Just a Taste/Rules

From All The Fallen Stories
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This interactive is about Andrew Parker, a 14 year old boy who acquires special powers, through his bodily fluids, to manipulate and control others. His powers are very specific, with each bodily fluid having a different effect. though there are a few bodily fluids that have no abilities and will never have any abilities. The following fluids are the only ones that have any affect:

His saliva:

His saliva is one of the catalysts for all of his abilities, when exposed to his saliva, a person is placed partially under his control.

  • If the affected person is a female who has gone through puberty or has not gone through menopause, she is initiated into his harem. Andrew feels a flash in his mind and can sense where she is and gets a general idea of her emotional state. The closer in proximity Andrew is to her, the stronger the feeling, until eventually there is actual emotional feedback between the two causing their emotions to overlap. The female is also placed in an aroused state and feels drawn towards Andrew. If she knows who he is, she will know who she is being drawn towards, if she does not, she will feel compelled to find out who he is. If she can see him; the compulsion and arousal grows stronger. If she sees his genitalia, she feels a near uncontrollable urge to suck on his cock, if she has had sex before she feels compelled to fuck him as well. This affect lasts for one week, if she does not receive his cum either orally or vaginally by this time she becomes his servant and the compulsion ends. Any future contact with his seed will re-initiate the process and cause her to become his slave.
  • If the girl is induced with his saliva and Andrew does not choose a classification for her, then how the saliva is introduced will establish what type of slave she becomes.
  • If the affected person is a female who has not gone through puberty or has gone through menopause, or is a male, then they are turned into a servant. See further below for description of a servant.
  • The method of exposure to his saliva has the following effects, unless Andrew consciously overrides it.
    • If the induction is done with a romantic kiss the girl will have a leadership role in the harem and will have the following ability's: To detect people who have been effected by his saliva, understand the emotional state of the girls in his harem if they are near her, Able to see and read auras of the girls in the harem. The Auras tell her three things; What role the girl would best fill, what role she currently fills and if she is pregnant. Over time the auras may develop further and the leader may develop stronger abilities.

His sweat:

His sweat is the second catalyst for his abilities, when exposed to his saliva, a female is drawn to him sexually.

  • His sweat is a pretty complicated catalyst. There are two types of sweat in the human body which produce two separate effects.
  • Eccrine which is found all over the body: Eccrine Sweat has little no oder. The only places where Eccrine sweat is not found in areas where hair grows and comes out of your poores. It's main function in the human body is a cooling mechanism. Oral Exposure to the Eccrine sweat kick starts puberty in females who have not already gone into puberty, reverse the affects of Menopause. The female will also immediately release an egg and be fertile for the next six days.
  • Apocrine which is found in select areas of the body: Apocrine Sweat is where body oder comes from. This sweat is found in areas where there is hair; the arm pits, groin and top of the head. it's main function is the removal of toxins from the body through the hair follicles. This sweats effect is airborne and causes females to become extremely sexually aroused and uncontrollably drawn to Andrew. They become almost single minded in their desire to get his seed, either Orally or Vaginally. Females do not find Andrews body oder to be offensive and instead enjoy the smell of his sweat.
  • Normal sexual activity does not cause exposure to Eccrine sweat.

His Cum

His Cum is the final requirement for the enslavement process.

  • If a female who has encountered his