Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Tihana/Office/Exposed

From All The Fallen Stories
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You left her naked from the waist down

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She had gone into her punishment apparently presuming a diaper would be the worst of her troubles in response to her infractions. She was quite boisterous and defiant at first, but the moment you exposed her hairless vulva to the air she seemed to clam up and become quite ashamed. She began begging you to put a diaper on her, but of course since this was meant to be a punishment you were not going to give her the thing she was asking for.

You began to notice something else as you got close to her. There was a rather heavy smell of ammonia in the air, and soon you realized there was a small amount of liquid in the groove of the changing table. You quickly checked around the sides, and fortunately, it didn’t seem that any of it got down into the carpet, but it seemed at some point over the day she had wet herself again. She had emptied her bladder in the hall when you were bringing her here too. Well, alcohol did do that to you, it was a diuretic, so it made you need to pee a lot more. It seemed her lack of consciousness resulted in her wetting herself in her sleep, and since you had denied her of the diaper she had wanted she was now sleeping in her own piss. It was only her underwear and her shoes and socks that had gotten wet before, but now it seems her shirt, skirt, and hair had become victims as well. Well, if she hadn’t liked having her pussy exposed before, you can only imagine how she was going to feel when you strip her completely naked.

Well, you figured if you were punishing her for her drunkenness to such an extreme degree, you ought to make her feel the full experience of having a hangover. The school was an old building, so the light-fixtures overhead were incandescent rather than the far harsher fluorescent lights that would be present in most schools. You figured though that turning on your desk lamp and pointing it toward her ought to be enough to up the punishment appropriately. Well, the stage was set, time to wake her. You figured she had slept enough, and it most certainly could not be good for her to continue sleeping in her own urine.

You gently nudged her arm and lightly shook her. “Hey,” you said, resulting in her slowly stirring awake, “hey!” you said with another nudge.

“Mmmm…” she groaned, holding her arm over her eyes, “my head hurts.”

“You’ve got a hangover,” you told her.

“A whaaa…?” she responded.

“It’s what happens when you drink a lot of alcohol, I found you in the store room, drinking. Remember?”

“Mmmm…” she groaned, “oh yeah…” she said in a soft voice.

“You peed all over yourself while you were asleep,” you told her, “I’m going to have to take your shirt off,” her response was to give another groan as you lifted the garment up and over her head. The look on her face said she was hesitant at first, but when you got up to her arm-pits she obediently lifted her arms and allowed you to strip her, giving you a view of her lightly puffy beginnings of breasts. They could hardly even be called breasts yet, but you could see where they are beginning to develop, and you wondered for a moment why it is that she didn’t have a training bra yet. At any rate, the sight was definitely making you hard, “skirt too,” you announced, reaching down to pull that off as well. She did lift her bum and allowed you to take it off, but after that, she immediately looked like she regretted it.

“Wh… wher’r my underwear,” she whimpered as she rolls over onto her side laying back in her own pee, now completely naked as she curls up into a ball.

“You peed in those as well, I had to take those off before I punished you. Do you remember what I did to punish you?”

“Mmmmmmm… a spanking?” she groaned, covering her eyes against the light.

“No,” you said, “I raped you. Do you know what rape means?”

With a groan and without moving her arm from her eyes, the naked 11-year-old curled up on your changing table simply shook her head in the negative.

“It means having sex with someone who doesn’t want to have sex,” you told her. “You know what sex is, right?”

Again, she shook her head in the negative, but she seemed to become tense and curl up into a tighter ball in response to this.

“I heard you had sex-ed in fourth grade here,” you told her, “you’re in sixth grade now, didn’t you pay attention?”

“Mmmm…” she groaned again, “it was too embarrassing,” well, that struck you as an interesting response, but it does fit a little bit with how she was reacting before, “umm…” she whimpered, “are there any girl teachers?” she asks this, once again shifting her legs to try and obscure more of her naked body, drawing them into a tighter ball and attempting to position her ankles over her exposed lower parts.

“Well,” you responded, “Mrs. Varano hasn’t gone home yet, and she said she will be staying till we’re done here, but if you want me to leave then that’s not happening. This is all part of your punishment for drinking all that alcohol. Also, since you don’t seem to remember your punishment, I’m probably going to have to rape you again.”

“Mmm…” she groaned in a non-committal acknowledgement. She really didn’t seem to have any idea about the terms you’re using, you literally said to her that you were about to rape her, and she seems quite unconcerned.

You took your pants down, letting your dick spring free. She glanced down for a moment as you crouch down in front of the changing table, getting ready to repeat her punishment from earlier in the day. At about this point, she did a double take, obviously shocked that you would have your penis out, and then clapped both her hands over her eyes.

“Wh… why’re you naked too?” she asked.

“I told you, it’s because I’m gonna rape you,” you said in an even and almost casual tone as though answering a child’s questions about why the sky is blue or something. She really did seem to be far more embarrassed by nudity, hers and yours alike, than afraid of the prospect of being raped.