Talk:Villainy/Character/Raven's Child

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 23:31, 21 December 2017 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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Might i suggest a base time for her power to last that increases in duration based on how long she concentrates on it? Like it lasts 10 minutes, but if she keeps her focus on it for a couple of minutes then it will last an hour or so. Good way to escape foes. Stick 'em to the floor and run away, but if it ends when she stops focus, that wouldn't work. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 13:51, 21 December 2017 (CET)

No, her power is INCREDIBLY OP, having it end the very moment she breaks concentration is about the only sensible limitation I can put on her and I do not think it is a good idea to remove that limitation. Besides, she can maintain focus while running, her mind is strong enough to do that. However, her concentration is quite likely to break a few seconds after her target leaves her line of sight. Jemini (talk) 15:43, 21 December 2017 (CET)

I've been trying to consider how best to represent this power using the Blood of Heroes RPG. There are two main issues: 1) The scope of the power uses the assumption of absolutes, and unlike Marvel, the DC universe on which the game was originally designed, does not acknowledge the existence of absolutes. Basically, much like the real universe, nothing is absolute. There is no infinity. There is no perfect. The power you've given Ellen does not acknowledge degrees of success. The best way to deal with this is to give a god-like attribute level to the power(s) in question. I therefore recommend a 30. I have only ever seen an attribute that high with good-like entities like Death, and Sandman . . . so I think that is the route to go. 2) The diversity of the power. The power can do so many things that it is in effect a collection of multiple powers. I could assign each effect its own power, but what about the effects that have not yet been considered? The best route is to use a power that can do anything, then limit it. There are a few powers that can be used to duplicate the effects of any power. The two that fit the best are Sorcery (which is a mystical power connected to Aura) and Omni-Power (which is a special power connected to will). Sorcery is tiring. In a table top game a person using 30 APs of Sorcery with Ellen's stats would render themselves unconscious from a single use of the power at that level. Omni-Power uses hero points to "rent" powers on the fly. I figure that since I am not using the concept of hero points for the story, that it would be best to represent her power as:

  • Omni-Power: 30 (limited to the effects of connecting two things together)

What do you think? --Elerneron (talk) 23:46, 21 December 2017 (CET)

Well, she did recieve her power from a "god-like being" who was using a material to grant the power that goes even above his own capabilities to handle, so I think the whole "Omni-Power" thing would be the most fitting explanation of exactly what her power is. As for granting ratings to the individual applications, that's probably the best way to handle it. I tried to list as many general aplications as I could, as in additional applications are likely to be off-shoots of those general applications. There were applications such as her dimensional shearing ability which is simply to close her wormhole on something that's part-way through the wormhole. That's an entirely different aplication of her power. You might say it cuts things, but that's innacurate. What it actually does is rip things appart with the entire force of 2 pieces of the very fabric of the universe pulling it in two different directions very rapidly as the fabric of the universe separates, similar to how a black hole streches things into strings as it pulls them in. So, that's completely unlike anything listed down there under her powers set, but it's ultimately an off-shoot of her wormhole power. Jemini (talk) 00:31, 22 December 2017 (CET)