Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Tihana/Follow Up/Impregnate/Informal Deal/Sit

From All The Fallen Stories
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Have her sit on a chair

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“Alright Tihana,” you said, getting up and walking over to her, “stop being difficult, I can still make your punishment worse you know?” Tihana did not respond, she just kept sitting there and crying until you grabbed her and pulled her up off the ground. She didn’t really resist you in the same way she did her teacher, but she did not exactly make things easy for you and you were more or less carrying her despite the fact that her feet were still on the ground. Eventually, you managed to sit her down in the chair closest to the changing table, and then you took the other chair that’s in front of your desk, sitting right next to her.

Tihana continued to sit and cry, but she didn’t really seem to be crying as hard. She cried for a little while, but then you saw her look up out the corner of her eye at you and then put her face back in her hands and let out a huge moaning wail and began to cry again harder.

“All right,” you said, “now you’re being ridiculous. You’re not really crying.”

“Yes I am!” she barked back at you.

“Ok, if you want to be that way… I said I could make your punishment worse. I’m going to be taking these,” you lunged your hand toward Tihana’s hips, and she looked up from where she had her face in her hands and didn’t realize what you were doing until your fingers wrapped around the front band of her skirt and also sink their way into her panties.

“No! STOP IT!” she yelled, thrusting her hands down to try to dislodge yours. She let out a huge ear-piercing —SCREEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAACH!— as she fought you, clamping her legs together as you cringed against the volume of her voice, but you were un-dissuaded and continued to pull. Eventually, you began to hear the sounds of fabric ripping. Upon hearing this sound, something subconscious pinged, telling you this is bad, and you changed your angle and managed to yank the waist-bands of her skirt and panties down off her hips. She still managed to clutch the gusset of her panties between her thighs. You pulled against that as her hands left yours and thrusted down to cover up her groin, which has then came into view, “STOP IT!” she yelled, “stop iii… hihihiiiit,” you heard the ripping sound again as you pull. You couldn’t see exactly what was ripping, but you knew the skirt did not seem to be in any danger anymore so that only left one option. You heard what sounds like the rip finishing, and then the panties came free and you got the distinct sensation you were only dragging her undergarment down one of her legs.

Once you got it off, it turned out your sensation was not quite right but not very far from the truth either. As you pulled her shredded undergarment from inside of the otherwise intact skirt, you saw that one side had the fabric split, but the elastic waistband was still more-or-less intact. However, you were pretty sure it was rather stretched out and was not going to be wearable anymore.

“Well, now your underwear is ripped. Now, I can either send you out exactly as you are now after we are done in here, or I can give you back your skirt and maybe let you wear a diaper if you behave like a good girl.”

“Why do you keep taking my cloths off!?” she demanded through her tears, “is it cauza that … that zex thing Mr. Loso said about?” she continued to cry, pressing her legs tightly together and leaning forward in order to do her absolute best to conceal her genitals with her arms folded across her stomach.

“It’s called sex,” you told her, “and yes, that is why I’m taking your clothes off. That’s part of sex.”

“I hate sex,” she commented and moaned as she cried some more. With that comment, it sounded like she must not have remembered a thing about the things you actually said to her during her last punishment.