react was the standing boy, he cried out and launched himself at you, more specifically, at the door behind you. Such old buildings have pretty big door, so you couldn’t really cover it completely.

At the same time, the girl dropped the joint and tried to cover her face with both hands, giving another cry. This in turn alerted the two teenagers in the mat, who quickly rolled over and to your surprise ran toward the side wall, where now you noticed a pretty big window that would allow them escape if they manage to open it.

Without thinking you grabbed the boy running towards you, but he was not willing to go down without a fight, and while you tried to restrain him, you saw the girl also launch herself at the open door behind you.

Almost without thinking you decide: