Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Church/New Extreme

From All The Fallen Stories
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I think you should admit to him your inability to achieve or maintain an erection when tasked with punishing boys in the manner they need, then ask his advice if he knows anyone who can "assist with that onerous duty". Maybe he'll volunteer himself and Mr. Grandville for it. I confess I'm a bit disapointed that Liliana is getting knocked up by her dad in this path. Oh well, I'm a greedy bastard lol --Notsooldpervert (talk) 15:42, 16 January 2018 (CET)

I thought the dynamic of the family would be more interesting that way. Jemini (talk) 18:20, 16 January 2018 (CET)

No, you're right. It opens up a whole new side of the town's mentality. The mothers who strongly disapprove of the new rules, but are so brainwashed by the culture that raised them they while being cold and distant, will maintain perfect propriety and manners. They will take his coat, and offer him something to drink, while calmly "welcoming" this rapist into their house and leading him to her baby girl's bedroom. She will stand by and watch with cold stoicism as he ravishes the girl and fills her with his seed, then lead him back to the door, return his coat, and show him out with cold politeness. Then she'll clean and console her child while he goes to another house. It would be interesting to see a mother like that who watches the daily ravishing of her daughter, and see her thaw out as the girl enjoys the sex more and more. Perhaps she develops a Mrs. Varano like taboo thrill at watching it happen. Perhaps not cleaning her up right away and letting her husband or sons see the girl spread open dripping cum. Perhaps she finds a way to get her sons in trouble too so there's a chance she'll be called on to help with their punishment. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 19:44, 16 January 2018 (CET)

"I think you should admit to him your inability to achieve or maintain an erection when tasked with punishing boys in the manner they need" Now thats a flat out lie Notsooldpervert. --Foalpoots (talk) 00:42, 17 January 2018 (CET)

Foalpoots, Yeah there is that, but that is a sub-story-line not the "Cannon" story-line. The "Cannon" Story-line is he has no interest in the boys, just the girls. not every path can be the true main path, some are fantasies or alternate paths, but the overall story does have a set theme that the "Main" paths need to follow,currently. There are two branches of the "Cannon" story and that branch is weather the MC or The Headmaster impregnated the Headmasters daughter. All other branches are off cannon and do not follow the "Main" paths, to include him being interested in the boys. His goal is to impregnate all the girls, he would rather use others to corrupt the boys. --Telgar (talk) 1752, 16 January 2018 (PST)

Oh fuck you, since when are you in charge of the story ? This path was directly written by Tod Natürlich, so shut your mouth, you are being fake news. Also its spelled "Canon", dipshit --Foalpoots (talk) 03:20, 17 January 2018 (CET)

Well, as the style imitator and the one who actually wrote more than half the story, my word probably carries some weight that my impression of the MC is that he is primarily interested in the girls and hasn't really thought much about the boys. However, he can get turned on by boys, especially the young elementary-school aged ones. I would say the canon for this story is hazy at best. He would rather pass the boys off to someone else if he can, but there is absolutely no way he avoids giving any sexual punishments to boys. It's absolutely gonna be on the canon that that happens at least once every week or two. The only actual question is how into it he gets and how far he goes. Jemini (talk) 03:47, 17 January 2018 (CET)

Which is why Foalpoots should be completely behind this path, and the one where he's interviewing the staff to find males to fuck the boys. I also think, that even if he's not that turned on by fucking boys, he might be by making them fuck each other or seeing them do things with another adult (even if he's not interested in being that adult). Also, as director of discipline, he would feel obligated to at least monitor the boys' punishments. I'm not turned on by male on male action, but the scene where two boys who don't know what cum is fucking each other is kinda hot. This path gives him options to open things up for more male on male (which I'll probably read as part of this story, even though it's really not my thing). --Notsooldpervert (talk) 04:28, 17 January 2018 (CET)

Foalpoots, I do not apprentice being attacked for stating my opinion. I did not attack you, so please do not attack me. I responded the way I did, due to discussions in other areas between the main contributors of the story and the joint conclusion by them, that John was not into boys or into the male punishment, and that he would prefer to defer those punishments to others. I in no way meant it to insult or attack anyone preferences, for the story. However when dealing with stories like this it is usually good to have a main Canon story-line that continues through the story and then the other branches are alternate lines. This particular story has specific areas where it returns to the beginning and continues forward. thus the main Canon, story is even more important so as not to create confusion with the readers. The branches rarely end with a return to the original. I am also not saying that John will not or can not participate in the punishment on the boys, however it is not his preference to do so, thus Notsooldpervert's suggestion. --Telgar (talk) 06:48, 17 January 2018 (PSTT)